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Colors Tutorial

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Color Schemes

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Color Names Sorted by Color Groups

All modern browsers support the following 140 color names (click on a color name, or a hex value, to view the color as the background-color along with different text colors):

Click here to see the 140 colors sorted by Name

Click here to see the 140 colors sorted by HEX Value

Pink Colors

Color Name HEX Color Shades Mix
Pink #FFC0CB Shades Mix
LightPink #FFB6C1 Shades Mix
HotPink #FF69B4 Shades Mix
DeepPink #FF1493 Shades Mix
PaleVioletRed #DB7093 Shades Mix
MediumVioletRed #C71585 Shades Mix

Purple Colors

Color Name HEX Color Shades Mix
Lavender #E6E6FA Shades Mix
Thistle #D8BFD8 Shades Mix
Plum #DDA0DD Shades Mix
Orchid #DA70D6 Shades Mix
Violet #EE82EE Shades Mix
Fuchsia #FF00FF Shades Mix
Magenta #FF00FF Shades Mix
MediumOrchid #BA55D3 Shades Mix
DarkOrchid #9932CC Shades Mix
DarkViolet #9400D3 Shades Mix
BlueViolet #8A2BE2 Shades Mix
DarkMagenta #8B008B Shades Mix
Purple #800080 Shades Mix
MediumPurple #9370DB Shades Mix
MediumSlateBlue #7B68EE Shades Mix
SlateBlue #6A5ACD Shades Mix
DarkSlateBlue #483D8B Shades Mix
RebeccaPurple #663399 Shades Mix
Indigo #4B0082 Shades Mix

Red Colors

Color Name HEX Color Shades Mix
LightSalmon #FFA07A Shades Mix
Salmon #FA8072 Shades Mix
DarkSalmon #E9967A Shades Mix
LightCoral #F08080 Shades Mix
IndianRed #CD5C5C Shades Mix
Crimson #DC143C Shades Mix
Red #FF0000 Shades Mix
FireBrick #B22222 Shades Mix
DarkRed #8B0000 Shades Mix

Orange Colors

Color Name HEX Color Shades Mix
Orange #FFA500 Shades Mix
DarkOrange #FF8C00 Shades Mix
Coral #FF7F50 Shades Mix
Tomato #FF6347 Shades Mix
OrangeRed #FF4500 Shades Mix

Yellow Colors

Color Name HEX Color Shades Mix
Gold #FFD700 Shades Mix
Yellow #FFFF00 Shades Mix
LightYellow #FFFFE0 Shades Mix
LemonChiffon #FFFACD Shades Mix
LightGoldenRodYellow #FAFAD2 Shades Mix
PapayaWhip #FFEFD5 Shades Mix
Moccasin #FFE4B5 Shades Mix
PeachPuff #FFDAB9 Shades Mix
PaleGoldenRod #EEE8AA Shades Mix
Khaki #F0E68C Shades Mix
DarkKhaki #BDB76B Shades Mix

Green Colors

Color Name HEX Color Shades Mix
GreenYellow #ADFF2F Shades Mix
Chartreuse #7FFF00 Shades Mix
LawnGreen #7CFC00 Shades Mix
Lime #00FF00 Shades Mix
LimeGreen #32CD32 Shades Mix
PaleGreen #98FB98 Shades Mix
LightGreen #90EE90 Shades Mix
MediumSpringGreen #00FA9A Shades Mix
SpringGreen #00FF7F Shades Mix
MediumSeaGreen #3CB371 Shades Mix
SeaGreen #2E8B57 Shades Mix
ForestGreen #228B22 Shades Mix
Green #008000 Shades Mix
DarkGreen #006400 Shades Mix
YellowGreen #9ACD32 Shades Mix
OliveDrab #6B8E23 Shades Mix
DarkOliveGreen #556B2F Shades Mix
MediumAquaMarine #66CDAA Shades Mix
DarkSeaGreen #8FBC8F Shades Mix
LightSeaGreen #20B2AA Shades Mix
DarkCyan #008B8B Shades Mix
Teal #008080 Shades Mix

Cyan Colors

Color Name HEX Color Shades Mix
Aqua #00FFFF Shades Mix
Cyan #00FFFF Shades Mix
LightCyan #E0FFFF Shades Mix
PaleTurquoise #AFEEEE Shades Mix
Aquamarine #7FFFD4 Shades Mix
Turquoise #40E0D0 Shades Mix
MediumTurquoise #48D1CC Shades Mix
DarkTurquoise #00CED1 Shades Mix

Blue Colors

Color Name HEX Color Shades Mix
CadetBlue #5F9EA0 Shades Mix
SteelBlue #4682B4 Shades Mix
LightSteelBlue #B0C4DE Shades Mix
LightBlue #ADD8E6 Shades Mix
PowderBlue #B0E0E6 Shades Mix
LightSkyBlue #87CEFA Shades Mix
SkyBlue #87CEEB Shades Mix
CornflowerBlue #6495ED Shades Mix
DeepSkyBlue #00BFFF Shades Mix
DodgerBlue #1E90FF Shades Mix
RoyalBlue #4169E1 Shades Mix
Blue #0000FF Shades Mix
MediumBlue #0000CD Shades Mix
DarkBlue #00008B Shades Mix
Navy #000080 Shades Mix
MidnightBlue #191970 Shades Mix

Brown Colors

Color Name HEX Color Shades Mix
Cornsilk #FFF8DC Shades Mix
BlanchedAlmond #FFEBCD Shades Mix
Bisque #FFE4C4 Shades Mix
NavajoWhite #FFDEAD Shades Mix
Wheat #F5DEB3 Shades Mix
BurlyWood #DEB887 Shades Mix
Tan #D2B48C Shades Mix
RosyBrown #BC8F8F Shades Mix
SandyBrown #F4A460 Shades Mix
GoldenRod #DAA520 Shades Mix
DarkGoldenRod #B8860B Shades Mix
Peru #CD853F Shades Mix
Chocolate #D2691E Shades Mix
Olive #808000 Shades Mix
SaddleBrown #8B4513 Shades Mix
Sienna #A0522D Shades Mix
Brown #A52A2A Shades Mix
Maroon #800000 Shades Mix

White Colors

Color Name HEX Color Shades Mix
White #FFFFFF Shades Mix
Snow #FFFAFA Shades Mix
HoneyDew #F0FFF0 Shades Mix
MintCream #F5FFFA Shades Mix
Azure #F0FFFF Shades Mix
AliceBlue #F0F8FF Shades Mix
GhostWhite #F8F8FF Shades Mix
WhiteSmoke #F5F5F5 Shades Mix
SeaShell #FFF5EE Shades Mix
Beige #F5F5DC Shades Mix
OldLace #FDF5E6 Shades Mix
FloralWhite #FFFAF0 Shades Mix
Ivory #FFFFF0 Shades Mix
AntiqueWhite #FAEBD7 Shades Mix
Linen #FAF0E6 Shades Mix
LavenderBlush #FFF0F5 Shades Mix
MistyRose #FFE4E1 Shades Mix

Grey Colors

Color Name HEX Color Shades Mix
Gainsboro #DCDCDC Shades Mix
LightGray #D3D3D3 Shades Mix
Silver #C0C0C0 Shades Mix
DarkGray #A9A9A9 Shades Mix
DimGray #696969 Shades Mix
Gray #808080 Shades Mix
LightSlateGray #778899 Shades Mix
SlateGray #708090 Shades Mix
DarkSlateGray #2F4F4F Shades Mix
Black #000000 Shades Mix
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