Kiến Trúc Giải Tỏa Kết Cấu - Deconstruction Architecture - Issuu


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Create a flipbookKiến trúc Giải tỏa Kết Cấu - Deconstruction ArchitecturePublished on Dec 8, 2014Publisher logoThái Vũ Mạnh LinhFollow this publisher

Critics discussing the phenomenon of deconstructionism use the entire complex of the phraseology developed by Derrida. However, the concept of deconstructionism to be understood explicitly (as the concept of constructivism) with the proviso that the two concepts have nothing to do with thestructure a component architecture. Deconstructionism is simply removing the essence of architecture. Constructivism was an abstract, mystical attitude, aimed at creating a new reality - or rather - over-the reality. Because it was completely anti-functionalist, can be readily harnessed in the service of any utopian ideology. The best example of anti-logic, anti-rationalist and anti-functional constructivism is Wolkenbugel El Lissitzky'ego of 1924 (on the left). The office building was put up in the clouds, and connected to the earth with lifts and installation shafts. The object itself is interesting, but forced to the question - why?. The only effect of such a concept is to increase the cost of buil


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