HTML Td Colspan Attribute - Dofactory
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The colspan attribute on a <td> tag specifies the number of columns a table cell should occupy, i.e. span.
The default is 1, which is equivalent to no column span.
A <td> element with a colspan value of 2. The last row stretches over two columns.
Investor | Amount |
Joel Nais | $250 |
Tom Simpson | $300 |
Greta Waltz | $100 |
Total amount invested: $650 |
Using colspan
A value of 0 will span until the last column in the current <colgroup> (column group).
The default value is 1, meaning no column span.
<td colspan="number">Values
Value | Description |
number | Number of columns a table cell should span. |
Browser support
Here is when colspan support started for each browser:
Chrome | 1.0 | Sep 2008 |
Firefox | 1.0 | Sep 2002 |
IE/Edge | 1.0 | Aug 1995 |
Opera | 1.0 | Jan 2006 |
Safari | 1.0 | Jan 2003 |
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- colspan Attribute
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