Gold (metallic) / #d4af37 Hex Color Code, RGB And Paints


★ 216#d5b034 ΔE = 0.522 / LRV ≈ 45.4%

  • Avian Brands

    ★ Wonder Struck Y19-006#d6b031 ΔE = 0.802 / LRV ≈ 45.6%

  • Caparol

    ★ Bali 0 / Bali 0 Kg#d4b030 ΔE = 0.857 / LRV ≈ 45.3%

  • Pantone / PMS

    ★ 15-0850 TCX / Ceylon Yellow#d4ae40 ΔE = 1.131 / LRV ≈ 44.6%

  • Earthpaint

    ★ 2-13-6 Sunbeam Glow#d8b03f ΔE = 1.249 / LRV ≈ 46.0%

  • Opaltone / OMS

    ★ 4061#d2b132 ΔE = 1.254 / LRV ≈ 45.4%

  • Dulux Australia

    ★ Ogen Melon / S16G9 / A193#d6ac34 ΔE = 1.334 / LRV ≈ 44.1%

  • Graham & Brown

    ★ Lioness#d4ab31 ΔE = 1.453 / LRV ≈ 43.3%

  • GM / General Motors

    ★ Yellow#cead32 ΔE = 1.458 / LRV ≈ 43.2%

  • PPG Pittsburgh Paints

    ★ Yarrow / PPG1214-7#d8ad39 ΔE = 1.507 / LRV ≈ 44.8%

  • Glidden

    ★ Yarrow / PPG1214-7#d8ad39 ΔE = 1.507 / LRV ≈ 44.8%

  • Taubmans

    ★ Golden Frog / T08 40-4#d5ab32 ΔE = 1.545 / LRV ≈ 43.5%

  • Asian Paints

    ★ Mustard Field / X102#cfaf2e ΔE = 1.559 / LRV ≈ 44.1%

  • Brighto Paints

    ★ 2-15-7 Yangtz#d6ac29 ΔE = 1.592 / LRV ≈ 44.0%

  • California Paints

    ★ DEA 122 - Brassy#d5ab2c ΔE = 1.636 / LRV ≈ 43.5%

  • Dunn-Edwards

    ★ Brassy / 1695#d5ab2c ΔE = 1.636 / LRV ≈ 43.5%

  • Porter Paints

    ★ Yarrow / 212-6#d9ad38 ΔE = 1.683 / LRV ≈ 44.9%

  • Sanderson

    ★ Pirate Gold#dab241 ΔE = 1.737 / LRV ≈ 47.1%

  • Clark+Kensington

    ★ Isla Bonita / 21C-7#d6b435 ΔE = 1.844 / LRV ≈ 47.2%Color Directory

    • Peru


    • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

      Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

    Color Blindness Simulation


    • Achromatopsia#acacac
    • Achromatomaly#beae77


    • Protanopia#c4c454
    • Deuteranopia#c6c95b
    • Tritanopia#d26b70


    • Protanomaly#d8bb46
    • Deuteranomaly#cdb948
    • Tritanomaly#d38f4d
    #d4af37 HTML / CSS Code Examples

    #d4af37 foreground

    Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.

    <p style="color: #d4af37">…</p>

    #d4af37 background

    I wish they would only take me as I am.

    <p style="background-color: #d4af37">…</p>

    #d4af37 shadow

    There is no must in art because art is free.

    <p style="text-shadow: 0.1em 0.1em 0.15em #d4af37">…</p>Color Charts
    • RGB


    • CMYK


    • RYB


    Color Space ConversionsDecimal13938487Binary11010100, 10101111, 00110111Hexadecimal#d4af37LRV≈ 44.9%Closest short hex#ca3 ΔE = 2.17RGBrgb(212, 175, 55)RGBArgba(212, 175, 55, 1.0)Adobe RGB (1998)R: 0.78852, G: 0.68035, B: 0.26582 / #c9ad44 ΔE = 3.006rg chromaticityr: 0.48, g: 0.396, b: 0.124RYBred: 40.552%, yellow: 83.137%, blue: 21.569%Android / / 0xffd4af37HSLhsl(46, 65%, 52%)HSLAhsla(46, 65%, 52%, 1.0)HSV / HSBhue: 46° (45.86), saturation: 74% (0.741), value: 83% (0.831)HSPhue: 45.86, saturation: 74.057%, perceived brightness: 69.888%HSLuv (HUSL)H: 65.464, S: 90.156, L: 72.849CubehelixH: 44.164, S: 1.116, L: 0.678TSLT: 2.082, S: 0.213, L: 0.676CMYKcyan: 0% (0.0), magenta: 17% (0.175), yellow: 74% (0.741), key: 17% (0.169)CMYcyan: 17% (0.169), magenta: 31% (0.314), yellow: 78% (0.784)XYZX: 43.173, Y: 44.935, Z: 10.013xyYx: 0.44, y: 0.458, Y: 44.935CIELabL: 72.849, a: 1.381, b: 62.914CIELuvL: 72.849, u: 31.505, v: 69.018CIELCH / LCHabL: 72.849, C: 62.929, H: 88.743CIELUV / LCHuvL: 72.849, C: 75.869, H: 65.464Hunter-LabL: 67.034, a: -2.346, b: 38.067CIECAM02J: 65.394, C: 52.151, h: 88.793, Q: 159.324, M: 45.605, s: 53.502, H: 98.031CAM16 JChlightness: 64.688, chroma: 47.69, hue: 91.879CAM16 JMhlightness: 64.688, colorfulness: 41.704, hue: 91.879CAM16 Jshlightness: 64.688, saturation: 51.3, hue: 91.879CAM16 QChperceived brightness: 158.47, chroma: 47.69, hue: 91.879CAM16 QMhperceived brightness: 158.47, colorfulness: 41.704, hue: 91.879CAM16 Qshperceived brightness: 158.47, saturation: 51.3, hue: 91.879CAM16 UCS JMhlightness: 75.694, colorfulness: 29.31, hue: 91.879CAM16 UCS Jablightness: 75.694, a: -0.961, b: 29.294OSA-UCSlightness: -9.811, jaune: 8.745, green: -0.026LMSL: 49.316, M: 45.962, S: 10.588YCbCrY: 164.074, Cb: 69.844, Cr: 152.763YCoCgY: 154.25, Cg: 20.75, Co: 92.25YDbDrY: 172.383, Db: -176.61, Dr: -75.361YPbPrY: 174.241, Pb: -64.255, Pr: 24.02xvYCCY: 165.642, Cb: 71.556, Cr: 149.1YIQY: 172.383, I: 60.593, Q: -29.512YUVY: 172.383, U: -57.762, V: 34.756Okhslh: 91.059, s: 0.816, l: 0.728Okhsvh: 91.059, s: 0.812, v: 0.846Okhwbh: 91.059, w: 0.159, b: 0.154Oklabl: 0.767, a: -0.003, b: 0.139Oklchl: 0.767, c: 0.139, h: 91.059JzAzBzJz: 0.01067, Az: 0.00127, Bz: 0.01293JzCzHzJz: 0.01067, Cz: 0.01299, Hz: 84.37323Munsell Color System5Y 7/8 ΔE = 2.633Brand ColorSouthwest Airlines Sunrise Yellow ΔE = 9.686Random Colors
    • #334051
    • #da21e2
    • #0f7d4b
    • #491400
    • #cfefd9


    • #d95d41
    • #7f2e2b
    • #ea8369
    • #e1aaa6
    • #894f4d


    • #538015
    • #4cd654
    • #4f9e64
    • #18632d
    • #319115


    • #7480b5
    • #a6a9d0
    • #353a77
    • #1848af
    • #19296c
  • Từ khóa » Html Color Codes Gold Silver Bronze