Hải Phòng Ơi ( Remix ) By Duy Mạnh From Vietnam | Popnable

"Hải Phòng Ơi ( Remix )" Facts

"Hải Phòng Ơi ( Remix )" has reached 1.7M total views, 13.7K likes, and 0 dislikes on YouTube. The song has been submitted on 04/06/2020 and spent 3 weeks on the charts.

The original name of the music video "Hải Phòng Ơi ( Remix )" is "HẢI PHÒNG ƠI ( REMIX )DUY MẠNH - OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO".

"Hải Phòng Ơi ( Remix )" has been published on Youtube at 03/06/2020 08:00:11

Từ khóa » Hải Phòng ơi Duy Mạnh Remix