ISO Hole Tolerances (ISO 286-2) (3mm-400mm) - Engineering

ISO Hole Tolerances (ISO 286-2) (3mm-400mm):

ISO Hole Tolerances for chart given below shows range between 3mm to 400mm. Nominal Dimension and Tolerance Zone for Holes are in mm (Metric). ISO Hole Tolerances help the manufacturer to machine the parts with specified litims given by engineer. ISO Hole Tolerance limits is designated with Capital Letter as shown in the chart and It is also described in previous pages.

Example: Nominal Size 3mm-6mm; 28μm = 28x(10-3)=0.028mm

over 3610183040506580100120 140160180200225250280315355
inc. 610183040506580100120140 160180200225250280315355400
E6+28 +20+34 +25+43 +32 +53 +40 +66 +50+79 + 60+94+72+110 +85 +129 +100+142 +110+161 +125
E7+32 +20+40 +25+50 +32 +61 +40 +75 +50+90 + 60+107+72 +125 +85+146 +100+162 +110 +185 +125
E11+95 +20+115 +25+142 +32 +170 +40 +210 +50+250 + 60+292+72 +335 +85+390 +100+430 +110 +485 +125
E12+140 +20+175 +25+212 +32 +250 +40 +300 +50+360 + 60+422+72 +485 +85+560 +100+630 +110 +695 +125
E13+200 +20+245 +25+302 +32 +370 +40 +440 +50+520 + 60+612+72 +715 +85+820 +100+920 +110 +1 015 +125
F6+18 +10+22 +13+27 +16 +33 +20 +41 +25+49 + 30+58 +36 +68 43+79 +50+88 +56 +98+62
F7+22 +10+28 +13+34 +16 +41 +20 +50 +25+60 + 30+71 +36 +83 43+96 +50+108 +56 +119+62
F8+28 +10+35 +13+43 +16 +53 +20 +64 +25+76 + 30+90 +36 +106 43+122 +50+137 +56 +151+62
G6+12 +4+14 +5+17 +6 +20 +7 +25 +9+29 +10+34 + 12 +39+14+44 +15+49 +17 +54 +18
G7+16 +4+20 +5+24 +6 +28 +7 +34 +9+40 +10+47 + 12 +54+14+61 +15+69 +17 +75 +18
G8+22 +4+27 +5+33 +6 +40 +7 +48 +9+56 +10+66 + 12 +77+14+87 +15+98 +17 +107 +18
H6+8 0+9 0+11 0 +13 0 +16 0+19 0+22 0 +250+29 0+32 0 +36 0
H7+12 0+15 0+18 0 +21 0 +25 0+30 0+35 0 +400+46 0+520 +57 0
H8+18 0+22 0+27 0 +33 0 +39 0+46 0+54 0 +630+72 0+81 0 +89 0
H9+30 0+36 0+43 0 +52 0 +62 0+74 0+87 0 +1000+115 0+130 0 +140 0
H10+48 0+58 0+70 0 +84 0 +100 0+120 0+140 0 +1600+185 0+210 0 +230 0
H11+75 0+90 0+110 0 +130 0 +160 0+190 0+220 0 +2500+290 0+320 0 +360 0
J6+5-3+5 -4+6 -5 +8 -5 +10 -6+13 -6+16 -6 +18-7+22 -7+25 -7 +29 -7
J7+6-6+8 -7+10 -8 +12 -9 +14 -11+18 -12+22 -13 +26-14+30 -16+36 -16 +39 -18
J8+10-8+12 -10+15 -12 +20 -13 +24 -15+28 -18+34 -20 +41-22+47 -25+55 -26 +60 -29
JS6+4-4+4.5 -4.5+5.5 -5.5 +6.5 -6.5 +8 -8+9.5 -9.5+11 -11 +12.5-12.5+14.5 -14.5+16 -16 +18 -18
JS7+6-6+7.5 -7.5+9 -9 +10.5 -10.5 +12.5 -12.5+15 -15+17.5 -17.5 +20-20+23 -23+26 -26 +28.5 -28.5
JS8+9-9+11 -11+13.5 -13.5 +16.5 -16.5 +19.5 -19.5+23 -23+27 -27 +31.5-31.5+36 -36+40.5 -40.5 +44.5 -44.5
K6+2-6+2 -7+2 -9 +2 -11 +3 -13+4 -15+4 -18 +4-21+5 -24+5 -27 +7 -29
K7+3-9+5 -10+6 -12 +6 -15 +7 -18+9 -21+10 -25 +12-28+13 -33+16 -36 +17 -40
K8+5-13+6 -16+8 -19 +10 -23 +12 -27+14 -32+16 -38 +20-43+22 -50+25 -56 +28 -61
M6-1-9-3 -12-4 -15 -4 -17 -4 -20-5 -24-6-28 -8 -33-8 -37-9 -41 -10 -46
M70-120 -150 -18 0 -21 0 -250 -300-35 0 -400 -460 -52 0 -57
M8+2-16+1 -21+2 -25 +4 -29 +5 -34+5 -41+6-48 +8-55+9-63+9 -72 +11 -78
N6-5-13-7 -16-9 -20 -11 -24 -12 -28-14 -33-16 -38 -20-45-22 -51-25 -57 -26 -62
N7-4-16-4 -19-5 -23 -7 -28 -8 -33-9 -39-10-45 -12 -52-14 -60-14 -66 -16 -73
N8-2-20-3 -25-3 -30 -3 -36 -3 -42-4 -50-4-58 -4 -67-5 -77-5 -86 -5 -94
P6-9 -17-12 -21-15 -26 -18 -31 -21 -37-26 -45-30-52 -36 -61-41 -70-47 -79 -51 -87
P7-8-20-9 -24-11 -29 -14 -35 -17 -42-21 -51-24-59 -28 -68-33 -79-36 -88 -41 -98
P8-12-30-15-37-18 -45 -22 -55 -26 -65-32 -78-37-91 -43 -106-50 -122-56 -137 -62 -151
R6-12-20-16-25-20-31-24 -37 -29 -45 -35 -54 -37 -56-44-66 -47-69-56 -81-58 -83-61 -86 -68 -97-71 -100-75 -104-85 -117 -89 -121-97 -133-103 -139
R7-11-23-13-28-16-34-20 -41 -25 -50 -30 -60 -32 -62 -38 -73 -41 -76-48-88-50-90-53 -93-60 -106 -63 -109-67 -113-74 -126-78 -130-87 -144 -93 -150

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