HS Combination And Transformation
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Thursday, February 7, 2013
HS Combination and Transformation
Writing long articles and translating classical texts is very exhausting, I think I should write smaller articles and translate smaller portion of classical texts so I can write something everyday. Back to the topic. When HS combines, they don't necessarily transform. There are certain criteria has to be met. The month's decree '月令', is probably the most influential factors. Master Xu LeWu in his book ZPZQPZ chapter 5 presented this table which he cited from 子平四言集腋 正月节(寅月)Yin month 丁壬化木(正化)Ding Ren transforms to wood, true transformation 戊癸化火(次化)Wu Gui transforms to fire, secondary transformation 乙庚化金(一云乙归甲不化)Yi Geng transforms to metal (one classics says Yi returned to Jia and does not transform) 丙辛不化(柱有申子辰可化)Bing Xin does not transform unless there's Shen Zi Chen in the pillars 甲己不化(木盛故不化)Jia Ji does not transform as wood is prosperous 寅午戌化火 Yin Wu Xu transforms to fire 亥卯未化木 Hai Mao Wei transforms to wood 申子辰不化 Shen Zi Chen does not transform 巳酉丑破象 Si You Chou with broken image (does not transform) 辰戌丑未失地 Chen Xu Chou Wei lost ground (does not transform) 二月节(卯月)Mao Month 丁壬化木 Ding Ren transforms to wood 戊癸化火 Wu Gui transforms to fire 乙庚化金(不化以乙归甲家也) Yi Geng transforms to Metal (does not transform as Yi returns to Jia family) 丙辛水气不化 Bing Xin water Qi does not transform 甲己不化 Jia Ji does not transform 寅午戌化火 Yin Wu Xu transforms to fire 亥卯未化木 Hai Mao Wei transforms to wood 申子辰不化 Shen Zi Chen does not transform 巳酉丑纯形 Si You Chou is in pure shape (does not transform) 辰戌丑未小失 Chen Xu Chou Wei lost a little (does not transform) 三月节(辰月)Chen Month 丁壬不化(木气已过故不化)Ding Ren does not transform because wood Qi is already over 戊癸化火(渐入火乡可化) Wu Gui transforms to fire because Qi gradually going into fire land (summer) 乙庚成形(辰土生金故化)Yi Geng becomes shape (transform because Chen earth engenders metal) 丙辛化水(辰为水库故化)Bing Xin transforms to water as Chen is water storage 甲己暗秀(正化)Jia Ji is obscuredly refined (true transformation) 寅午戌化火 Yin Wu and Xu transform to Fire 亥卯未不化 Hai Mao Wei does not transform 申子辰化水 Shen Zi Chen transforms to water 巳酉丑成形 Si You Chou becomes shape (transform) 辰戌丑未无信 Chen Xu Chou and Wei without integrity (does not transform) 四月节(巳月)Si Month 丁壬化火 Ding Ren transforms to fire 戊癸化火(正化)Wu Gui transforms to fire (true transformation) 乙庚金秀(四月金生可化)Yi Geng metal is refined as the fourth month is where metal is born 丙辛化火(化火则可,化水不可)Bing Xin transform to fire, only transformation to fire is allowed, transformation to water is not allowed 甲己无位 Jia Ji has no place (does not transform) 寅午戌化火 Yin Wu and Xu transform to fire 亥卯未不化 Hai Mao and Wei do not transform 申子辰纯形 Shen Zi Chen is in pure shape 巳酉丑成器 Si You Chou is becoming useful 辰戌丑未贫管(the original document says 贫乏) Chen Xu Chou and Wei are poor and lacking 五月节(午月)Wu Month 丁壬化火(不能化木)Ding Ren transforms to Fire, cannot transform to wood 戊癸发贵(化火)Wu Gui rises to nobility (transform to fire) 乙庚无位 Yi Geng has no place 丙辛端正(不化)Bing and Xin are proper (does not transform) 甲己不化 Jia Ji does not transform 寅午戌真火 Yin Wu and Xu are true fire 亥卯未失地 Hai Mao and Wei are losing ground 申子辰化容 Shen Zi and Chen transformation is contained 巳酉丑辛苦 Si You Chou is suffering 辰戌丑未身贱 Chen Xu Chou Wei is lowly 六月节(未月)Wei Month 丁壬化木(未为木库故可化也)Ding Ren transforms to wood as Wei is the storage for wood 戊癸不化(火气已过故不化)Wu Gui does not transform because fire Qi is over 乙庚不化(金气正伏故不化)Yi Geng does not transform because Metal Qi is totally subdued 丙辛不化(水气正衰故不化)Bing Xin does not transform because water Qi is Shuai (totally declined) 甲己不化(己土即家故不化)Jia Ji does not transform because Ji earth is at home. 寅午戌不化 Yin Wu Xu does not transform 亥卯未不化 Hai Mao Wei does not transform 申子辰不化 Shen Zi Chen does not transform 巳酉丑化金 Si You Chou transforms to metal 辰戌丑未化土 Chen Xu Chou Wei transforms to earth 七月节(申月)Shen Month 丁壬化木(可化)Ding Ren transforms to wood (allowable) 戊癸化火 Wu Gui transforms to fire 乙庚化金(正化) Yi Geng transforms to metal (true transformation) 丙辛进秀学堂 Bing and Xin enter refined school (学堂 XueTang, school is a ShenSha that indicates cleverness, Ren water is in XueTang in Shen) (transform) 甲己化土 Jia Ji transforsm to earth 寅午戌不化 Yin Wu Xu does not transform 亥卯未成形 Hai Mao Wei becoming shape 申子辰大贵 Shen Zi Chen great nobility 巳酉丑武勇 Si You Chou is martially courageous 辰戌丑未亦贵 Chen Xu Chou Wei is also noble. 八月节(酉月)You Month 丁壬不化 Ding Ren does not transform 戊癸衰薄 Wu Gui weak and thin 乙庚进秀 Yi Geng is advancing elegantly 丙辛就妻 Bing Xin follows wife (transforms to metal) 甲己不化 Jia Ji does not transform 寅午戌破象 Yin Wu Xu, broken image 亥卯未无位 Hai Mao Wei has no place 申子辰清 Shen Zi Chen is clear 巳酉丑入化 Si You Chou is entering transformation 辰戌丑未泄气 Chen Xu Chou and Wei are exhausting their Qi 九月节(戌月)Xu Month 丁壬化火 Ding Ren transforms to fire 戊癸化火(戌为火库亦正化)Wu Gui transforms to fire as Wei is the fire storage, the transformation is true 乙庚不化 Yi Geng does not transform 丙辛不化 Bing Xin does not transform 甲己化土(正化) Jai Ji transforms to earth (true transformation) 寅午戌化火 Yin Wu Xu transforms to fire 亥卯未不化 Hai Mao Wei does not transform 申子辰不化 Shen Zi Chen does not transform 巳酉丑不化 Si You Chou does not tranform 辰戌丑未正位 Chen Xu Chou Wei at their true place (transformed) 十月节(亥月)Hai month 丁壬化木(亥中有木)Ding Ren transforms to wood because there's wood inside Hai 戊癸为水 Wu Gui as water 乙庚化木 Yi Geng transforms to wood 丙辛化水 Bing Xin transforms to water 甲己化木 Jia Ji transforms to wood 寅午戌不化 Yin Wu Xu does not transform 亥卯未成材 Hai Mao Wei becomes talented 申子辰化水 Shen Zi Chen transforms to water 巳酉丑破象 Si You Chou broken image 辰戌丑未不化 Chen Xu Chou Wei does not transform 十一月节(子月)Zi Month 丁壬化木 Ding Ren transforms to wood 戊癸化水 Wu Gui transforms to water 乙庚化木 Yi Geng transforms to wood 丙辛化秀(正化)Bing Xin transformation is refined (true transformation) 甲己化土(十一月土旺故可化) Jia Ji transforms to Earth (if earth is prosperous on the eleventh month, transformation is possible) 寅午戌不化 Yin Wu Xu does not transform 亥卯未化木 Hai Mao Wei transforms to wood 申子辰化水 Shen Zi Chen transforms to water 巳酉丑化金 Si You Chou transforms to metal 辰戌丑未不化 Chen Xu Chou Wei does not transform 十二月节(丑月)Chou Month 丁壬不化 Ding Ren does not transform 戊癸化火 Wu Gui transforms to Fire 乙庚化金(次化)Yi Geng transforms to fire (secondary transformation) 丙辛不化 Bing Xin does not transform 甲己化土(正化)Jia Ji transforms to earth (true transformation) 寅午戌不化 Yin Wu Xu does not transform 亥卯未不化 Hai Mao Wei does not transform 申子辰不化 Shen Zi Chen does not transform 巳酉丑不化 Si You chou does not transform 辰戌丑未化土 Chen Xu Chou Wei transforms to earth SMTH has some contradictions to ZPSYJD, according to SMTH Jia Ji transforming to Earth happens on Chen Xu Chou Wei and Wu months, without Wu earth Yi Geng transforming to Metal happens on Si You Chou and Geng months, without Jia Wood Bing Xin transforming to Fire happens on Shen Zi Chen and Hai months, without Ding Fire Ren Ding transforming to Wood happens on Hai Mao Wei and Yin months, without Bing Fire Wu Gui transforming to Fire happens on Yin Wu Xu and Si months, without Ji earth.12 comments:
- UnknownNovember 2, 2013 at 10:51 PM
Hi Trey,I have some queries on this topic. Would like to seek your view on it.1) 戊癸 combine to form Fire. How to determine whether yin or yang fire is formed? E.g if fire represent wealth god in chart, does 戊癸 combine to become direct wealth or indirect wealth?2) 月令 play an influential role to determine if transformation takes place within the natal chart. When LP or AP comes into the picture, does 月令 remains as the key factor for transformation to happen?a) Between natal and LP. 月令 as key factor?b) Between natal chart and AP. LP branch as key factor?c) Between LP and AP. LP branch as key factor?Rgds,Ben
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- TreyNovember 3, 2013 at 6:09 AM
Hi Ben1. There are a few views about which polarity that result from the transformation.- The transformed elements follow the polarity of the transformation god. For example if Wu Gui is born in Zi, it will transform into Gui, if it is born in Hai, it is transformed into Ren.- There's no polarity to the transformed element - The transformed Wealth is neither Direct Wealth 正财 or Indirect Wealth 偏财. It is called True Wealth 真财. - Observe the 'intention' of the chart, which is more required? -Usually this cannot be applied to Wealth because for Wealth and Seal, Indirect and Direct has very little difference.- The transformed element becomes the 'stronger' form when it has strong roots from the EBs, i.e Hurting Officer, Indirect Wealth, 7-Killing and Indirect Seal, and the 'milder' form e.g Food, Direct Wealth, Officer and Seal when root is light, still from this viewpoint, there's no difference between Indirect or Direct Wealth.My eyes are closing, I'll answer the next part tomorrow. GoodnightTrey
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- TreyNovember 4, 2013 at 12:27 AM
[2) 月令 play an influential role to determine if transformation takes place within the natal chart. When LP or AP comes into the picture, does 月令 remains as the key factor for transformation to happen?]From my POV, HS transformation only can happen when 月令 allows it. I remember reading one of the classics that support the view that 大运 can also influence transformation but I cannot recall which classics. I think it's either WXJJ or XPHH. If this is true, that it does not matter if it's LP + Natal or AP + Natal, as long as either 月令 or 大运 allows it, transformation will take place. I also believe that HS of AP + LP will not transform, only HS from the AP + Natal or LP + Natal can transform.
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- UnknownNovember 4, 2013 at 5:44 AM
Hi Trey,Great explanation ! But I have some doubts on your first view regarding the polarity that results from transformation.戊 + 癸 = FireWu & Gui born in Zi, it should transform into 丁. Wu & Gui born in Hai, it should transform into 丙. Pls correct me if I am wrong. When successful transformation takes place, what will happen to the parent HS? In the case of 戊癸化火, will 戊癸 be replaced by 丙/丁 instead? Or the transformation is simply an indication whether auspicious or inauspicious event will take place, while the parent HS remain intact in the chart?Best wishes,Ben
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- TreyNovember 4, 2013 at 6:58 PM
Dear Ben, My apology, that was what happened when I tried to reply with my eyes barely opened. LOLWu Gui transforms to fire, what was I thinking? It does transform in Winter sometimes, if that happens, it will transform into water, we call it 反化 'reversed transformation'. But this is not what I wanted to say.I wanted to say, if Wu + Gui is born in Si, it will transform into Bing, it it's born in Wu, it will transform into Ding, or it follows the polarity of the fire that protrudes, as the protruding fire catalyze the transformation 引化.Transformation has a huge effect on the chart, especially when the Useful God is involved. For exampleTake an example:Jia is born in You with protruding Xin on month HS, Jia uses Xin as Officer, in EB there is Si or Chou and they form an Officer frame. So Xin Officer is prosperousOn the year stem is Bing Food God to combine with Xin officer, what will happen? Will Bing + Xin transform to water?If we look at the article above, Bing + Xin does not transform to Water in the month of You, it 'follows wife'. Bing is the husband and Xin is the wife, Bing + Xin will transform to Metal in the month of You, consequently Officer becomes stronger and Food is diminished. Take another example,Say Jia is born in Yi, with protruding You as Officer on month HS, as Jia is born in Yin, it's a JianLu structure, so naturally Officer is chosen as the Useful God. 建禄用官Also protruding in Year Pillar is Bing Food, Bing and Xin combine but they cannot transform in Yin. So DM lost both the Officer and Food stars, the structure broke.Generally speaking, if transformation happens, DM will be able to 'use' the resultant element, if it does not happen, DM loses both the combined stars, but losing these stars can sometimes be auspicious. RegardsTrey
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- UnknownNovember 5, 2013 at 5:34 AM
Hi Trey,It was a very clear illustration. Thanks for clearing my doubts. I have few more queries.1) In your above examples, I noticed the combined HS are located side by side. Is this a criterion for combination to take place? Can combination take place if they are not seated next to each other?2) Assume HS transformation is dictate by 月令, when LP arrives, does 癸戊化水 takes place for DM born in Zi month in the chart below? LPXXX癸 戊XX子X X3) In the article above, pertaining to 十一月节(Zi month), what do you mean by 丙辛化秀 (正化). Does this mean sucessful transformation to water? And what is the difference as compared to 丙辛化水?Rgds,Ben
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- UnknownNovember 5, 2013 at 5:44 AM
Hi Trey,The word 'LP' shown in my previous posting is out of alignment. I am referring to LP: 戊X with 癸 as the year stem.
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- TreyNovember 5, 2013 at 7:50 PM
Hi Ben1) In your above examples, I noticed the combined HS are located side by side. Is this a criterion for combination to take place? Can combination take place if they are not seated next to each other?Well, according to ZPZQ, the Stems can still combine even though they are far away but their affinity is reduced, like for example if Bing is in Hour and Xin in Year, the affinity is only 20 - 30%. If a chart is like thisBing DM Ren Xin X X X XBing and Xin cannot combine because Ren can counter Bing.If a chart is like thisBing Wu Xin X X X X XBing + Xin cannot combine because Bing engenders Wu, which in turn engenders Xin.There's a chapter in ZPZQ that talks about this. Maybe I should translate that.2) Assume HS transformation is dictate by 月令, when LP arrives, does 癸戊化水 takes place for DM born in Zi month in the chart below?X X X 癸 戊X X 子 X XWell, I think that would depend if Wu has root or not, if Wu is rooted like Wu Chen or Wu Wu, he will refuse to follow wife and no transformation can happen.3) In the article above, pertaining to 十一月节(Zi month), what do you mean by 丙辛化秀 (正化). Does this mean successful transformation to water? And what is the difference as compared to 丙辛化水?Yes the transformation is successful. 秀 means refined / elegance, it's a part of 德秀,name of a ShenSha, which for the month of Shen Zi Chen, Bing Xin is regarded as 秀.德者,本月生旺之德;Virtue, is the virtue where the month that is birth and prosperous.秀者,合天地中和之气 Elegance, matches the Qi of harmony between Heaven and Earth.
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- UnknownNovember 6, 2013 at 3:11 AM
Dear Trey,Now then I realized reading a chart can be so difficult and complex. So many factors to consider. LOLJust want to be clear on the terms used. There are two processes involved i.e. combination and transformation. For your chart samples given above, are you implying a) Bing & Xin combine but cannot transform, or b) Bing & Xin do not even combine in the first place, and thus no transformation.Also, you have mentioned above that if 戊 is rooted like Wu Chen or Wu Wu, no transformation can happen. I am thinking why 戊 is considered rooted in 午? Is there a typo error? Are you referring to Wu Xu instead?Rgds,Ben
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- TreyNovember 6, 2013 at 6:38 AM
Dear Ben,Welcome to the complicated classical Bazi world, what you are seeing now is only the tip of a confusing iceberg. LOLI just translated the text from ZPZQ, hopefully it can answer your questions. Wu Wu 戊午, Wu EB is the DiWang stage for Wu Earth HS, as such it is considered strongly rooted. It's arguable that Earth is actually stronger than Fire in Wu EB although both are under 'DiWang' stage, as Fire engenders Earth.
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- RachelApril 2, 2018 at 7:56 PM
Hi Trey, if Bazi is as follows :Jia Yi Geng WuShen Wei Shen ZiWill the Yi and Geng reverse combine to form water? Will the Shen and Zi form a half combination for water frame?Is this a weak wood DM? This person has had poor health in childhood. However I thought that can be because Year Pillar is in Sick Qi phase. Or is it also because of weak DM?Having so many Direct Officers, it is inauspicious?
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- Kimberly WilliamsOctober 25, 2020 at 9:14 PM
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