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HTML color names are the simplest way to define the color for the HTML elements, as they are predefined names for the colors, such as red, green, blue, etc. By using these HTML color names, you can apply colors without having knowledge of RGB and hexadecimal color codes.
Standard Color Names
The table below lists the 16 color names introduced in HTML 3.2, along with their hex codes and color samples:
Color Name | Hex Value | Color |
aqua | #00ffff | |
black | #000000 | |
blue | #0000ff | |
fuchsia | #ff00ff | |
green | #008000 | |
gray | #808080 | |
lime | #00ff00 | |
maroon | #800000 | |
navy | #000080 | |
olive | #808000 | |
purple | #800080 | |
red | #ff0000 | |
silver | #c0c0c0 | |
teal | #008080 | |
white | #ffffff | |
yellow | #ffff00 |
Extended Color Names
The following table lists colors, known as extended colors, that are not part of the HTML or XHTML specifications but are supported by most major browsers, along with their hex codes and color samples:
Color Name | Hex Value | Color |
aliceblue | #f0f8ff | |
antiquewhite | #faebd7 | |
aquamarine | #7fffd4 | |
azure | #f0ffff | |
beige | #f5f5dc | |
bisque | #ffe4c4 | |
blanchedalmond | #ffebcd | |
blueviolet | #8a2be2 | |
brown | #a52a2a | |
burlywood | #deb887 | |
cadetblue | #5f9ea0 | |
chartreuse | #7fff00 | |
chocolate | #d2691e | |
coral | #ff7f50 | |
cornflowerblue | #6495ed | |
cornsilk | #fff8dc | |
crimson | #dc143c | |
cyan | #00ffff | |
darkblue | #00008b | |
darkcyan | #008b8b | |
darkgoldenrod | #b8860b | |
darkgray | #a9a9a9 | |
darkgreen | #006400 | |
darkkhaki | #bdb76b | |
darkmagenta | #8b008b | |
darkolivegreen | #556b2f | |
darkorange | #ff8c00 | |
darkorchid | #9932cc | |
darkred | #8b0000 | |
darksalmon | #e9967a | |
darkseagreen | #8fbc8f | |
darkslateblue | #483d8b | |
darkslategray | #2f4f4f | |
darkturquoise | #00ced1 | |
darkviolet | #9400d3 | |
deeppink | #ff1493 | |
deepskyblue | #00bfff | |
dimgray | #696969 | |
dodgerblue | #1e90ff | |
firebrick | #b22222 | |
floralwhite | #fffaf0 | |
forestgreen | #228b22 | |
gainsboro | #dcdcdc | |
ghostwhite | #f8f8ff | |
gold | #ffd700 | |
goldenrod | #daa520 | |
gray | #808080 | |
greenyellow | #adff2f | |
honeydew | #f0fff0 | |
hotpink | #ff69b4 | |
indianred | #cd5c5c | |
indigo | #4b0082 | |
ivory | #fffff0 | |
khaki | #f0e68c | |
lavender | #e6e6fa | |
lavenderblush | #fff0f5 | |
lawngreen | #7cfc00 | |
lemonchiffon | #fffacd | |
lightblue | #add8e6 | |
lightcoral | #f08080 | |
lightcyan | #e0ffff | |
lightgoldenrodyellow | #fafad2 | |
lightgreen | #90ee90 | |
lightgrey | #d3d3d3 | |
lightpink | #ffb6c1 | |
lightsalmon | #ffa07a | |
lightseagreen | #20b2aa | |
lightskyblue | #87cefa | |
lightslategray | #778899 | |
lightsteelblue | #b0c4de | |
lightyellow | #ffffe0 | |
limegreen | #32cd32 | |
linen | #faf0e6 | |
magenta | #ff00ff | |
mediumblue | #0000cd | |
mediumorchid | #ba55d3 | |
mediumpurple | #9370db | |
midnightblue | #191970 | |
mistyrose | #ffe4e1 | |
moccasin | #ffe4b5 | |
oldlace | #fdf5e6 | |
orange | #ffa500 | |
orchid | #da70d6 | |
peachpuff | #ffdab9 | |
peru | #cd853f | |
pink | #ffc0cb | |
plum | #dda0dd | |
purple | #800080 | |
rosybrown | #bc8f8f | |
royalblue | #4169e1 | |
salmon | #fa8072 | |
sandybrown | #f4a460 | |
seagreen | #2e8b57 | |
sienna | #a0522d | |
skyblue | #87ceeb | |
slateblue | #6a5acd | |
steelblue | #4682b4 | |
tan | #d2b48c | |
thistle | #d8bfd8 | |
tomato | #ff6347 | |
violet | #ee82ee | |
wheat | #f5deb3 | |
whitesmoke | #f5f5f5 | |
yellow | #ffff00 | |
yellowgreen | #9acd32 |
Từ khóa » Html Color Codes And Names
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