Hao Ling | University Of Texas At Austin - Typeset

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HHao Ling

University of Texas at Austin

Publications -  339Citations -  9940

Hao Ling is an academic researcher from University of Texas at Austin. The author has contributed to research in topics: Radar imaging & Inverse synthetic aperture radar. The author has an hindex of 51, co-authored 322 publications receiving 9246 citations. Previous affiliations of Hao Ling include Hanyang University & Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

OverviewPapers (339)
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Shooting and bouncing rays: calculating the RCS of an arbitrarily shaped cavity

Hao Ling,R.-C. Chou,Shung-Wu Lee +2 more - 01 Feb 1989 - IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propag...Show LessTL;DR: In this article, a ray-shooting approach is presented for calculating the interior radar cross section (RCS) from a partially open cavity, where a dense grid of rays is launched into the cavity through the opening....read moreread less831Book

Time-Frequency Transforms for Radar Imaging and Signal Analysis

Victor C. Chen,Hao Ling +1 moreShow LessTL;DR: This work presents a meta-analysis of radar electronic backscattering radar signals radar ambiguity function and matched filter synthetic aperture radar imaging, which highlights the importance of time-frequency transforms for radar applications....read moreread less804Journal ArticleDOI

Human Activity Classification Based on Micro-Doppler Signatures Using a Support Vector Machine

Youngwook Kim,Hao Ling +1 moreCalifornia State University,University of Texas at Austin - 16 Mar 2009 - IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remo...Show LessTL;DR: The feasibility of classifying different human activities based on micro-Doppler signatures is investigated and the potentials of classify human activities over extended time duration, through wall, and at oblique angles with respect to the radar are investigated and discussed....read moreread less756Journal ArticleDOI

ISAR motion compensation via adaptive joint time-frequency technique

Yuanxun Wang,Hao Ling,Victor C. Chen +2 moreUniversity of Texas at Austin,United States Naval Research Laboratory - 01 Dec 1998 - IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Elect...Show LessTL;DR: In this paper, an adaptive joint time-frequency (AJTF) projection technique was proposed for inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imaging for both target translational motion and rotational motion nonuniformity compensation....read moreread less251Journal ArticleDOI

Application of adaptive chirplet representation for ISAR feature extraction from targets with rotating parts

J. Li,Hao Ling +1 moreUniversity of Texas at AustinShow LessTL;DR: The problem of feature extraction from inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) data collected from targets with rotating parts is addressed and point-scatterer simulation results show that better geometrical features of the body and better micro-Doppler Features of the rotating part can be extracted after the separation....read moreread less209
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