HTML Color Code Generator: Yellow
Có thể bạn quan tâm
The current display color is yellow, so all examples below have had their HTML color code generated using yellow as the color.
Change Color
Select a new color to generate the HTML code necessary to include it into your HTML document.
Text Color
Here are examples of text color being set to yellow
Source Code | Result |
The color of this text is: Yellow. The color of this text is inherited from its containing block, but the text inside this 'span' tag has been changed to Yellow. The text inside this 'div' tag has a color of Yellow. | The color of this text is: Yellow. The color of this text is inherited from its containing block, but the text inside this 'span' tag has been changed to Yellow. The text inside this 'div' tag has a color of Yellow. |
Background Color
Source Code | Result |
The color of this paragraph is: Yellow. The background color of this text is inherited from its containing block, but the background color of this 'span' tag has been changed to Yellow. The background color of this 'div' tag is Yellow. | The color of this paragraph is: Yellow. The background color of this text is inherited from its containing block, but the background color of this 'span' tag has been changed to Yellow. The background color of this 'div' tag is Yellow. |
Border Color
Source Code | Result |
This text has a border color of: Yellow. The border of this text is inherited from its containing block, but this 'span' tag has a border with a color of Yellow. The border color of this 'div' tag is Yellow. | This text has a border color of: Yellow. The border of this text is inherited from its containing block, but this 'span' tag has a border with a color of Yellow. The border color of this 'div' tag is Yellow. |
Outline Color
An outline is similar to a border, except that the outline is not actually part of the element - it simply draws an "outline" around the element.
Source Code | Result |
This text has an outline color of: Yellow. The outline of this text is inherited from its containing block, but this 'span' tag has an outline color of Yellow. The outline color of this 'div' tag is Yellow. | This text has an outline color of: Yellow. The outline of this text is inherited from its containing block, but this 'span' tag has an outline color of Yellow. The outline color of this 'div' tag is Yellow. |
Color Code Chart
Pick a color from the chart to generate the HTML code for that color. Selecting a color will also change the background of the chart so that you can check how it looks against the other colors.
To select a color, click on the color name or its hexadecimal value.
Note that Yellow is an example of a color name. Although it is usually fine to use color names to define your colors, you might be better off using the corresponding hexadecimal value. This is because hex colors are more compatible with browsers, operating systems, etc.
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Online Editor
HTML Generators
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MySpace Generators
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- MySpace Marquee Generator
- MySpace Comment Box
Từ khóa » Html Bgcolor Yellow
HTML Color Groups
HTML Colors - W3Schools
Yellow Color Codes
HTML Background Color - HTML Color Codes
HTML - Bgcolor - Tizag Tutorials
Background>yellowin Html Code Example
In Html Code Example
How Do I Change The Background Color To Yellow In HTML? - Quora
#FFFFE0 (LightYellow) HTML Color Code - Computer Hope
HTML | Bgcolor Attribute - GeeksforGeeks
How To Add & Change Background Color In HTML - HubSpot Blog
CSS/Properties/color/keywords - W3C Wiki
How To Set Background Color In HTML? - Tutorialspoint
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