Language Focus Unit 5: Technology And You Công Nghệ Và Bạn

I. Từ vựng

  • adjust (v) [ə'dʒʌst] điều chỉnh
  • cord (n) [kɔ:d] rắc cắm ti vi
  • plug in (v) [plʌg, in] cắm vào
  • dial (v) ['daiəl] quay số
  • make sure [∫uə] of sth/ that (exp.) đảm bảo

II. Cấu trúc cần lưu ý

  • Âm / u /trong tiếng Anh là một nguyên âm ngắn trong tiếng Anh, là phát âm của chữ cái “u”
  • Âm / u: /trong tiếng Anh là một nguyên âm dài trong tiếng Anh, là phát âm của chữ cái “u”
  • Thì hiện tại hoàn thành: Xem hướng dẫn tại đây
  • Bị động của thì hiện tại hoàn thành: Xem hướng dẫn tại đây
  • Who, which, that: Xem hướng dẫn tại đây.

III. Hướng dẫn giải bài tập

1. Pronunciation

Listen and repeat:

/ u /

  • Put: đặt, để
  • Pull: đẩy
  • Full: đầy, đủ
  • Foot: bàn chân
  • Look: nhìn
  • Cook: đầu bếp

/ u: /

  • food: đồ ăn
  • School: trường học
  • Tooth: răng
  • Fruit: hoa quả
  • June: tháng 6
  • Afternoon: buổi chiều

Pratise these sentences:

  • 1. Could you tell me where you’ve put my book?
  • 2. Your bookshelf is full of book.
  • 3. Look! The boy is looking at your book
  • 4. Miss June is looking at the Moon
  • 5. Both your shoes and your boots are dirty
  • 6. Miss Moon went to school this afternoon.

Exercise 1: Tan has invited Quang to his house. When Quang comes, he sees that (Tan mời Quang đến nhà mình. Khi Quang đến, anh ấy thấy)

  • 1.The door is open (Cửa mở.)
  • 2. The TV is on (Tivi đang mở)
  • 3.The house is tidy (Nhà ngăn nắp)
  • 4. The floor is clean (Sàn nhà sạch sẽ)
  • 5. The lights are on (Các đèn bật sáng).
  • 6.Two bottles of water laid on the table (Hai chai nước để trên bàn.)

Write in your exercise book what you think Tan has done before Quang comes.

(Viết vào tập bài tập cùa em những gì em Tan đã làm trước khi Quang đến.)

  • 1.Tan has opened the door.
  • 2. He has turned on the TV.
  • 3.He has tidied the house.
  • 4. He has cleaned the floor.
  • 5.He has switched the lights on.
  • 6. He has laid two bottles of water on the table.

The present perfect passive

Exercise 2: Build sentences after the model. (Làm câu theo câu mẫu.)

  • A new hospital for children has been built in our city.
  • Another man-made satellite has been sent up into space.
  • More and more trees have been cut down for wood by farmers.
  • Thousands of animals have been killed in the forest fire.
  • About one hundred buildings and houses have been destroyed in the earthquake. More than 50 films have been shown in Hanoi since June.
  • Their hands have been washed and dried on a towel.
  • Another book has been read by the students.
  • Some ink has been spilt on the carpet.
  • She has been shown how to do it.

Exercise 3: Fill in each blank with who, which or that. (Điền mỗi chỗ trống với who, which hoặc that.)

  • 1 .A clock is an instrument which / that tells you the time.
  • 2. A fridge is a machine which/that is used for keeping food fresh
  • 3. April 1th is the day which / that is called April Fool’s Day in the West.
  • 4.A nurse is a person who look after patients
  • 5. A teacher is a person who gives lessons to students
  • 6. A blind person is the one that/ who cannot see anything
  • 7. The man that / who(m) you visited last month is a famous scientist
  • 8. Please think of a word which / that comes fom a foreign language into Vietnamese
  • 9. These are the pictures (which / that) my son drew when he was young
  • 10. Can you help me find the man who saved the girl?

Từ khóa » Tiếng Anh Lớp 10 Unit 5 Language Focus