Hiding Empty Columns In HTML Table - CodeRanch

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Hiding empty columns in HTML table Warren Griscti Ranch Hand Posts: 53 posted 2 years ago
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Hi everyone I need some help or guidance re how to hide empty columns when displaying them in an HTML table. I'm using Node.js and I'm reading data from a mysql database. Is it possible to hide empty columns using javascript when displaying it in the browser. Bear Bibeault Sheriff Posts: 67750 173 I like... Mac Mac OS X IntelliJ IDE jQuery TypeScript Java iOS posted 2 years ago
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The use of NodeJS and MySQL in the backend seems irrelevant to the question, so let's focus on the display table itself:
  • What constitutes an "empty column"? One where every row has no data? Or is it on a per-row basis? Or... ?
  • How is the HTML table being built from the data? DOM manipulation? React? jQuery? Or....?
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    Warren Griscti Ranch Hand Posts: 53 posted 2 years ago
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    It's a per row basis because it might be filled or it might not depending on the item. I created the headers and the data being read from mysql is then displayed under its respective header Bear Bibeault Sheriff Posts: 67750 173 I like... Mac Mac OS X IntelliJ IDE jQuery TypeScript Java iOS posted 2 years ago
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    So what does it mean then to "hide" a column? If the headers show all possible columns, then what's getting hidden?

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    Warren Griscti Ranch Hand Posts: 53 posted 2 years ago
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    The user is presented with a list of all items in the database. The list only displays the id and the name and a show more button is displayed beside each item and when the user presses the show more button of a single item another form showing all fields is displayed. Ex: Id,name, status, …., …. Etc.. as I’m fetching the data by the id from mysql all fields including the empty ones are displayed. I need to hide the empty column to that specific item. Bear Bibeault Sheriff Posts: 67750 173 I like... Mac Mac OS X IntelliJ IDE jQuery TypeScript Java iOS posted 2 years ago
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    OK, so your "table" for each item really only contains a header row and a single row for the item info, correct? Which begs the question you didn't answer yet: how are you creating the HTML from the item data? It seems a simple matter of not creating the <th> and <td> elements for the columns that have no data, but the specifics depend on what you're using.

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    Từ khóa » Html Table Hide Column If Empty