HTML Svg ViewBox Attribute - Dofactory

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Earn income with your HTML skills Sign up and we'll send you the best freelance opportunities straight to your inbox. We're building the largest freelancing marketplace for people like you. Send Me Opportunities By adding your name & email you agree to our terms, privacy and cookie policies. HTML <svg> viewBox Attribute HTML <sup> HTML <table>

The viewBox attribute on an <svg> tag specifies the position and size of the svg image.

This is used to scale SVG element.



A viewBox attribute on an <svg>. The coordinate system is in 0-100 units whereas the real dimensions are 200 x 200 pixels.

<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" width="200" height="200"> <g transform="translate(50,50)"> <path d="M38,-1h12v2h-12zM-38-1h-12v2h12z"/> <path d="M40,-1h8v2h-8zM-40-1h-8v2h8z" transform="rotate(30)"/> <path d="M40,-1h8v2h-8zM-40-1h-8v2h8z" transform="rotate(60)"/> <path d="M38,-1h12v2h-12zM-38-1h-12v2h12z" transform="rotate(90)"/> <path d="M40,-1h8v2h-8zM-40-1h-8v2h8z" transform="rotate(120)"/> <path d="M40,-1h8v2h-8zM-40-1h-8v2h8z" transform="rotate(150)"/> <path d="M-0.5,0v-35h1v35z"/> <path d="M0,-0.75h30v1.5h-30z"/> <path d="M0,-0.75h30v1.5h-30z" transform="rotate(-30)" fill="#888"/> <circle r="2"/> </g> </svg> Try it live

Using viewBox


The viewBox is an attribute of the SVG element in HTML.

This attribute is used to scale the SVG element.

The SVG coordinates with origin, width, and height are defined with this attribute.



<svg viewBox = "min-x min-y width height">



Value Description
min-x Defines the origin on the horizontal axis (i.e left to right).
max-x Defines the origin on the vertical axis (i.e top to bottom).
width Defines the width of the viewbox.
height Defines the height of the viewbox.

Browser support


Here is when viewBox support started for each browser:

Chrome 4.0 Jan 2010
Firefox 3.0 Jun 2008
IE/Edge 9.0 Mar 2011
Opera 10.1 Jun 2010
Safari 3.2 Nov 2008

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Back to <svg> Jack Poorte Jack Poorte Last updated on Sep 30, 2023 Earn income with your HTML skills Sign up and we'll send you the best freelance opportunities straight to your inbox. We're building the largest freelancing marketplace for people like you. Send Me Opportunities By adding your name & email you agree to our terms, privacy and cookie policies. Guides
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On this page
  • viewBox Attribute
  • Example
  • Using viewBox
  • Syntax
  • Values
  • More Examples
  • Browser support
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