HSL Color Chart
Có thể bạn quan tâm
Pick the right color with these HSL color charts. Displays the hue, saturation, and lightness values.
The following charts use the HSL method to define the colors. These can be used on any CSS property that accepts a color value.
There are four HSL color charts below. On each chart, each row increases the hue by 5. Each chart then uses different lightness or saturation levels.
Decreasing Saturation
In this first chart, the lightness remains constant at 50%, but each column decreases the saturation.
Click on an HSL value to open that color and its code in an online editor.
0,100%,50% 5,100%,50% 10,100%,50% 15,100%,50% 20,100%,50% 25,100%,50% 30,100%,50% 35,100%,50% 40,100%,50% 45,100%,50% 50,100%,50% 55,100%,50% 60,100%,50% 65,100%,50% 70,100%,50% 75,100%,50% 80,100%,50% 85,100%,50% 90,100%,50% 95,100%,50% 100,100%,50% 105,100%,50% 110,100%,50% 115,100%,50% 120,100%,50% 125,100%,50% 130,100%,50% 135,100%,50% 140,100%,50% 145,100%,50% 150,100%,50% 155,100%,50% 160,100%,50% 165,100%,50% 170,100%,50% 175,100%,50% 180,100%,50% 185,100%,50% 190,100%,50% 195,100%,50% 200,100%,50% 205,100%,50% 210,100%,50% 215,100%,50% 220,100%,50% 225,100%,50% 230,100%,50% 235,100%,50% 240,100%,50% 245,100%,50% 250,100%,50% 255,100%,50% 260,100%,50% 265,100%,50% 270,100%,50% 275,100%,50% 280,100%,50% 285,100%,50% 290,100%,50% 295,100%,50% 300,100%,50% 305,100%,50% 310,100%,50% 315,100%,50% 320,100%,50% 325,100%,50% 330,100%,50% 335,100%,50% 340,100%,50% 345,100%,50% 350,100%,50% 355,100%,50% 0,75%,50% 5,75%,50% 10,75%,50% 15,75%,50% 20,75%,50% 25,75%,50% 30,75%,50% 35,75%,50% 40,75%,50% 45,75%,50% 50,75%,50% 55,75%,50% 60,75%,50% 65,75%,50% 70,75%,50% 75,75%,50% 80,75%,50% 85,75%,50% 90,75%,50% 95,75%,50% 100,75%,50% 105,75%,50% 110,75%,50% 115,75%,50% 120,75%,50% 125,75%,50% 130,75%,50% 135,75%,50% 140,75%,50% 145,75%,50% 150,75%,50% 155,75%,50% 160,75%,50% 165,75%,50% 170,75%,50% 175,75%,50% 180,75%,50% 185,75%,50% 190,75%,50% 195,75%,50% 200,75%,50% 205,75%,50% 210,75%,50% 215,75%,50% 220,75%,50% 225,75%,50% 230,75%,50% 235,75%,50% 240,75%,50% 245,75%,50% 250,75%,50% 255,75%,50% 260,75%,50% 265,75%,50% 270,75%,50% 275,75%,50% 280,75%,50% 285,75%,50% 290,75%,50% 295,75%,50% 300,75%,50% 305,75%,50% 310,75%,50% 315,75%,50% 320,75%,50% 325,75%,50% 330,75%,50% 335,75%,50% 340,75%,50% 345,75%,50% 350,75%,50% 355,75%,50% 0,50%,50% 5,50%,50% 10,50%,50% 15,50%,50% 20,50%,50% 25,50%,50% 30,50%,50% 35,50%,50% 40,50%,50% 45,50%,50% 50,50%,50% 55,50%,50% 60,50%,50% 65,50%,50% 70,50%,50% 75,50%,50% 80,50%,50% 85,50%,50% 90,50%,50% 95,50%,50% 100,50%,50% 105,50%,50% 110,50%,50% 115,50%,50% 120,50%,50% 125,50%,50% 130,50%,50% 135,50%,50% 140,50%,50% 145,50%,50% 150,50%,50% 155,50%,50% 160,50%,50% 165,50%,50% 170,50%,50% 175,50%,50% 180,50%,50% 185,50%,50% 190,50%,50% 195,50%,50% 200,50%,50% 205,50%,50% 210,50%,50% 215,50%,50% 220,50%,50% 225,50%,50% 230,50%,50% 235,50%,50% 240,50%,50% 245,50%,50% 250,50%,50% 255,50%,50% 260,50%,50% 265,50%,50% 270,50%,50% 275,50%,50% 280,50%,50% 285,50%,50% 290,50%,50% 295,50%,50% 300,50%,50% 305,50%,50% 310,50%,50% 315,50%,50% 320,50%,50% 325,50%,50% 330,50%,50% 335,50%,50% 340,50%,50% 345,50%,50% 350,50%,50% 355,50%,50% 0,25%,50% 5,25%,50% 10,25%,50% 15,25%,50% 20,25%,50% 25,25%,50% 30,25%,50% 35,25%,50% 40,25%,50% 45,25%,50% 50,25%,50% 55,25%,50% 60,25%,50% 65,25%,50% 70,25%,50% 75,25%,50% 80,25%,50% 85,25%,50% 90,25%,50% 95,25%,50% 100,25%,50% 105,25%,50% 110,25%,50% 115,25%,50% 120,25%,50% 125,25%,50% 130,25%,50% 135,25%,50% 140,25%,50% 145,25%,50% 150,25%,50% 155,25%,50% 160,25%,50% 165,25%,50% 170,25%,50% 175,25%,50% 180,25%,50% 185,25%,50% 190,25%,50% 195,25%,50% 200,25%,50% 205,25%,50% 210,25%,50% 215,25%,50% 220,25%,50% 225,25%,50% 230,25%,50% 235,25%,50% 240,25%,50% 245,25%,50% 250,25%,50% 255,25%,50% 260,25%,50% 265,25%,50% 270,25%,50% 275,25%,50% 280,25%,50% 285,25%,50% 290,25%,50% 295,25%,50% 300,25%,50% 305,25%,50% 310,25%,50% 315,25%,50% 320,25%,50% 325,25%,50% 330,25%,50% 335,25%,50% 340,25%,50% 345,25%,50% 350,25%,50% 355,25%,50%Decreasing Lightness
In this second chart, each column uses a different lightness value (but saturation remains at 100%).
Click on an HSL value to open that color and its code in an online editor.
0,100%,80% 5,100%,80% 10,100%,80% 15,100%,80% 20,100%,80% 25,100%,80% 30,100%,80% 35,100%,80% 40,100%,80% 45,100%,80% 50,100%,80% 55,100%,80% 60,100%,80% 65,100%,80% 70,100%,80% 75,100%,80% 80,100%,80% 85,100%,80% 90,100%,80% 95,100%,80% 100,100%,80% 105,100%,80% 110,100%,80% 115,100%,80% 120,100%,80% 125,100%,80% 130,100%,80% 135,100%,80% 140,100%,80% 145,100%,80% 150,100%,80% 155,100%,80% 160,100%,80% 165,100%,80% 170,100%,80% 175,100%,80% 180,100%,80% 185,100%,80% 190,100%,80% 195,100%,80% 200,100%,80% 205,100%,80% 210,100%,80% 215,100%,80% 220,100%,80% 225,100%,80% 230,100%,80% 235,100%,80% 240,100%,80% 245,100%,80% 250,100%,80% 255,100%,80% 260,100%,80% 265,100%,80% 270,100%,80% 275,100%,80% 280,100%,80% 285,100%,80% 290,100%,80% 295,100%,80% 300,100%,80% 305,100%,80% 310,100%,80% 315,100%,80% 320,100%,80% 325,100%,80% 330,100%,80% 335,100%,80% 340,100%,80% 345,100%,80% 350,100%,80% 355,100%,80% 0,100%,60% 5,100%,60% 10,100%,60% 15,100%,60% 20,100%,60% 25,100%,60% 30,100%,60% 35,100%,60% 40,100%,60% 45,100%,60% 50,100%,60% 55,100%,60% 60,100%,60% 65,100%,60% 70,100%,60% 75,100%,60% 80,100%,60% 85,100%,60% 90,100%,60% 95,100%,60% 100,100%,60% 105,100%,60% 110,100%,60% 115,100%,60% 120,100%,60% 125,100%,60% 130,100%,60% 135,100%,60% 140,100%,60% 145,100%,60% 150,100%,60% 155,100%,60% 160,100%,60% 165,100%,60% 170,100%,60% 175,100%,60% 180,100%,60% 185,100%,60% 190,100%,60% 195,100%,60% 200,100%,60% 205,100%,60% 210,100%,60% 215,100%,60% 220,100%,60% 225,100%,60% 230,100%,60% 235,100%,60% 240,100%,60% 245,100%,60% 250,100%,60% 255,100%,60% 260,100%,60% 265,100%,60% 270,100%,60% 275,100%,60% 280,100%,60% 285,100%,60% 290,100%,60% 295,100%,60% 300,100%,60% 305,100%,60% 310,100%,60% 315,100%,60% 320,100%,60% 325,100%,60% 330,100%,60% 335,100%,60% 340,100%,60% 345,100%,60% 350,100%,60% 355,100%,60% 0,100%,40% 5,100%,40% 10,100%,40% 15,100%,40% 20,100%,40% 25,100%,40% 30,100%,40% 35,100%,40% 40,100%,40% 45,100%,40% 50,100%,40% 55,100%,40% 60,100%,40% 65,100%,40% 70,100%,40% 75,100%,40% 80,100%,40% 85,100%,40% 90,100%,40% 95,100%,40% 100,100%,40% 105,100%,40% 110,100%,40% 115,100%,40% 120,100%,40% 125,100%,40% 130,100%,40% 135,100%,40% 140,100%,40% 145,100%,40% 150,100%,40% 155,100%,40% 160,100%,40% 165,100%,40% 170,100%,40% 175,100%,40% 180,100%,40% 185,100%,40% 190,100%,40% 195,100%,40% 200,100%,40% 205,100%,40% 210,100%,40% 215,100%,40% 220,100%,40% 225,100%,40% 230,100%,40% 235,100%,40% 240,100%,40% 245,100%,40% 250,100%,40% 255,100%,40% 260,100%,40% 265,100%,40% 270,100%,40% 275,100%,40% 280,100%,40% 285,100%,40% 290,100%,40% 295,100%,40% 300,100%,40% 305,100%,40% 310,100%,40% 315,100%,40% 320,100%,40% 325,100%,40% 330,100%,40% 335,100%,40% 340,100%,40% 345,100%,40% 350,100%,40% 355,100%,40% 0,100%,20% 5,100%,20% 10,100%,20% 15,100%,20% 20,100%,20% 25,100%,20% 30,100%,20% 35,100%,20% 40,100%,20% 45,100%,20% 50,100%,20% 55,100%,20% 60,100%,20% 65,100%,20% 70,100%,20% 75,100%,20% 80,100%,20% 85,100%,20% 90,100%,20% 95,100%,20% 100,100%,20% 105,100%,20% 110,100%,20% 115,100%,20% 120,100%,20% 125,100%,20% 130,100%,20% 135,100%,20% 140,100%,20% 145,100%,20% 150,100%,20% 155,100%,20% 160,100%,20% 165,100%,20% 170,100%,20% 175,100%,20% 180,100%,20% 185,100%,20% 190,100%,20% 195,100%,20% 200,100%,20% 205,100%,20% 210,100%,20% 215,100%,20% 220,100%,20% 225,100%,20% 230,100%,20% 235,100%,20% 240,100%,20% 245,100%,20% 250,100%,20% 255,100%,20% 260,100%,20% 265,100%,20% 270,100%,20% 275,100%,20% 280,100%,20% 285,100%,20% 290,100%,20% 295,100%,20% 300,100%,20% 305,100%,20% 310,100%,20% 315,100%,20% 320,100%,20% 325,100%,20% 330,100%,20% 335,100%,20% 340,100%,20% 345,100%,20% 350,100%,20% 355,100%,20%Reducing Saturation with Increased Lightness
This chart is the same as the first chart (where we adjust the saturation, while keeping the lightness at 50%), but in this one we increase the lightness to 75%.
Click on an HSL value to open that color and its code in an online editor.
0,100%,75% 5,100%,75% 10,100%,75% 15,100%,75% 20,100%,75% 25,100%,75% 30,100%,75% 35,100%,75% 40,100%,75% 45,100%,75% 50,100%,75% 55,100%,75% 60,100%,75% 65,100%,75% 70,100%,75% 75,100%,75% 80,100%,75% 85,100%,75% 90,100%,75% 95,100%,75% 100,100%,75% 105,100%,75% 110,100%,75% 115,100%,75% 120,100%,75% 125,100%,75% 130,100%,75% 135,100%,75% 140,100%,75% 145,100%,75% 150,100%,75% 155,100%,75% 160,100%,75% 165,100%,75% 170,100%,75% 175,100%,75% 180,100%,75% 185,100%,75% 190,100%,75% 195,100%,75% 200,100%,75% 205,100%,75% 210,100%,75% 215,100%,75% 220,100%,75% 225,100%,75% 230,100%,75% 235,100%,75% 240,100%,75% 245,100%,75% 250,100%,75% 255,100%,75% 260,100%,75% 265,100%,75% 270,100%,75% 275,100%,75% 280,100%,75% 285,100%,75% 290,100%,75% 295,100%,75% 300,100%,75% 305,100%,75% 310,100%,75% 315,100%,75% 320,100%,75% 325,100%,75% 330,100%,75% 335,100%,75% 340,100%,75% 345,100%,75% 350,100%,75% 355,100%,75% 0,75%,75% 5,75%,75% 10,75%,75% 15,75%,75% 20,75%,75% 25,75%,75% 30,75%,75% 35,75%,75% 40,75%,75% 45,75%,75% 50,75%,75% 55,75%,75% 60,75%,75% 65,75%,75% 70,75%,75% 75,75%,75% 80,75%,75% 85,75%,75% 90,75%,75% 95,75%,75% 100,75%,75% 105,75%,75% 110,75%,75% 115,75%,75% 120,75%,75% 125,75%,75% 130,75%,75% 135,75%,75% 140,75%,75% 145,75%,75% 150,75%,75% 155,75%,75% 160,75%,75% 165,75%,75% 170,75%,75% 175,75%,75% 180,75%,75% 185,75%,75% 190,75%,75% 195,75%,75% 200,75%,75% 205,75%,75% 210,75%,75% 215,75%,75% 220,75%,75% 225,75%,75% 230,75%,75% 235,75%,75% 240,75%,75% 245,75%,75% 250,75%,75% 255,75%,75% 260,75%,75% 265,75%,75% 270,75%,75% 275,75%,75% 280,75%,75% 285,75%,75% 290,75%,75% 295,75%,75% 300,75%,75% 305,75%,75% 310,75%,75% 315,75%,75% 320,75%,75% 325,75%,75% 330,75%,75% 335,75%,75% 340,75%,75% 345,75%,75% 350,75%,75% 355,75%,75% 0,50%,75% 5,50%,75% 10,50%,75% 15,50%,75% 20,50%,75% 25,50%,75% 30,50%,75% 35,50%,75% 40,50%,75% 45,50%,75% 50,50%,75% 55,50%,75% 60,50%,75% 65,50%,75% 70,50%,75% 75,50%,75% 80,50%,75% 85,50%,75% 90,50%,75% 95,50%,75% 100,50%,75% 105,50%,75% 110,50%,75% 115,50%,75% 120,50%,75% 125,50%,75% 130,50%,75% 135,50%,75% 140,50%,75% 145,50%,75% 150,50%,75% 155,50%,75% 160,50%,75% 165,50%,75% 170,50%,75% 175,50%,75% 180,50%,75% 185,50%,75% 190,50%,75% 195,50%,75% 200,50%,75% 205,50%,75% 210,50%,75% 215,50%,75% 220,50%,75% 225,50%,75% 230,50%,75% 235,50%,75% 240,50%,75% 245,50%,75% 250,50%,75% 255,50%,75% 260,50%,75% 265,50%,75% 270,50%,75% 275,50%,75% 280,50%,75% 285,50%,75% 290,50%,75% 295,50%,75% 300,50%,75% 305,50%,75% 310,50%,75% 315,50%,75% 320,50%,75% 325,50%,75% 330,50%,75% 335,50%,75% 340,50%,75% 345,50%,75% 350,50%,75% 355,50%,75% 0,25%,75% 5,25%,75% 10,25%,75% 15,25%,75% 20,25%,75% 25,25%,75% 30,25%,75% 35,25%,75% 40,25%,75% 45,25%,75% 50,25%,75% 55,25%,75% 60,25%,75% 65,25%,75% 70,25%,75% 75,25%,75% 80,25%,75% 85,25%,75% 90,25%,75% 95,25%,75% 100,25%,75% 105,25%,75% 110,25%,75% 115,25%,75% 120,25%,75% 125,25%,75% 130,25%,75% 135,25%,75% 140,25%,75% 145,25%,75% 150,25%,75% 155,25%,75% 160,25%,75% 165,25%,75% 170,25%,75% 175,25%,75% 180,25%,75% 185,25%,75% 190,25%,75% 195,25%,75% 200,25%,75% 205,25%,75% 210,25%,75% 215,25%,75% 220,25%,75% 225,25%,75% 230,25%,75% 235,25%,75% 240,25%,75% 245,25%,75% 250,25%,75% 255,25%,75% 260,25%,75% 265,25%,75% 270,25%,75% 275,25%,75% 280,25%,75% 285,25%,75% 290,25%,75% 295,25%,75% 300,25%,75% 305,25%,75% 310,25%,75% 315,25%,75% 320,25%,75% 325,25%,75% 330,25%,75% 335,25%,75% 340,25%,75% 345,25%,75% 350,25%,75% 355,25%,75%Decreasing Lightness with Reduced Saturation
This chart is the same as the second chart (where we adjust the lightness, while keeping full saturation), but in this one we reduce the saturation to 50%.
Click on an HSL value to open that color and its code in an online editor.
0,50%,80% 5,50%,80% 10,50%,80% 15,50%,80% 20,50%,80% 25,50%,80% 30,50%,80% 35,50%,80% 40,50%,80% 45,50%,80% 50,50%,80% 55,50%,80% 60,50%,80% 65,50%,80% 70,50%,80% 75,50%,80% 80,50%,80% 85,50%,80% 90,50%,80% 95,50%,80% 100,50%,80% 105,50%,80% 110,50%,80% 115,50%,80% 120,50%,80% 125,50%,80% 130,50%,80% 135,50%,80% 140,50%,80% 145,50%,80% 150,50%,80% 155,50%,80% 160,50%,80% 165,50%,80% 170,50%,80% 175,50%,80% 180,50%,80% 185,50%,80% 190,50%,80% 195,50%,80% 200,50%,80% 205,50%,80% 210,50%,80% 215,50%,80% 220,50%,80% 225,50%,80% 230,50%,80% 235,50%,80% 240,50%,80% 245,50%,80% 250,50%,80% 255,50%,80% 260,50%,80% 265,50%,80% 270,50%,80% 275,50%,80% 280,50%,80% 285,50%,80% 290,50%,80% 295,50%,80% 300,50%,80% 305,50%,80% 310,50%,80% 315,50%,80% 320,50%,80% 325,50%,80% 330,50%,80% 335,50%,80% 340,50%,80% 345,50%,80% 350,50%,80% 355,50%,80% 0,50%,60% 5,50%,60% 10,50%,60% 15,50%,60% 20,50%,60% 25,50%,60% 30,50%,60% 35,50%,60% 40,50%,60% 45,50%,60% 50,50%,60% 55,50%,60% 60,50%,60% 65,50%,60% 70,50%,60% 75,50%,60% 80,50%,60% 85,50%,60% 90,50%,60% 95,50%,60% 100,50%,60% 105,50%,60% 110,50%,60% 115,50%,60% 120,50%,60% 125,50%,60% 130,50%,60% 135,50%,60% 140,50%,60% 145,50%,60% 150,50%,60% 155,50%,60% 160,50%,60% 165,50%,60% 170,50%,60% 175,50%,60% 180,50%,60% 185,50%,60% 190,50%,60% 195,50%,60% 200,50%,60% 205,50%,60% 210,50%,60% 215,50%,60% 220,50%,60% 225,50%,60% 230,50%,60% 235,50%,60% 240,50%,60% 245,50%,60% 250,50%,60% 255,50%,60% 260,50%,60% 265,50%,60% 270,50%,60% 275,50%,60% 280,50%,60% 285,50%,60% 290,50%,60% 295,50%,60% 300,50%,60% 305,50%,60% 310,50%,60% 315,50%,60% 320,50%,60% 325,50%,60% 330,50%,60% 335,50%,60% 340,50%,60% 345,50%,60% 350,50%,60% 355,50%,60% 0,50%,40% 5,50%,40% 10,50%,40% 15,50%,40% 20,50%,40% 25,50%,40% 30,50%,40% 35,50%,40% 40,50%,40% 45,50%,40% 50,50%,40% 55,50%,40% 60,50%,40% 65,50%,40% 70,50%,40% 75,50%,40% 80,50%,40% 85,50%,40% 90,50%,40% 95,50%,40% 100,50%,40% 105,50%,40% 110,50%,40% 115,50%,40% 120,50%,40% 125,50%,40% 130,50%,40% 135,50%,40% 140,50%,40% 145,50%,40% 150,50%,40% 155,50%,40% 160,50%,40% 165,50%,40% 170,50%,40% 175,50%,40% 180,50%,40% 185,50%,40% 190,50%,40% 195,50%,40% 200,50%,40% 205,50%,40% 210,50%,40% 215,50%,40% 220,50%,40% 225,50%,40% 230,50%,40% 235,50%,40% 240,50%,40% 245,50%,40% 250,50%,40% 255,50%,40% 260,50%,40% 265,50%,40% 270,50%,40% 275,50%,40% 280,50%,40% 285,50%,40% 290,50%,40% 295,50%,40% 300,50%,40% 305,50%,40% 310,50%,40% 315,50%,40% 320,50%,40% 325,50%,40% 330,50%,40% 335,50%,40% 340,50%,40% 345,50%,40% 350,50%,40% 355,50%,40% 0,50%,20% 5,50%,20% 10,50%,20% 15,50%,20% 20,50%,20% 25,50%,20% 30,50%,20% 35,50%,20% 40,50%,20% 45,50%,20% 50,50%,20% 55,50%,20% 60,50%,20% 65,50%,20% 70,50%,20% 75,50%,20% 80,50%,20% 85,50%,20% 90,50%,20% 95,50%,20% 100,50%,20% 105,50%,20% 110,50%,20% 115,50%,20% 120,50%,20% 125,50%,20% 130,50%,20% 135,50%,20% 140,50%,20% 145,50%,20% 150,50%,20% 155,50%,20% 160,50%,20% 165,50%,20% 170,50%,20% 175,50%,20% 180,50%,20% 185,50%,20% 190,50%,20% 195,50%,20% 200,50%,20% 205,50%,20% 210,50%,20% 215,50%,20% 220,50%,20% 225,50%,20% 230,50%,20% 235,50%,20% 240,50%,20% 245,50%,20% 250,50%,20% 255,50%,20% 260,50%,20% 265,50%,20% 270,50%,20% 275,50%,20% 280,50%,20% 285,50%,20% 290,50%,20% 295,50%,20% 300,50%,20% 305,50%,20% 310,50%,20% 315,50%,20% 320,50%,20% 325,50%,20% 330,50%,20% 335,50%,20% 340,50%,20% 345,50%,20% 350,50%,20% 355,50%,20%Từ khóa » Hsl Colour Wheel
HSL Color Picker - By Brandon Mathis
Colors HSL - W3Schools
HTML HSL And HSLA Colors - W3Schools
HSL Color Picker
Hsl() - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets - MDN Web Docs - Mozilla
HSL And HSV - Wikipedia
Cccolor: HEX, RGB & HSL Color Picker For HTML & CSS | Fffuel
An Introduction To The HSL Color System - Nix Sensor
An Easy Guide To HSL Color - The New Code
HSL Color Model: What It Does, When It's Useful, And How It Compares ...
HSL Color Wheel - Python For Designers
Using HSL Colors In CSS - Smashing Magazine
HSL Selected (Hue, Saturation, Light) Color Codes