Hex To ASCII Text String Converter
Có thể bạn quan tâm
Enter hex bytes with any prefix / postfix / delimiter and press the Convert button(e.g. 45 78 61 6d 70 6C 65 21):
From Binary Decimal Octal Hexadecimal Text To Binary Decimal Octal Hexadecimal Text Open File Paste hex numbers or drop file Character encoding ASCII Unicode UTF-8 UTF-16 UTF-16 little endian UTF-16 big endian Windows-1252 Big5 (Chinese) CP866 (Russian) EUC-JP (Japanese) EUC-KR (Korean) GB 18030 (Chinese) GB 2312 (Chinese) ISO-2022-CN (Chinese) ISO-2022-JP (Japanese) ISO-8859-1 (Latin1/Western European) ISO-8859-2 (Latin2/Eastern European) ISO-8859-3 (Latin3/South European) ISO-8859-4 (Latin4/North European) ISO-8859-5 (Latin/Cyrillic) ISO-8859-6 (Latin/Arabic) ISO-8859-7 (Latin/Greek) ISO-8859-8 (Latin/Hebrew) ISO-8859-8-I (Latin/Hebrew) ISO-8859-10 (Latin6/Nordic) ISO-8859-13 (Latin7/Baltic Rim) ISO-8859-14 (Latin8/Celtic) ISO-8859-15 (Latin9/Western European) ISO-8859-16 (Latin10/South-Eastern European) KOI8-R (Russian) KOI8-U (Ukrainian) Macintosh (x-mac-roman) Mac OS Cyrillic (x-mac-cyrillic) Shift JIS (Japanese) Windows-874 (Thai) Windows-1250 (Eastern European) Windows-1251 (Cyrillic) Windows-1252 (Western European) Windows-1253 (Greek) Windows-1254 (Turkish) Windows-1255 (Hebrew) Windows-1256 (Arabic) Windows-1257 (Baltic) Windows-1258 (Vietnamese) X-User-Defined Convert Reset Swap Copy SaveASCII to hex converter ►
ASCII text encoding uses fixed 1 byte for each character.
UTF-8 text encoding uses variable number of bytes for each character. This requires delimiter between each hex number.
How to Convert Hex to Text
Convert hex ASCII code to text:
- Get hex byte
- Convert hex byte to decimal
- Get character of ASCII code from ASCII table
- Continue with next byte
Convert "50 6C 61 6E 74 20 74 72 65 65 73" hex ASCII code to text:
Use ASCII table to get character from ASCII code.
5016 = 5×161+0×160 = 80+0 = 80 => "P"
6C16 = 6×161+12×160 = 96+12 = 108 => "l"
6116 = 6×161+1×160 = 96+1 = 97 => "a"
For all the hex bytes you should get the text:
"Plant trees"
How to convert Hex to Text?
- Get hex byte code
- Convert hex byte to decimal
- Get character of decimal ASCII code from ASCII table
- Continue with next hex byte
How to use Hex to ASCII Text converter?
- Paste hex byte codes in input text box.
- Select character encoding type.
- Press the Convert button.
How to convert Hex code to English?
- Get hex byte code
- Convert hex byte to decimal
- Get english letter of decimal ASCII code from ASCII table
- Continue with next hex byte
How to convert 41 hex to text?
Use ASCII table:41 = 4×16^1+1×16^0 = 64+1 = 65 = 'A' character
How to convert 30 hex to text?
Use ASCII table:30 = 3×16^1+0×16^0 = 48 = '0' character
Hex to ASCII text conversion table
Hexadecimal | Binary | ASCIICharacter |
00 | 00000000 | NUL |
01 | 00000001 | SOH |
02 | 00000010 | STX |
03 | 00000011 | ETX |
04 | 00000100 | EOT |
05 | 00000101 | ENQ |
06 | 00000110 | ACK |
07 | 00000111 | BEL |
08 | 00001000 | BS |
09 | 00001001 | HT |
0A | 00001010 | LF |
0B | 00001011 | VT |
0C | 00001100 | FF |
0D | 00001101 | CR |
0E | 00001110 | SO |
0F | 00001111 | SI |
10 | 00010000 | DLE |
11 | 00010001 | DC1 |
12 | 00010010 | DC2 |
13 | 00010011 | DC3 |
14 | 00010100 | DC4 |
15 | 00010101 | NAK |
16 | 00010110 | SYN |
17 | 00010111 | ETB |
18 | 00011000 | CAN |
19 | 00011001 | EM |
1A | 00011010 | SUB |
1B | 00011011 | ESC |
1C | 00011100 | FS |
1D | 00011101 | GS |
1E | 00011110 | RS |
1F | 00011111 | US |
20 | 00100000 | Space |
21 | 00100001 | ! |
22 | 00100010 | " |
23 | 00100011 | # |
24 | 00100100 | $ |
25 | 00100101 | % |
26 | 00100110 | & |
27 | 00100111 | ' |
28 | 00101000 | ( |
29 | 00101001 | ) |
2A | 00101010 | * |
2B | 00101011 | + |
2C | 00101100 | , |
2D | 00101101 | - |
2E | 00101110 | . |
2F | 00101111 | / |
30 | 00110000 | 0 |
31 | 00110001 | 1 |
32 | 00110010 | 2 |
33 | 00110011 | 3 |
34 | 00110100 | 4 |
35 | 00110101 | 5 |
36 | 00110110 | 6 |
37 | 00110111 | 7 |
38 | 00111000 | 8 |
39 | 00111001 | 9 |
3A | 00111010 | : |
3B | 00111011 | ; |
3C | 00111100 | < |
3D | 00111101 | = |
3E | 00111110 | > |
3F | 00111111 | ? |
40 | 01000000 | @ |
41 | 01000001 | A |
42 | 01000010 | B |
43 | 01000011 | C |
44 | 01000100 | D |
45 | 01000101 | E |
46 | 01000110 | F |
47 | 01000111 | G |
48 | 01001000 | H |
49 | 01001001 | I |
4A | 01001010 | J |
4B | 01001011 | K |
4C | 01001100 | L |
4D | 01001101 | M |
4E | 01001110 | N |
4F | 01001111 | O |
50 | 01010000 | P |
51 | 01010001 | Q |
52 | 01010010 | R |
53 | 01010011 | S |
54 | 01010100 | T |
55 | 01010101 | U |
56 | 01010110 | V |
57 | 01010111 | W |
58 | 01011000 | X |
59 | 01011001 | Y |
5A | 01011010 | Z |
5B | 01011011 | [ |
5C | 01011100 | \ |
5D | 01011101 | ] |
5E | 01011110 | ^ |
5F | 01011111 | _ |
60 | 01100000 | ` |
61 | 01100001 | a |
62 | 01100010 | b |
63 | 01100011 | c |
64 | 01100100 | d |
65 | 01100101 | e |
66 | 01100110 | f |
67 | 01100111 | g |
68 | 01101000 | h |
69 | 01101001 | i |
6A | 01101010 | j |
6B | 01101011 | k |
6C | 01101100 | l |
6D | 01101101 | m |
6E | 01101110 | n |
6F | 01101111 | o |
70 | 01110000 | p |
71 | 01110001 | q |
72 | 01110010 | r |
73 | 01110011 | s |
74 | 01110100 | t |
75 | 01110101 | u |
76 | 01110110 | v |
77 | 01110111 | w |
78 | 01111000 | x |
79 | 01111001 | y |
7A | 01111010 | z |
7B | 01111011 | { |
7C | 01111100 | | |
7D | 01111101 | } |
7E | 01111110 | ~ |
7F | 01111111 | DEL |
See also
- ASCII to binary converter
- ASCII to hex converter
- Binary to ASCII converter
- ASCII,Hex,Binary,Decimal,Base64 converter
- Hex/decimal/octal/binary converter
- Base64 decoder
- Base64 encoder
- ASCII table
- Unicode characters
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Dich Tu Ascii Sang HEX
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