Height - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets - MDN Web Docs

  1. References
  2. CSS
  3. height
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  • Try it
  • Syntax
  • Accessibility
  • Formal definition
  • Formal syntax
  • Examples
  • Specifications
  • Browser compatibility
  • See also
  1. CSS
  2. Tutorials
  3. CSS basics
  4. CSS first steps
    1. CSS first steps overview
    2. What is CSS?
    3. Getting started with CSS
    4. How CSS is structured
    5. How CSS works
    6. Assessment: Styling a biography page
  5. CSS building blocks
    1. CSS building blocks overview
    2. CSS selectors
    3. Type, class, and ID selectors
    4. Attribute selectors
    5. Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements
    6. Combinators
    7. Cascade, specificity, and inheritance
    8. Cascade layers
    9. The box model
    10. Backgrounds and borders
    11. Handling different text directions
    12. Overflowing content
    13. CSS values and units
    14. Sizing items in CSS
    15. Images, media, and form elements
    16. Styling tables
    17. Debugging CSS
    18. Organizing your CSS
    19. Assessment: Fundamental CSS comprehension
    20. Assessment: Creating fancy letterheaded paper
    21. Assessment: A cool-looking box
  6. Styling text
    1. Styling text overview
    2. Fundamental text and font styling
    3. Styling lists
    4. Styling links
    5. Web fonts
    6. Assessment: Typesetting a community school homepage
  7. CSS layout
    1. CSS layout overview
    2. Introduction to CSS layout
    3. Normal Flow
    4. Flexbox
    5. Grids
    6. Floats
    7. Positioning
    8. Multiple-column layout
    9. Responsive design
    10. Beginner's guide to media queries
    11. Legacy layout methods
    12. Supporting older browsers
    13. Assessment: Fundamental layout comprehension
  8. Reference
  9. Modules
    1. CSS anchor positioning
    2. CSS animations
    3. CSS backgrounds and borders
    4. CSS basic user interface
    5. CSS box alignment
    6. CSS box model
    7. CSS box sizing
    8. CSS cascade and inheritance
    9. CSS custom properties for cascading variables
    10. CSS color adjustment
    11. CSS colors
    12. CSS compositing and blending
    13. CSS conditional rules
    14. CSS containment
    15. CSS counter styles
    16. CSS display
    17. CSS filter effects
    18. CSS flexible box layout
    19. CSS font loading
    20. CSS fonts
    21. CSS fragmentation
    22. CSS generated content
    23. CSS grid layout
    24. CSS images
    25. CSS inline layout
    26. CSS lists and counters
    27. CSS logical properties and values
    28. CSS masking
    29. CSS media queries
    30. CSS motion path
    31. CSS multi-column layout
    32. CSS namespaces
    33. CSS nesting
    34. CSS overflow
    35. CSS overscroll behavior
    36. CSS paged media
    37. CSS positioned layout
    38. CSS properties and values API
    39. CSS pseudo-elements
    40. CSS ruby layout
    41. CSS scoping
    42. CSS scroll-driven animations
    43. CSS scroll snap
    44. CSS scrollbars styling
    45. CSS selectors
    46. CSS shadow parts
    47. CSS shapes
    48. CSS syntax
    49. CSS table
    50. CSS text
    51. CSS text decoration
    52. CSS transforms
    53. CSS transitions
    54. CSS view transitions
    55. CSS writing modes
    56. CSSOM view
  10. Properties
    1. -moz-*
      1. -moz-float-edge Non-standard Deprecated
      2. -moz-force-broken-image-icon Non-standard Deprecated
      3. -moz-image-region Non-standard
      4. -moz-orient Non-standard
      5. -moz-user-focus Non-standard Deprecated
      6. -moz-user-input Non-standard Deprecated
    2. -webkit-*
      1. -webkit-border-before Non-standard
      2. -webkit-box-reflect Non-standard
      3. -webkit-line-clamp
      4. -webkit-mask-box-image Non-standard
      5. -webkit-mask-composite Non-standard
      6. -webkit-mask-position-x Non-standard
      7. -webkit-mask-position-y Non-standard
      8. -webkit-mask-repeat-x Non-standard
      9. -webkit-mask-repeat-y Non-standard
      10. -webkit-tap-highlight-color Non-standard
      11. -webkit-text-fill-color
      12. -webkit-text-security Non-standard
      13. -webkit-text-stroke
      14. -webkit-text-stroke-color
      15. -webkit-text-stroke-width
      16. -webkit-touch-callout Non-standard
    3. accent-color
    4. align-*
      1. align-content
      2. align-items
      3. align-self
    5. all
    6. anchor-name Experimental
    7. animation-*
      1. animation
      2. animation-composition
      3. animation-delay
      4. animation-direction
      5. animation-duration
      6. animation-fill-mode
      7. animation-iteration-count
      8. animation-name
      9. animation-play-state
      10. animation-range Experimental
      11. animation-range-end Experimental
      12. animation-range-start Experimental
      13. animation-timeline Experimental
      14. animation-timing-function
    8. appearance
    9. aspect-ratio
    10. backdrop-filter
    11. backface-visibility
    12. background-*
      1. background
      2. background-attachment
      3. background-blend-mode
      4. background-clip
      5. background-color
      6. background-image
      7. background-origin
      8. background-position
      9. background-position-x
      10. background-position-y
      11. background-repeat
      12. background-size
    13. block-size
    14. border-*
      1. border
      2. border-block
      3. border-block-color
      4. border-block-end
      5. border-block-end-color
      6. border-block-end-style
      7. border-block-end-width
      8. border-block-start
      9. border-block-start-color
      10. border-block-start-style
      11. border-block-start-width
      12. border-block-style
      13. border-block-width
      14. border-bottom
      15. border-bottom-color
      16. border-bottom-left-radius
      17. border-bottom-right-radius
      18. border-bottom-style
      19. border-bottom-width
      20. border-collapse
      21. border-color
      22. border-end-end-radius
      23. border-end-start-radius
      24. border-image
      25. border-image-outset
      26. border-image-repeat
      27. border-image-slice
      28. border-image-source
      29. border-image-width
      30. border-inline
      31. border-inline-color
      32. border-inline-end
      33. border-inline-end-color
      34. border-inline-end-style
      35. border-inline-end-width
      36. border-inline-start
      37. border-inline-start-color
      38. border-inline-start-style
      39. border-inline-start-width
      40. border-inline-style
      41. border-inline-width
      42. border-left
      43. border-left-color
      44. border-left-style
      45. border-left-width
      46. border-radius
      47. border-right
      48. border-right-color
      49. border-right-style
      50. border-right-width
      51. border-spacing
      52. border-start-end-radius
      53. border-start-start-radius
      54. border-style
      55. border-top
      56. border-top-color
      57. border-top-left-radius
      58. border-top-right-radius
      59. border-top-style
      60. border-top-width
      61. border-width
    15. bottom
    16. box-*
      1. box-align Non-standard Deprecated
      2. box-decoration-break
      3. box-direction Non-standard Deprecated
      4. box-flex Non-standard Deprecated
      5. box-flex-group Non-standard Deprecated
      6. box-lines Non-standard Deprecated
      7. box-ordinal-group Non-standard Deprecated
      8. box-orient Non-standard Deprecated
      9. box-pack Non-standard Deprecated
      10. box-shadow
      11. box-sizing
    17. break-*
      1. break-after
      2. break-before
      3. break-inside
    18. caption-side
    19. caret-color
    20. clear
    21. clip-*
      1. clip Deprecated
      2. clip-path
      3. clip-rule
    22. color-*
      1. color
      2. color-interpolation
      3. color-interpolation-filters
      4. color-scheme
    23. column-*
      1. column-count
      2. column-fill
      3. column-gap
      4. column-rule
      5. column-rule-color
      6. column-rule-style
      7. column-rule-width
      8. column-span
      9. column-width
    24. columns
    25. contain-*
      1. contain
      2. contain-intrinsic-block-size
      3. contain-intrinsic-height
      4. contain-intrinsic-inline-size
      5. contain-intrinsic-size
      6. contain-intrinsic-width
    26. container-*
      1. container
      2. container-name
      3. container-type
    27. content
    28. content-visibility
    29. counter-*
      1. counter-increment
      2. counter-reset
      3. counter-set
    30. cursor
    31. cx
    32. cy
    33. d
    34. direction
    35. display
    36. dominant-baseline
    37. empty-cells
    38. field-sizing Experimental
    39. fill-*
      1. fill
      2. fill-opacity
      3. fill-rule
    40. filter
    41. flex-*
      1. flex
      2. flex-basis
      3. flex-direction
      4. flex-flow
      5. flex-grow
      6. flex-shrink
      7. flex-wrap
    42. float
    43. flood-color
    44. flood-opacity
    45. font-*
      1. font
      2. font-family
      3. font-feature-settings
      4. font-kerning
      5. font-language-override
      6. font-optical-sizing
      7. font-palette
      8. font-size
      9. font-size-adjust
      10. font-smooth Non-standard
      11. font-stretch
      12. font-style
      13. font-synthesis
      14. font-synthesis-position
      15. font-synthesis-small-caps
      16. font-synthesis-style
      17. font-synthesis-weight
      18. font-variant
      19. font-variant-alternates
      20. font-variant-caps
      21. font-variant-east-asian
      22. font-variant-emoji
      23. font-variant-ligatures
      24. font-variant-numeric
      25. font-variant-position
      26. font-variation-settings
      27. font-weight
    46. forced-color-adjust
    47. gap
    48. grid-*
      1. grid
      2. grid-area
      3. grid-auto-columns
      4. grid-auto-flow
      5. grid-auto-rows
      6. grid-column
      7. grid-column-end
      8. grid-column-start
      9. grid-row
      10. grid-row-end
      11. grid-row-start
      12. grid-template
      13. grid-template-areas
      14. grid-template-columns
      15. grid-template-rows
    49. hanging-punctuation
    50. height
    51. hyphenate-character
    52. hyphenate-limit-chars
    53. hyphens
    54. image-*
      1. image-orientation
      2. image-rendering
      3. image-resolution Experimental
    55. initial-letter
    56. inline-size
    57. inset-*
      1. inset
      2. inset-block
      3. inset-block-end
      4. inset-block-start
      5. inset-inline
      6. inset-inline-end
      7. inset-inline-start
    58. interpolate-size Experimental
    59. isolation
    60. justify-*
      1. justify-content
      2. justify-items
      3. justify-self
    61. left
    62. letter-spacing
    63. lighting-color
    64. line-*
      1. line-break
      2. line-height
      3. line-height-step Experimental
    65. list-*
      1. list-style
      2. list-style-image
      3. list-style-position
      4. list-style-type
    66. margin-*
      1. margin
      2. margin-block
      3. margin-block-end
      4. margin-block-start
      5. margin-bottom
      6. margin-inline
      7. margin-inline-end
      8. margin-inline-start
      9. margin-left
      10. margin-right
      11. margin-top
      12. margin-trim Experimental
    67. marker-*
      1. marker
      2. marker-end
      3. marker-mid
      4. marker-start
    68. mask-*
      1. mask
      2. mask-border
      3. mask-border-mode
      4. mask-border-outset
      5. mask-border-repeat
      6. mask-border-slice
      7. mask-border-source
      8. mask-border-width
      9. mask-clip
      10. mask-composite
      11. mask-image
      12. mask-mode
      13. mask-origin
      14. mask-position
      15. mask-repeat
      16. mask-size
      17. mask-type
    69. math-*
      1. math-depth
      2. math-shift Experimental
      3. math-style
    70. max-*
      1. max-block-size
      2. max-height
      3. max-inline-size
      4. max-width
    71. min-*
      1. min-block-size
      2. min-height
      3. min-inline-size
      4. min-width
    72. mix-blend-mode
    73. object-fit
    74. object-position
    75. offset-*
      1. offset
      2. offset-anchor
      3. offset-distance
      4. offset-path
      5. offset-position
      6. offset-rotate
    76. opacity
    77. order
    78. orphans
    79. outline-*
      1. outline
      2. outline-color
      3. outline-offset
      4. outline-style
      5. outline-width
    80. overflow-*
      1. overflow
      2. overflow-anchor
      3. overflow-block
      4. overflow-clip-margin
      5. overflow-inline
      6. overflow-wrap
      7. overflow-x
      8. overflow-y
    81. overlay Experimental
    82. overscroll-*
      1. overscroll-behavior
      2. overscroll-behavior-block
      3. overscroll-behavior-inline
      4. overscroll-behavior-x
      5. overscroll-behavior-y
    83. padding-*
      1. padding
      2. padding-block
      3. padding-block-end
      4. padding-block-start
      5. padding-bottom
      6. padding-inline
      7. padding-inline-end
      8. padding-inline-start
      9. padding-left
      10. padding-right
      11. padding-top
    84. page-*
      1. page
      2. page-break-after
      3. page-break-before
      4. page-break-inside
    85. paint-order
    86. perspective
    87. perspective-origin
    88. place-*
      1. place-content
      2. place-items
      3. place-self
    89. pointer-events
    90. position-*
      1. position
      2. position-anchor Experimental
      3. position-area
      4. position-try Experimental
      5. position-try-fallbacks Experimental
      6. position-try-order Experimental
      7. position-visibility Experimental
    91. print-color-adjust
    93. r
    94. resize
    95. right
    96. rotate
    97. row-gap
    98. ruby-align
    99. ruby-position
    100. rx
    101. ry
    102. scale
    103. scroll-*
      1. scroll-behavior
      2. scroll-margin
      3. scroll-margin-block
      4. scroll-margin-block-end
      5. scroll-margin-block-start
      6. scroll-margin-bottom
      7. scroll-margin-inline
      8. scroll-margin-inline-end
      9. scroll-margin-inline-start
      10. scroll-margin-left
      11. scroll-margin-right
      12. scroll-margin-top
      13. scroll-padding
      14. scroll-padding-block
      15. scroll-padding-block-end
      16. scroll-padding-block-start
      17. scroll-padding-bottom
      18. scroll-padding-inline
      19. scroll-padding-inline-end
      20. scroll-padding-inline-start
      21. scroll-padding-left
      22. scroll-padding-right
      23. scroll-padding-top
      24. scroll-snap-align
      25. scroll-snap-stop
      26. scroll-snap-type
      27. scroll-timeline Experimental
      28. scroll-timeline-axis Experimental
      29. scroll-timeline-name Experimental
    104. scrollbar-*
      1. scrollbar-color
      2. scrollbar-gutter
      3. scrollbar-width
    105. shape-*
      1. shape-image-threshold
      2. shape-margin
      3. shape-outside
      4. shape-rendering
    106. stop-color
    107. stop-opacity
    108. stroke-*
      1. stroke
      2. stroke-dasharray
      3. stroke-dashoffset
      4. stroke-linecap
      5. stroke-linejoin
      6. stroke-miterlimit
      7. stroke-opacity
      8. stroke-width
    109. tab-size
    110. table-layout
    111. text-*
      1. text-align
      2. text-align-last
      3. text-anchor
      4. text-combine-upright
      5. text-decoration
      6. text-decoration-color
      7. text-decoration-line
      8. text-decoration-skip Experimental
      9. text-decoration-skip-ink
      10. text-decoration-style
      11. text-decoration-thickness
      12. text-emphasis
      13. text-emphasis-color
      14. text-emphasis-position
      15. text-emphasis-style
      16. text-indent
      17. text-justify
      18. text-orientation
      19. text-overflow
      20. text-rendering
      21. text-shadow
      22. text-size-adjust Experimental
      23. text-spacing-trim Experimental
      24. text-transform
      25. text-underline-offset
      26. text-underline-position
      27. text-wrap
      28. text-wrap-mode
      29. text-wrap-style
    112. timeline-scope Experimental
    113. top
    114. touch-action
    115. transform-*
      1. transform
      2. transform-box
      3. transform-origin
      4. transform-style
    116. transition-*
      1. transition
      2. transition-behavior
      3. transition-delay
      4. transition-duration
      5. transition-property
      6. transition-timing-function
    117. translate
    118. unicode-bidi
    119. user-modify Non-standard Deprecated
    120. user-select
    121. vector-effect
    122. vertical-align
    123. view-*
      1. view-timeline Experimental
      2. view-timeline-axis Experimental
      3. view-timeline-inset Experimental
      4. view-timeline-name Experimental
      5. view-transition-name
    124. visibility
    125. white-space
    126. white-space-collapse
    127. widows
    128. width
    129. will-change
    130. word-break
    131. word-spacing
    132. writing-mode
    133. x
    134. y
    135. z-index
    136. zoom
  11. Selectors
    1. Attribute selectors
    2. Class selectors
    3. ID selectors
    4. & nesting selector
    5. Type selectors
    6. Universal selectors
  12. Combinators
    1. Child combinator
    2. Column combinator Experimental
    3. Descendant combinator
    4. Namespace separator
    5. Next-sibling combinator
    6. Selector list
    7. Subsequent-sibling combinator
  13. Pseudo-classes
    1. :-moz-broken Non-standard Deprecated
    2. :-moz-drag-over Non-standard
    3. :-moz-first-node Experimental Non-standard
    4. :-moz-handler-blocked Non-standard
    5. :-moz-handler-crashed Non-standard
    6. :-moz-handler-disabled Non-standard
    7. :-moz-last-node Experimental Non-standard
    8. :-moz-loading Non-standard
    9. :-moz-locale-dir(ltr) Non-standard
    10. :-moz-locale-dir(rtl) Non-standard
    11. :-moz-only-whitespace Non-standard
    12. :-moz-submit-invalid Non-standard
    13. :-moz-suppressed Non-standard
    14. :-moz-user-disabled Non-standard
    15. :-moz-window-inactive Non-standard
    16. :active
    17. :any-link
    18. :autofill
    19. :blank Experimental
    20. :buffering
    21. :checked
    22. :current
    23. :default
    24. :defined
    25. :dir()
    26. :disabled
    27. :empty
    28. :enabled
    29. :first
    30. :first-child
    31. :first-of-type
    32. :focus
    33. :focus-visible
    34. :focus-within
    35. :fullscreen
    36. :future
    37. :has()
    38. :host
    39. :host-context()
    40. :host()
    41. :hover
    42. :in-range
    43. :indeterminate
    44. :invalid
    45. :is()
    46. :lang()
    47. :last-child
    48. :last-of-type
    49. :left
    50. :link
    51. :local-link
    52. :modal
    53. :muted
    54. :not()
    55. :nth-child()
    56. :nth-last-child()
    57. :nth-last-of-type()
    58. :nth-of-type()
    59. :only-child
    60. :only-of-type
    61. :optional
    62. :out-of-range
    63. :past
    64. :paused
    65. :picture-in-picture
    66. :placeholder-shown
    67. :playing
    68. :popover-open
    69. :read-only
    70. :read-write
    71. :required
    72. :right
    73. :root
    74. :scope
    75. :seeking
    76. :stalled
    77. :state()
    78. :target
    79. :target-within Experimental
    80. :user-invalid
    81. :user-valid
    82. :valid
    83. :visited
    84. :volume-locked
    85. :where()
  14. Pseudo-elements
    1. ::-moz-color-swatch Non-standard
    2. ::-moz-focus-inner Experimental Non-standard
    3. ::-moz-list-bullet Experimental Non-standard
    4. ::-moz-list-number Experimental Non-standard
    5. ::-moz-meter-bar Non-standard
    6. ::-moz-progress-bar Experimental Non-standard
    7. ::-moz-range-progress Non-standard
    8. ::-moz-range-thumb Non-standard
    9. ::-moz-range-track Non-standard
    10. ::-webkit-inner-spin-button Non-standard
    11. ::-webkit-meter-bar Non-standard Deprecated
    12. ::-webkit-meter-even-less-good-value Non-standard
    13. ::-webkit-meter-inner-element Non-standard
    14. ::-webkit-meter-optimum-value Non-standard
    15. ::-webkit-meter-suboptimum-value Non-standard
    16. ::-webkit-progress-bar Non-standard
    17. ::-webkit-progress-inner-element Non-standard
    18. ::-webkit-progress-value Non-standard
    19. ::-webkit-scrollbar Non-standard
    20. ::-webkit-search-cancel-button Non-standard
    21. ::-webkit-search-results-button Non-standard
    22. ::-webkit-slider-runnable-track Experimental
    23. ::-webkit-slider-thumb Experimental
    24. ::after
    25. ::backdrop
    26. ::before
    27. ::cue
    28. ::file-selector-button
    29. ::first-letter
    30. ::first-line
    31. ::grammar-error
    32. ::highlight()
    33. ::marker
    34. ::part()
    35. ::placeholder
    36. ::selection
    37. ::slotted()
    38. ::spelling-error
    39. ::target-text
    40. ::view-transition
    41. ::view-transition-group
    42. ::view-transition-image-pair
    43. ::view-transition-new
    44. ::view-transition-old
  15. At-rules
    1. @charset
    2. @color-profile
    3. @container
    4. @counter-style
    5. @document Non-standard Deprecated
    6. @font-face
    7. @font-feature-values
    8. @font-palette-values
    9. @import
    10. @keyframes
    11. @layer
    12. @media
    13. @namespace
    14. @page
    15. @position-try Experimental
    16. @property
    17. @scope
    18. @starting-style
    19. @supports
    20. @view-transition Experimental
  16. Functions
    1. -moz-image-rect Non-standard Deprecated
    2. abs()
    3. acos()
    4. anchor-size() Experimental
    5. anchor() Experimental
    6. asin()
    7. atan()
    8. atan2()
    9. attr()
    10. blur()
    11. brightness()
    12. calc-size() Experimental
    13. calc()
    14. circle()
    15. clamp()
    16. color-contrast() Experimental
    17. color-mix()
    18. color()
    19. conic-gradient()
    20. contrast()
    21. cos()
    22. counter()
    23. counters()
    24. cross-fade()
    25. device-cmyk()
    26. drop-shadow()
    27. element() Experimental
    28. ellipse()
    29. env()
    30. exp()
    31. fit-content()
    32. grayscale()
    33. hsl()
    34. hue-rotate()
    35. hwb()
    36. hypot()
    37. image-set()
    38. image()
    39. inset()
    40. invert()
    41. lab()
    42. layer()
    43. lch()
    44. light-dark()
    45. linear-gradient()
    46. log()
    47. matrix()
    48. matrix3d()
    49. max()
    50. min()
    51. minmax()
    52. mod()
    53. oklab()
    54. oklch()
    55. opacity()
    56. paint()
    57. palette-mix() Experimental
    58. path()
    59. perspective()
    60. polygon()
    61. pow()
    62. radial-gradient()
    63. ray()
    64. rect()
    65. rem()
    66. repeat()
    67. repeating-conic-gradient()
    68. repeating-linear-gradient()
    69. repeating-radial-gradient()
    70. rgb()
    71. rotate()
    72. rotate3d()
    73. rotateX()
    74. rotateY()
    75. rotateZ()
    76. round()
    77. saturate()
    78. scale()
    79. scale3d()
    80. scaleX()
    81. scaleY()
    82. scaleZ()
    83. scroll() Experimental
    84. sepia()
    85. shape() Experimental
    86. sign()
    87. sin()
    88. skew()
    89. skewX()
    90. skewY()
    91. sqrt()
    92. symbols()
    93. tan()
    94. translate()
    95. translate3d()
    96. translateX()
    97. translateY()
    98. translateZ()
    99. url()
    100. var()
    101. view() Experimental
    102. xywh()
  17. Types
    1. <absolute-size>
    2. <alpha-value>
    3. <angle>
    4. <angle-percentage>
    5. <basic-shape>
    6. <blend-mode>
    7. <box-edge>
    8. <calc-keyword>
    9. <calc-sum>
    10. <color-interpolation-method>
    11. <color>
    12. <custom-ident>
    13. <dashed-ident>
    14. <dimension>
    15. <display-box>
    16. <display-inside>
    17. <display-internal>
    18. <display-legacy>
    19. <display-listitem>
    20. <display-outside>
    21. <easing-function>
    22. <filter-function>
    23. <flex>
    24. <frequency>
    25. <frequency-percentage>
    26. <generic-family>
    27. <gradient>
    28. <hex-color>
    29. <hue>
    30. <hue-interpolation-method>
    31. <ident>
    32. <image>
    33. <integer>
    34. <length>
    35. <length-percentage>
    36. <line-style>
    37. <named-color>
    38. <number>
    39. <overflow>
    40. <percentage>
    41. <position-area>
    42. <position>
    43. <ratio>
    44. <relative-size>
    45. <resolution>
    46. <shape> Deprecated
    47. <string>
    48. <system-color>
    49. <time>
    50. <time-percentage>
    51. <transform-function>
    52. <url>
  18. Guides
  19. Animations
    1. Using CSS animations
  20. Backgrounds and Borders
    1. Using multiple backgrounds
    2. Resizing background images
  21. Box alignment
    1. Box alignment in block layout
    2. Box alignment in flexbox
    3. Box alignment in grid layout
    4. Box alignment in multi-column layout
  22. Box model
    1. Introduction to the CSS basic box model
    2. Mastering margin collapsing
  23. Colors
    1. Applying color to HTML elements
    2. Color values
    3. Using relative colors
    4. Using color wisely
    5. Accessibility: Understanding colors and luminance
    6. Accessibility: Color contrast
  24. Columns
    1. Basic concepts of Multicol
    2. Styling columns
    3. Spanning and balancing
    4. Handling overflow in Multicol
    5. Content breaks in Multicol
  25. Conditional rules
    1. Using feature queries
  26. Containment
    1. Using CSS containment
    2. CSS container queries
    3. Using container size and style queries
  27. CSSOM view
    1. Coordinate systems
  28. Flexbox
    1. Basic concepts of Flexbox
    2. Comparison with other layout methods
    3. Aligning items in a flex container
    4. Ordering flex items
    5. Controlling flex item ratios
    6. Mastering wrapping of flex items
    7. Typical use cases of Flexbox
  29. Flow layout
    1. Block and Inline layout in normal flow
    2. In flow and Out of flow
    3. Formatting contexts explained
    4. Flow layout and writing modes
    5. Flow layout and overflow
  30. Fonts
    1. OpenType font features guide
    2. Variable fonts guide
  31. Grid
    1. Basics concepts of grid layout
    2. Relationship to other layout methods
    3. Line-based placement
    4. Grid template areas
    5. Layout using named grid lines
    6. Auto-placement in grid layout
    7. Box alignment in grid layout
    8. Grids, logical values and writing modes
    9. Grid layout and accessibility
    10. Grid Layout and progressive enhancement
    11. Realizing common layouts using grids
    12. Subgrid
    13. Masonry layout
  32. Images
    1. Using CSS gradients
  33. Lists and counters
    1. Using CSS counters
    2. Consistent list indentation
  34. Logical properties
    1. Basic concepts
    2. Floating and positioning
    3. Margins, borders and padding
    4. Sizing
  35. Math functions
    1. Using CSS math functions
  36. Media queries
    1. Using media queries
    2. Using media queries for accessibility
    3. Testing media queries programmatically
    4. Printing
  37. Nesting style rules
    1. Using CSS nesting
    2. Nesting at-rules
    3. Nesting and specificity
  38. Positioning
    1. Understanding CSS z-index
  39. Scroll snap
    1. Basic concepts of scroll snap
  40. Shapes
    1. Overview of shapes
    2. Shapes from box values
    3. Basic shapes
    4. Shapes from images
  41. Text
    1. Wrapping and breaking text
  42. Transforms
    1. Using transforms
  43. Transitions
    1. Using transitions
  44. Layout cookbook
    1. Media objects
    2. Columns
    3. Center an element
    4. Sticky footers
    5. Split navigation
    6. Breadcrumb navigation
    7. List group with badges
    8. Pagination
    9. Card
    10. Grid wrapper
  45. Tools
    1. Color picker
    2. Box shadow generator
    3. Border image generator
    4. Border radius generator
  • Try it
  • Syntax
  • Accessibility
  • Formal definition
  • Formal syntax
  • Examples
  • Specifications
  • Browser compatibility
  • See also

The height CSS property specifies the height of an element. By default, the property defines the height of the content area. If box-sizing is set to border-box, however, it instead determines the height of the border area.

Try it

The min-height and max-height properties override height.

Note: As a geometric property, height also applies to the <svg>, <rect>, <image>, and <foreignObject> SVG elements, with auto resolving to 0 and percent values being relative to the SVG viewport height for <rect>. The CSS height property value overrides any SVG height attribute value set on the SVG element.


css/* <length> values */ height: 120px; height: 10em; height: 100vh; height: anchor-size(height); height: anchor-size(--myAnchor self-block, 250px); height: clamp(200px, anchor-size(width)); /* <percentage> value */ height: 75%; /* Keyword values */ height: max-content; height: min-content; height: fit-content; height: fit-content(20em); height: auto; height: minmax(min-content, anchor-size(width)); height: stretch; /* Global values */ height: inherit; height: initial; height: revert; height: revert-layer; height: unset;



Defines the height as a distance value.


Defines the height as a percentage of the containing block's height.


The browser will calculate and select a height for the specified element.


The intrinsic preferred height.


The intrinsic minimum height.


Use the available space, but not more than max-content, i.e. min(max-content, max(min-content, stretch)).


Uses the fit-content formula with the available space replaced by the specified argument, i.e. min(max-content, max(min-content, <length-percentage>)).


Sets the height of the element's margin box to the height of its containing block. It attempts to make the margin box fill the available space in the containing block, so in a way behaving similar to 100% but applying the resulting size to the margin box rather than the box determined by box-sizing.

Note: To check aliases used by browsers for the stretch value and its implementation status, see the Browser compatibility section.


Ensure that elements set with a height aren't truncated and/or don't obscure other content when the page is zoomed to increase text size.

  • MDN Understanding WCAG, Guideline 1.4 explanations
  • Understanding Success Criterion 1.4.4 | W3C Understanding WCAG 2.0

Formal definition

Initial valueauto
Applies toall elements but non-replaced inline elements, table columns, and column groups
PercentagesThe percentage is calculated with respect to the height of the generated box's containing block. If the height of the containing block is not specified explicitly (i.e., it depends on content height), and this element is not absolutely positioned, the value computes to auto. A percentage height on the root element is relative to the initial containing block.
Computed valuea percentage or auto or the absolute length
Animation typea length, percentage or calc();

Formal syntax

height = auto | <length-percentage [0,∞]> | min-content | max-content | fit-content( <length-percentage [0,∞]> ) | <calc-size()> | <anchor-size()> <length-percentage> = <length> | <percentage> <calc-size()> = calc-size( <calc-size-basis> , <calc-sum> ) <anchor-size()> = anchor-size( [ <anchor-name> || <anchor-size> ]? , <length-percentage>? ) <calc-size-basis> = <intrinsic-size-keyword> | <calc-size()> | any | <calc-sum> <calc-sum> = <calc-product> [ [ '+' | '-' ] <calc-product> ]* <anchor-name> = <dashed-ident> <anchor-size> = width | height | block | inline | self-block | self-inline <calc-product> = <calc-value> [ [ '*' | '/' ] <calc-value> ]* <calc-value> = <number> | <dimension> | <percentage> | <calc-keyword> | ( <calc-sum> ) <calc-keyword> = e | pi | infinity | -infinity | NaN


Setting height using pixels and percentages


html<div id="taller">I'm 50 pixels tall.</div> <div id="shorter">I'm 25 pixels tall.</div> <div id="parent"> <div id="child">I'm half the height of my parent.</div> </div>


cssdiv { width: 250px; margin-bottom: 5px; border: 2px solid blue; } #taller { height: 50px; } #shorter { height: 25px; } #parent { height: 100px; } #child { height: 50%; width: 75%; }



CSS Box Sizing Module Level 3 # preferred-size-properties
CSS Box Sizing Module Level 4 # sizing-values

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

  • width
  • box-sizing
  • min-height, max-height
  • block-size, inline-size
  • anchor-size()
  • clamp()
  • minmax()
  • Introduction to the CSS basic box model
  • CSS box model module

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This page was last modified on Oct 8, 2024 by MDN contributors.

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Từ khóa » Html Table Stretch Height