Hostalen PP XN125-P - Product Detail | LyondellBasell

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Hostalen PP XN125-P LyondellBasell


Hostalen PP XN125-P is a natural colored polypropylene random copolymer. The product Hostalen PP XN125-P has been classified through ISO 9080 and according to ISO 12162 as PP125. The regression curves of Hostalen PP XN125-P are above the reference lines of PP-RCT mentioned in DIN 8077, DIN 8078 and EN ISO15874 standards for piping applications under pressure. Hostalen PP XN125-P is typically used by customers in the application pressure piping systems for hot and cold water. For further details about the suitable applications for this material please contact LyondellBasell.


Africa-Middle East, Europe

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Product Data and Technical Information

Typical Properties

Melt Flow Rate (230 °C/2.16 kg) 0.2 g/10 min
Melt Flow Rate (230 °C/5.0 kg) 1.1 g/10 min
Melt Flow Rate (190 °C/5.0 kg) 0.55 g/10 min
Density 905 kg/m³
Tensile Strain at Break 400 %
Charpy Impact Strength - Notched (23 °C) 60 kJ/m²
Charpy Impact Strength - Notched (-20 °C) 2 kJ/m²
Deflection Temperature Under Load (0.45 MPa, Unannealed) 70 °C
Oxidation Induction Time (210 °C) 40 min

Technical Data Sheet

Technical Data Sheet


Injection Molding, Pipe


Polypropylene, Random Copolymer


Drinking Water Pipe, Plumbing, Heating & Cooling

Safety Data Sheet (SDS)


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Safety Summary


Technical Literature

Challenges for Hostalen HDPE: Pressure pipe applications in alpine regions.pdf PB-1 Pipe Brochure Large-diameter PE 100 pipes for drinking water supply

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