zes - Web APIs | MDN

  1. References
  2. Web APIs
  3. HTMLImageElement
  4. sizes
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  • Value
  • Examples
  • Specifications
  • Browser compatibility
  • See also
  2. HTMLImageElement
  3. Constructor
    1. Image()
  4. Instance properties
    1. align Deprecated
    2. alt
    3. attributionSrc Experimental
    4. border Deprecated
    5. complete
    6. crossOrigin
    7. currentSrc
    8. decoding
    9. fetchPriority
    10. height
    11. hspace Deprecated
    12. isMap
    13. loading
    14. longDesc Deprecated
    15. name Deprecated
    16. naturalHeight
    17. naturalWidth
    18. referrerPolicy
    19. sizes
    20. src
    21. srcset
    22. useMap
    23. vspace Deprecated
    24. width
    25. x
    26. y
  5. Instance methods
    1. decode()
  6. Inheritance
    1. HTMLElement
    2. Element
    3. Node
    4. EventTarget
  7. Related pages for HTML DOM
    1. BeforeUnloadEvent
    2. DOMStringMap
    3. ErrorEvent
    4. HTMLAnchorElement
    5. HTMLAreaElement
    6. HTMLAudioElement
    7. HTMLBRElement
    8. HTMLBaseElement
    9. HTMLBodyElement
    10. HTMLButtonElement
    11. HTMLCanvasElement
    12. HTMLDListElement
    13. HTMLDataElement
    14. HTMLDataListElement
    15. HTMLDialogElement
    16. HTMLDivElement
    17. HTMLDocument
    18. HTMLElement
    19. HTMLEmbedElement
    20. HTMLFieldSetElement
    21. HTMLFormControlsCollection
    22. HTMLFormElement
    23. HTMLFrameSetElement Deprecated
    24. HTMLHRElement
    25. HTMLHeadElement
    26. HTMLHeadingElement
    27. HTMLHtmlElement
    28. HTMLIFrameElement
    29. HTMLInputElement
    30. HTMLLIElement
    31. HTMLLabelElement
    32. HTMLLegendElement
    33. HTMLLinkElement
    34. HTMLMapElement
    35. HTMLMediaElement
    36. HTMLMenuElement
    37. HTMLMetaElement
    38. HTMLMeterElement
    39. HTMLModElement
    40. HTMLOListElement
    41. HTMLObjectElement
    42. HTMLOptGroupElement
    43. HTMLOptionElement
    44. HTMLOptionsCollection
    45. HTMLOutputElement
    46. HTMLParagraphElement
    47. HTMLPictureElement
    48. HTMLPreElement
    49. HTMLProgressElement
    50. HTMLQuoteElement
    51. HTMLScriptElement
    52. HTMLSelectElement
    53. HTMLSourceElement
    54. HTMLSpanElement
    55. HTMLStyleElement
    56. HTMLTableCaptionElement
    57. HTMLTableCellElement
    58. HTMLTableColElement
    59. HTMLTableElement
    60. HTMLTableRowElement
    61. HTMLTableSectionElement
    62. HTMLTemplateElement
    63. HTMLTextAreaElement
    64. HTMLTimeElement
    65. HTMLTitleElement
    66. HTMLTrackElement
    67. HTMLUListElement
    68. HTMLUnknownElement
    69. HTMLVideoElement
    70. HashChangeEvent
    71. History
    72. ImageData
    73. Location
    74. MessageChannel
    75. MessageEvent
    76. MessagePort
    77. Navigator
    78. PageRevealEvent
    79. PageSwapEvent
    80. PageTransitionEvent
    81. Plugin Deprecated
    82. PluginArray Deprecated
    83. PromiseRejectionEvent
    84. RadioNodeList
    85. UserActivation
    86. ValidityState
    87. Window
    88. WorkletGlobalScope
  • Value
  • Examples
  • Specifications
  • Browser compatibility
  • See also

The HTMLImageElement property sizes allows you to specify the layout width of the image for each of a list of media conditions. This provides the ability to automatically select among different images—even images of different orientations or aspect ratios—as the document state changes to match different media conditions.

Each condition is specified using the same conditional format used by media queries.


A string containing a comma-separated list of source size descriptors followed by an optional fallback size. Each source size descriptor is comprised of a media condition, then at least one whitespace character, then the source size value to use for the image when the media condition evaluates to true.

Media conditions

Each source size descriptor consists of a media condition as defined by the media queries standard. Because a source size descriptor is used to specify the width to use for the image during layout of the page, the media condition is typically (but not necessarily) based entirely on width information. See Using media queries, Syntax for details on how to construct a media condition.

Source size values

The source size value is a CSS <length>. It may be specified using font-relative units (such as em or ex), absolute units (such as px or cm), or the vw unit, which lets you specify the width as a percentage of the viewport width (1vw being 1% of the viewport width).

Note: The source size value must not be specified as a percentage of the container size; that is, lengths such as 50% or 100% are not allowed, as there would be uncertainty as to what the specified value is a percentage of.


Selecting an image to fit window width

In this example, a blog-like layout is created, displaying some text and an image for which three size points are specified, depending on the width of the window. Three versions of the image are also available, with their widths specified. The browser takes all of this information and selects an image and width that best meets the specified values.

How exactly the images are used may depend upon the browser and the pixel density of the user's display.

Buttons at the bottom of the example let you actually modify the sizes property slightly, switching the largest of the three widths for the image between 40em and 50em.


html<article> <h1>An amazing headline</h1> <div class="test"></div> <p> This is even more amazing content text. It's really spectacular. And fascinating. Oh, it's also clever and witty. Award-winning stuff, I'm sure. </p> <img src="new-york-skyline-wide.jpg" srcset=" new-york-skyline-wide.jpg 3724w, new-york-skyline-4by3.jpg 1961w, new-york-skyline-tall.jpg 1060w " sizes="((min-width: 50em) and (max-width: 60em)) 50em, ((min-width: 30em) and (max-width: 50em)) 30em, (max-width: 30em) 20em" alt="The New York City skyline on a beautiful day, with the One World Trade Center building in the middle." /> <p> Then there's even more amazing stuff to say down here. Can you believe it? I sure can't. </p> <button id="break40">Last Width: 40em</button> <button id="break50">Last Width: 50em</button> </article>


cssarticle { margin: 1em; max-width: 60em; min-width: 20em; border: 4em solid #880e4f; border-radius: 7em; padding: 1.5em; font: 16px "Open Sans", Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } article img { display: block; max-width: 100%; border: 1px solid #888; box-shadow: 0 0.5em 0.3em #888; margin-bottom: 1.25em; }


The JavaScript code handles the two buttons that let you toggle the third width option between 40em and 50em; this is done by handling the click event, using the JavaScript string replace() method to replace the relevant portion of the sizes string.

jsconst image = document.querySelector("article img"); const break40 = document.getElementById("break40"); const break50 = document.getElementById("break50"); break40.addEventListener( "click", () => (image.sizes = image.sizes.replace(/50em,/, "40em,")), ); break50.addEventListener( "click", () => (image.sizes = image.sizes.replace(/40em,/, "50em,")), );


The page is best viewed in its own window, so you can adjust the sizes fully.


HTML Standard # dom-img-sizes

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

  • Media queries
  • Using media queries
  • HTML images
  • Responsive images
  • Using the srcset and sizes attributes

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Từ khóa » Html Original Image Size