Major Hexadecimal Color Codes
Có thể bạn quan tâm
HTML color codes are hexadecimal triplets representing the colors red, green, and blue (#RRGGBB). For example, in the color red, the color code is #FF0000, which is '255' red, '0' green, and '0' blue. There are 16,777,216 possible HTML color codes, and all are visible on a 24-bit display.
These color codes can change the color of the background, text, and tables on a web page. They can also reference exact colors in photo editing programs like Adobe Photoshop.
- Major hexadecimal color codes.
- Color code chart.
- HTML color code tool.
- How to change the font type, size, and color on a web page.
- All questions relating to CSS and HTML colors.
- All color-related terms.
- HTML help.
Major hexadecimal color codes
Below are some common color names and codes. With these colors, the color name can also be used. For example, in HTML (hypertext markup language) tags and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) that use color codes, you could use "red" instead of "#FF0000."
Color Name | Color Code | Color Name | Color Code |
Red | #FF0000 | White | #FFFFFF |
Cyan | #00FFFF | Silver | #C0C0C0 |
Blue | #0000FF | Gray or Grey | #808080 |
DarkBlue | #00008B | Black | #000000 |
LightBlue | #ADD8E6 | Orange | #FFA500 |
Purple | #800080 | Brown | #A52A2A |
Yellow | #FFFF00 | Maroon | #800000 |
Lime | #00FF00 | Green | #008000 |
Magenta | #FF00FF | Olive | #808000 |
Pink | #FFC0CB | Aquamarine | #7FFFD4 |
See the W3C color names for a full list of color names or look for (W3C) in the table below.
Color code chart
Blacks - Grays - Blues - Greens - Yellows - Browns - Orange - Reds - Pinks - Purples
Code | Color names |
#000000 | Black (W3C) |
#040720 | Black Blue |
#0C090A | Night |
#34282C | Charcoal |
#3B3131 | Oil |
#3A3B3C | Stormy Gray |
#454545 | Light Black |
#4D4D4F | Dark Steampunk |
#413839 | Black Cat |
#3D3C3A | Iridium |
#463E3F | Black Eel |
#4C4646 | Black Cow |
#504A4B | Gray Wolf |
#565051 | Vampire Gray |
#52595D | Iron Gray |
#5C5858 | Gray Dolphin |
#625D5D | Carbon Gray |
#666362 | Ash Gray |
#696969 | DimGray or DimGrey (W3C) |
#686A6C | Nardo Gray |
#6D6968 | Cloudy Gray |
#726E6D | Smokey Gray |
#736F6E | Alien Gray |
#757575 | Sonic Silver |
#797979 | Platinum Gray |
#837E7C | Granite |
#808080 | Gray or Grey (W3C) |
#848482 | Battleship Gray |
#888B90 | Sheet Metal |
#8C8C8C | Dark Gainsboro |
#8D918D | Gunmetal Gray |
#9B9A96 | Cold Metal |
#99A3A3 | Stainless Steel Gray |
#A9A9A9 | DarkGray or DarkGrey (W3C) |
#A8A9AD | Chrome Aluminum |
#B6B6B4 | Gray Cloud |
#B6B6B6 | Metal |
#C0C0C0 | Silver (W3C) |
#C9C1C1 | Steampunk |
#C9C0BB | Pale Silver |
#C0C6C7 | Gear Steel Gray |
#D1D0CE | Gray Goose |
#CECECE | Platinum Silver |
#D3D3D3 | LightGray or LightGrey (W3C) |
#DADBDD | Silver White |
#DCDCDC | Gainsboro (W3C) |
#E0E5E5 | Light Steel Gray |
#F5F5F5 | WhiteSmoke (W3C) |
#EEEEEE | White Gray |
#E5E4E2 | Platinum |
#BCC6CC | Metallic Silver |
#98AFC7 | Blue Gray |
#838996 | Roman Silver |
#778899 | LightSlateGray or LightSlateGrey (W3C) |
#708090 | SlateGray or SlateGrey (W3C) |
#6D7B8D | Rat Gray |
#657383 | Slate Granite Gray |
#616D7E | Jet Gray |
#646D7E | Mist Blue |
#71797E | Steel Gray |
#566D7E | Marble Blue |
#737CA1 | Slate Blue Gray |
#728FCE | Light Purple Blue |
#4863A0 | Azure Blue |
#2F539B | Estoril Blue |
#2B547E | Blue Jay |
#36454F | Charcoal Blue |
#29465B | Dark Blue Gray |
#2B3856 | Dark Slate |
#123456 | Deep Sea Blue |
#151B54 | Night Blue |
#191970 | MidnightBlue (W3C) |
#000080 | Navy (W3C) |
#151B8D | Denim Dark Blue |
#00008B | DarkBlue (W3C) |
#15317E | Lapis Blue |
#0000A0 | New Midnight Blue |
#0000A5 | Earth Blue |
#0020C2 | Cobalt Blue |
#0000CD | MediumBlue (W3C) |
#0041C2 | Blueberry Blue |
#2916F5 | Canary Blue |
#0000FF | Blue (W3C) |
#0002FF | Samco Blue |
#0909FF | Bright Blue |
#1F45FC | Blue Orchid |
#2554C7 | Sapphire Blue |
#1569C7 | Blue Eyes |
#1974D2 | Bright Navy Blue |
#2B60DE | Balloon Blue |
#4169E1 | RoyalBlue (W3C) |
#2B65EC | Ocean Blue |
#0059FF | Dark Sky Blue |
#306EFF | Blue Ribbon |
#157DEC | Blue Dress |
#1589FF | Neon Blue |
#1E90FF | DodgerBlue (W3C) |
#368BC1 | Glacial Blue Ice |
#4682B4 | SteelBlue (W3C) |
#488AC7 | Silk Blue |
#357EC7 | Windows Blue |
#3090C7 | Blue Ivy |
#14A3C7 | Cyan Blue |
#659EC7 | Blue Koi |
#87AFC7 | Columbia Blue |
#95B9C7 | Baby Blue |
#6495ED | CornflowerBlue (W3C) |
#6698FF | Sky Blue Dress |
#56A5EC | Iceberg |
#38ACEC | Butterfly Blue |
#00BFFF | DeepSkyBlue (W3C) |
#3BB9FF | Midday Blue |
#5CB3FF | Crystal Blue |
#79BAEC | Denim Blue |
#82CAFF | Day Sky Blue |
#87CEFA | LightSkyBlue (W3C) |
#87CEEB | SkyBlue (W3C) |
#A0CFEC | Jeans Blue |
#B7CEEC | Blue Angel |
#B4CFEC | Pastel Blue |
#ADDFFF | Light Day Blue |
#C2DFFF | Sea Blue |
#C6DEFF | Heavenly Blue |
#BDEDFF | Robin Egg Blue |
#B0E0E6 | PowderBlue (W3C) |
#AFDCEC | Coral Blue |
#ADD8E6 | LightBlue (W3C) |
#B0CFDE | LightSteelBlue (W3C) |
#C9DFEC | Gulf Blue |
#D5D6EA | Pastel Light Blue |
#E3E4FA | Lavender Blue |
#DBE9FA | White Blue |
#E6E6FA | Lavender (W3C) |
#EBF4FA | Water |
#F0F8FF | AliceBlue (W3C) |
#F8F8FF | GhostWhite (W3C) |
#F0FFFF | Azure (W3C) |
#E0FFFF | LightCyan (W3C) |
#CCFFFF | Light Slate |
#9AFEFF | Electric Blue |
#7DFDFE | Tron Blue |
#57FEFF | Blue Zircon |
#00FFFF | Cyan or Aqua (W3C) |
#0AFFFF | Bright Cyan |
#50EBEC | Celeste |
#4EE2EC | Blue Diamond |
#16E2F5 | Bright Turquoise |
#8EEBEC | Blue Lagoon |
#AFEEEE | PaleTurquoise (W3C) |
#CFECEC | Pale Blue Lily |
#B3D9D9 | Light Teal |
#81D8D0 | Tiffany Blue |
#77BFC7 | Blue Hosta |
#92C7C7 | Cyan Opaque |
#78C7C7 | Northern Lights Blue |
#7BCCB5 | Blue Green |
#66CDAA | MediumAquaMarine (W3C) |
#93E9BE | Aqua Seafoam Green |
#AAF0D1 | Magic Mint |
#93FFE8 | Light Aquamarine |
#7FFFD4 | Aquamarine (W3C) |
#01F9C6 | Bright Teal |
#40E0D0 | Turquoise (W3C) |
#48D1CC | MediumTurquoise (W3C) |
#48CCCD | Deep Turquoise |
#46C7C7 | Jellyfish |
#43C6DB | Blue Turquoise |
#00CED1 | DarkTurquoise (W3C) |
#43BFC7 | Macaw Blue Green |
#20B2AA | LightSeaGreen (W3C) |
#3EA99F | Seafoam Green |
#5F9EA0 | CadetBlue (W3C) |
#3B9C9C | Deep Sea |
#008B8B | DarkCyan (W3C) |
#00827F | Teal Green |
#008080 | Teal (W3C) |
#007C80 | Teal Blue |
#045F5F | Medium Teal |
#045D5D | Dark Teal |
#033E3E | Deep Teal |
#25383C | DarkSlateGray or DarkSlateGrey (W3C) |
#2C3539 | Gunmetal |
#3C565B | Blue Moss Green |
#4C787E | Beetle Green |
#5E7D7E | Grayish Turquoise |
#307D7E | Greenish Blue |
#348781 | Aquamarine Stone |
#438D80 | Sea Turtle Green |
#4E8975 | Dull Sea Green |
#1F6357 | Dark Green Blue |
#306754 | Deep Sea Green |
#006A4E | Bottle Green |
#2E8B57 | SeaGreen (W3C) |
#1B8A6B | Elf Green |
#31906E | Dark Mint |
#00A36C | Jade |
#34A56F | Earth Green |
#1AA260 | Chrome Green |
#3EB489 | Mint |
#50C878 | Emerald |
#22CE83 | Isle Of Man Green |
#3CB371 | MediumSeaGreen (W3C) |
#7C9D8E | Metallic Green |
#78866B | Camouflage Green |
#848B79 | Sage Green |
#617C58 | Hazel Green |
#728C00 | Venom Green |
#6B8E23 | OliveDrab (W3C) |
#808000 | Olive (W3C) |
#555D50 | Ebony |
#556B2F | DarkOliveGreen (W3C) |
#4E5B31 | Military Green |
#3A5F0B | Green Leaves |
#4B5320 | Army Green |
#667C26 | Fern Green |
#4E9258 | Fall Forest Green |
#08A04B | Irish Green |
#387C44 | Pine Green |
#347235 | Medium Forest Green |
#27742C | Racing Green |
#347C2C | Jungle Green |
#227442 | Cactus Green |
#228B22 | ForestGreen (W3C) |
#008000 | Green (W3C) |
#006400 | DarkGreen (W3C) |
#056608 | Deep Green |
#046307 | Deep Emerald Green |
#355E3B | Hunter Green |
#254117 | Dark Forest Green |
#004225 | Lotus Green |
#026C3D | Broccoli Green |
#437C17 | Seaweed Green |
#347C17 | Shamrock Green |
#6AA121 | Green Onion |
#8A9A5B | Moss Green |
#3F9B0B | Grass Green |
#4AA02C | Green Pepper |
#41A317 | Dark Lime Green |
#12AD2B | Parrot Green |
#3EA055 | Clover Green |
#73A16C | Dinosaur Green |
#6CBB3C | Green Snake |
#6CC417 | Alien Green |
#4CC417 | Green Apple |
#32CD32 | LimeGreen (W3C) |
#52D017 | Pea Green |
#4CC552 | Kelly Green |
#54C571 | Zombie Green |
#89C35C | Green Peas |
#85BB65 | Dollar Bill Green |
#99C68E | Frog Green |
#A0D6B4 | Turquoise Green |
#8FBC8F | DarkSeaGreen (W3C) |
#829F82 | Basil Green |
#A2AD9C | Gray Green |
#B8BC86 | Light Olive Green |
#9CB071 | Iguana Green |
#8FB31D | Citron Green |
#B0BF1A | Acid Green |
#B2C248 | Avocado Green |
#9DC209 | Pistachio Green |
#A1C935 | Salad Green |
#9ACD32 | YellowGreen (W3C) |
#77DD77 | Pastel Green |
#7FE817 | Hummingbird Green |
#59E817 | Nebula Green |
#57E964 | Stoplight Go Green |
#16F529 | Neon Green |
#5EFB6E | Jade Green |
#00FF7F | SpringGreen (W3C) |
#00FF80 | Ocean Green |
#36F57F | Lime Mint Green |
#00FA9A | MediumSpringGreen (W3C) |
#12E193 | Aqua Green |
#5FFB17 | Emerald Green |
#00FF00 | Lime (W3C) |
#7CFC00 | LawnGreen (W3C) |
#66FF00 | Bright Green |
#7FFF00 | Chartreuse (W3C) |
#87F717 | Yellow Lawn Green |
#98F516 | Aloe Vera Green |
#B1FB17 | Dull Green Yellow |
#ADF802 | Lemon Green |
#ADFF2F | GreenYellow (W3C) |
#BDF516 | Chameleon Green |
#DAEE01 | Neon Yellow Green |
#E2F516 | Yellow Green Grosbeak |
#CCFB5D | Tea Green |
#BCE954 | Slime Green |
#64E986 | Algae Green |
#90EE90 | LightGreen (W3C) |
#6AFB92 | Dragon Green |
#98FB98 | PaleGreen (W3C) |
#98FF98 | Mint Green |
#B5EAAA | Green Thumb |
#E3F9A6 | Organic Brown |
#C3FDB8 | Light Jade |
#C2E5D3 | Light Mint Green |
#DBF9DB | Light Rose Green |
#E8F1D4 | Chrome White |
#F0FFF0 | HoneyDew (W3C) |
#F5FFFA | MintCream (W3C) |
#FFFACD | LemonChiffon (W3C) |
#FFFFC2 | Parchment |
#FFFFCC | Cream |
#FFFDD0 | Cream White |
#FAFAD2 | LightGoldenRodYellow (W3C) |
#FFFFE0 | LightYellow (W3C) |
#F5F5DC | Beige (W3C) |
#F2F0DF | White Yellow |
#FFF8DC | Cornsilk (W3C) |
#FBF6D9 | Blonde |
#FAEBD7 | AntiqueWhite (W3C) |
#FFF0DB | Light Beige |
#FFEFD5 | PapayaWhip (W3C) |
#F7E7CE | Champagne |
#FFEBCD | BlanchedAlmond (W3C) |
#FFE4C4 | Bisque (W3C) |
#F5DEB3 | Wheat (W3C) |
#FFE4B5 | Moccasin (W3C) |
#FFE5B4 | Peach |
#FED8B1 | Light Orange |
#FFDAB9 | PeachPuff (W3C) |
#FBD5AB | Coral Peach |
#FFDEAD | NavajoWhite (W3C) |
#FBE7A1 | Golden Blonde |
#F3E3C3 | Golden Silk |
#F0E2B6 | Dark Blonde |
#F1E5AC | Light Gold |
#F3E5AB | Vanilla |
#ECE5B6 | Tan Brown |
#E8E4C9 | Dirty White |
#EEE8AA | PaleGoldenRod (W3C) |
#F0E68C | Khaki (W3C) |
#EDDA74 | Cardboard Brown |
#EDE275 | Harvest Gold |
#FFE87C | Sun Yellow |
#FFF380 | Corn Yellow |
#FAF884 | Pastel Yellow |
#FFFF33 | Neon Yellow |
#FFFF00 | Yellow (W3C) |
#FEF250 | Lemon Yellow |
#FFEF00 | Canary Yellow |
#F5E216 | Banana Yellow |
#FFDB58 | Mustard Yellow |
#FFDF00 | Golden Yellow |
#F9DB24 | Bold Yellow |
#EED202 | Safety Yellow |
#FFD801 | Rubber Ducky Yellow |
#FFD700 | Gold (W3C) |
#FDD017 | Bright Gold |
#FFCE44 | Chrome Gold |
#EAC117 | Golden Brown |
#F6BE00 | Deep Yellow |
#F2BB66 | Macaroni and Cheese |
#FFBF00 | Amber |
#FBB917 | Saffron |
#FDBD01 | Neon Gold |
#FBB117 | Beer |
#FFAE42 | Yellow Orange or Orange Yellow |
#FFA62F | Cantaloupe |
#FFA600 | Cheese Orange |
#FFA500 | Orange (W3C) |
#EE9A4D | Brown Sand |
#F4A460 | SandyBrown (W3C) |
#E2A76F | Brown Sugar |
#C19A6B | Camel Brown |
#E6BF83 | Deer Brown |
#DEB887 | BurlyWood (W3C) |
#D2B48C | Tan (W3C) |
#C8AD7F | Light French Beige |
#C2B280 | Sand |
#C6BA8B | Soft Hazel |
#BCB88A | Sage |
#C8B560 | Fall Leaf Brown |
#C9BE62 | Ginger Brown |
#C9AE5D | Bronze Gold |
#BDB76B | DarkKhaki (W3C) |
#BAB86C | Olive Green |
#B5A642 | Brass |
#C7A317 | Cookie Brown |
#D4AF37 | Metallic Gold |
#E1AD01 | Mustard |
#E9AB17 | Bee Yellow |
#E8A317 | School Bus Yellow |
#DAA520 | GoldenRod (W3C) |
#D4A017 | Orange Gold |
#C68E17 | Caramel |
#B8860B | DarkGoldenRod (W3C) |
#C58917 | Cinnamon |
#CD853F | Peru (W3C) |
#CD7F32 | Bronze |
#CA762B | Pumpkin Pie |
#C88141 | Tiger Orange |
#B87333 | Copper |
#AA6C39 | Dark Gold |
#A97142 | Metallic Bronze |
#AB784E | Dark Almond |
#966F33 | Wood |
#906E3E | Khaki Brown |
#806517 | Oak Brown |
#665D1E | Antique Bronze |
#8E7618 | Hazel |
#8B8000 | Dark Yellow |
#827839 | Dark Moccasin |
#8A865D | Khaki Green |
#93917C | Millennium Jade |
#9F8C76 | Dark Beige |
#AF9B60 | Bullet Shell |
#827B60 | Army Brown |
#786D5F | Sandstone |
#483C32 | Taupe |
#4A412A | Dark Grayish Olive |
#473810 | Dark Hazel Brown |
#493D26 | Mocha |
#513B1C | Milk Chocolate |
#3D3635 | Gray Brown |
#3B2F2F | Dark Coffee |
#49413F | Western Charcoal |
#43302E | Old Burgundy |
#622F22 | Red Brown |
#5C3317 | Bakers Brown |
#644117 | Pullman Brown |
#654321 | Dark Brown |
#704214 | Sepia Brown |
#804A00 | Dark Bronze |
#6F4E37 | Coffee |
#835C3B | Brown Bear |
#7F5217 | Red Dirt |
#7F462C | Sepia |
#A0522D | Sienna (W3C) |
#8B4513 | SaddleBrown (W3C) |
#8A4117 | Dark Sienna |
#7E3817 | Sangria |
#7E3517 | Blood Red |
#954535 | Chestnut |
#9E4638 | Coral Brown |
#A05544 | Deep Amber |
#C34A2C | Chestnut Red |
#B83C08 | Ginger Red |
#C04000 | Mahogany |
#EB5406 | Red Gold |
#C35817 | Red Fox |
#B86500 | Dark Bisque |
#B5651D | Light Brown |
#B76734 | Petra Gold |
#A55D35 | Brown Rust |
#C36241 | Rust |
#CB6D51 | Copper Red |
#C47451 | Orange Salmon |
#D2691E | Chocolate (W3C) |
#CC6600 | Sedona |
#E56717 | Papaya Orange |
#E66C2C | Halloween Orange |
#FF6700 | Neon Orange |
#FF5F1F | Bright Orange |
#FE632A | Fluro Orange |
#F87217 | Pumpkin Orange |
#FF7900 | Safety Orange |
#F88017 | Carrot Orange |
#FF8C00 | DarkOrange (W3C) |
#F87431 | Construction Cone Orange |
#FF7722 | Indian Saffron |
#E67451 | Sunrise Orange |
#FF8040 | Mango Orange |
#FF7F50 | Coral (W3C) |
#F88158 | Basket Ball Orange |
#F9966B | Light Salmon Rose |
#FFA07A | LightSalmon (W3C) |
#F89880 | Pink Orange |
#E9967A | DarkSalmon (W3C) |
#E78A61 | Tangerine |
#DA8A67 | Light Copper |
#FF8674 | Salmon Pink |
#FA8072 | Salmon (W3C) |
#F98B88 | Peach Pink |
#F08080 | LightCoral (W3C) |
#F67280 | Pastel Red |
#E77471 | Pink Coral |
#F75D59 | Bean Red |
#E55451 | Valentine Red |
#CD5C5C | IndianRed (W3C) |
#FF6347 | Tomato (W3C) |
#E55B3C | Shocking Orange |
#FF4500 | OrangeRed (W3C) |
#FF0000 | Red (W3C) |
#FD1C03 | Neon Red |
#FF2400 | Scarlet Red |
#F62217 | Ruby Red |
#F70D1A | Ferrari Red |
#F62817 | Fire Engine Red |
#E42217 | Lava Red |
#E41B17 | Love Red |
#DC381F | Grapefruit |
#C83F49 | Strawberry Red |
#C24641 | Cherry Red |
#C11B17 | Chilli Pepper |
#B22222 | FireBrick (W3C) |
#B21807 | Tomato Sauce Red |
#A52A2A | Brown (W3C) |
#A70D2A | Carbon Red |
#9F000F | Cranberry |
#931314 | Saffron Red |
#990000 | Crimson Red |
#990012 | Red Wine or Wine Red |
#8B0000 | DarkRed (W3C) |
#8F0B0B | Maroon Red |
#800000 | Maroon (W3C) |
#8C001A | Burgundy |
#7E191B | Vermilion |
#800517 | Deep Red |
#733635 | Garnet Red |
#660000 | Red Blood |
#551606 | Blood Night |
#560319 | Dark Scarlet |
#3F000F | Chocolate Brown |
#3D0C02 | Black Bean |
#2F0909 | Dark Maroon |
#2B1B17 | Midnight |
#550A35 | Purple Lily |
#810541 | Purple Maroon |
#7D0541 | Plum Pie |
#7D0552 | Plum Velvet |
#872657 | Dark Raspberry |
#7E354D | Velvet Maroon |
#7F4E52 | Rosy-Finch |
#7F525D | Dull Purple |
#7F5A58 | Puce |
#997070 | Rose Dust |
#B1907F | Pastel Brown |
#B38481 | Rosy Pink |
#BC8F8F | RosyBrown (W3C) |
#C5908E | Khaki Rose |
#C48793 | Lipstick Pink |
#CC7A8B | Dusky Pink |
#C48189 | Pink Brown |
#C08081 | Old Rose |
#D58A94 | Dusty Pink |
#E799A3 | Pink Daisy |
#E8ADAA | Rose |
#C9A9A6 | Dusty Rose |
#C4AEAD | Silver Pink |
#E6C7C2 | Gold Pink |
#ECC5C0 | Rose Gold |
#FFCBA4 | Deep Peach |
#F8B88B | Pastel Orange |
#EDC9AF | Desert Sand |
#FFDDCA | Unbleached Silk |
#FDD7E4 | Pig Pink |
#F2D4D7 | Pale Pink |
#FFE6E8 | Blush |
#FFE4E1 | MistyRose (W3C) |
#FFDFDD | Pink Bubble Gum |
#FBCFCD | Light Rose |
#FFCCCB | Light Red |
#F7CAC9 | Rose Quartz |
#F6C6BD | Warm Pink |
#FBBBB9 | Deep Rose |
#FFC0CB | Pink (W3C) |
#FFB6C1 | LightPink (W3C) |
#FFB8BF | Soft Pink |
#FFB2D0 | Powder Pink |
#FAAFBE | Donut Pink |
#FAAFBA | Baby Pink |
#F9A7B0 | Flamingo Pink |
#FEA3AA | Pastel Pink |
#E7A1B0 | Rose Pink or Pink Rose |
#E38AAE | Cadillac Pink |
#F778A1 | Carnation Pink |
#E5788F | Pastel Rose |
#E56E94 | Blush Red |
#DB7093 | PaleVioletRed (W3C) |
#D16587 | Purple Pink |
#C25A7C | Tulip Pink |
#C25283 | Bashful Pink |
#E75480 | Dark Pink |
#F660AB | Dark Hot Pink |
#FF69B4 | HotPink (W3C) |
#FC6C85 | Watermelon Pink |
#F6358A | Violet Red |
#F52887 | Hot Deep Pink |
#FF007F | Bright Pink |
#FF0080 | Red Magenta |
#FF1493 | DeepPink (W3C) |
#F535AA | Neon Pink |
#FF33AA | Chrome Pink |
#FD349C | Neon Hot Pink |
#E45E9D | Pink Cupcake |
#E759AC | Royal Pink |
#E3319D | Dimorphotheca Magenta |
#DA1884 | Barbie Pink |
#E4287C | Pink Lemonade |
#FA2A55 | Red Pink |
#E30B5D | Raspberry |
#DC143C | Crimson (W3C) |
#C32148 | Bright Maroon |
#C21E56 | Rose Red |
#C12869 | Rogue Pink |
#C12267 | Burnt Pink |
#CA226B | Pink Violet |
#CC338B | Magenta Pink |
#C71585 | MediumVioletRed (W3C) |
#C12283 | Dark Carnation Pink |
#B3446C | Raspberry Purple |
#B93B8F | Pink Plum |
#DA70D6 | Orchid (W3C) |
#DF73D4 | Deep Mauve |
#EE82EE | Violet (W3C) |
#FF77FF | Fuchsia Pink |
#F433FF | Bright Neon Pink |
#FF00FF | Magenta or Fuchsia (W3C) |
#E238EC | Crimson Purple |
#D462FF | Heliotrope Purple |
#C45AEC | Tyrian Purple |
#BA55D3 | MediumOrchid (W3C) |
#A74AC7 | Purple Flower |
#B048B5 | Orchid Purple |
#B666D2 | Rich Lilac |
#D291BC | Pastel Violet |
#A17188 | Rosy |
#915F6D | Mauve Taupe |
#7E587E | Viola Purple |
#614051 | Eggplant |
#583759 | Plum Purple |
#5E5A80 | Grape |
#4E5180 | Purple Navy |
#6A5ACD | SlateBlue (W3C) |
#6960EC | Blue Lotus |
#5865F2 | Blurple |
#736AFF | Light Slate Blue |
#7B68EE | MediumSlateBlue (W3C) |
#7575CF | Periwinkle Purple |
#6667AB | Very Peri |
#6F2DA8 | Bright Grape |
#6A0DAD | Bright Purple |
#6C2DC7 | Purple Amethyst |
#822EFF | Blue Magenta |
#5539CC | Dark Blurple |
#5453A6 | Deep Periwinkle |
#483D8B | DarkSlateBlue (W3C) |
#4E387E | Purple Haze |
#571B7E | Purple Iris |
#4B0150 | Dark Purple |
#36013F | Deep Purple |
#2E1A47 | Midnight Purple |
#461B7E | Purple Monster |
#4B0082 | Indigo (W3C) |
#342D7E | Blue Whale |
#663399 | RebeccaPurple (W3C) |
#6A287E | Purple Jam |
#8B008B | DarkMagenta (W3C) |
#800080 | Purple (W3C) |
#86608E | French Lilac |
#9932CC | DarkOrchid (W3C) |
#9400D3 | DarkViolet (W3C) |
#8D38C9 | Purple Violet |
#A23BEC | Jasmine Purple |
#B041FF | Purple Daffodil |
#842DCE | Clematis Violet |
#8A2BE2 | BlueViolet (W3C) |
#7A5DC7 | Purple Sage Bush |
#7F38EC | Lovely Purple |
#9D00FF | Neon Purple |
#8E35EF | Purple Plum |
#893BFF | Aztech Purple |
#9370DB | MediumPurple (W3C) |
#8467D7 | Light Purple |
#9172EC | Crocus Purple |
#9E7BFF | Purple Mimosa |
#8686AF | Pastel Indigo |
#967BB6 | Lavender Purple |
#B09FCA | Rose Purple |
#C8C4DF | Viola |
#CCCCFF | Periwinkle |
#DCD0FF | Pale Lilac |
#C8A2C8 | Lilac |
#E0B0FF | Mauve |
#D891EF | Bright Lilac |
#C38EC7 | Purple Dragon |
#DDA0DD | Plum (W3C) |
#E6A9EC | Blush Pink |
#F2A2E8 | Pastel Purple |
#F9B7FF | Blossom Pink |
#C6AEC7 | Wisteria Purple |
#D2B9D3 | Purple Thistle |
#D8BFD8 | Thistle (W3C) |
#DFD3E3 | Purple White |
#E9CFEC | Periwinkle Pink |
#FCDFFF | Cotton Candy |
#EBDDE2 | Lavender Pinocchio |
#E1D9D1 | Dark White |
#E9E4D4 | Ash White |
#EFEBD8 | Warm White |
#EDE6D6 | White Chocolate |
#F0E9D6 | Creamy White |
#F8F0E3 | Off White |
#FAF0DD | Soft Ivory |
#FFF8E7 | Cosmic Latte |
#F8F6F0 | Pearl White |
#F3E8EA | Red White |
#FFF0F5 | LavenderBlush (W3C) |
#FDEEF4 | Pearl |
#FFF9E3 | Egg Shell |
#FEF0E3 | OldLace (W3C) |
#EAEEE9 | White Ice |
#FAF0E6 | Linen (W3C) |
#FFF5EE | SeaShell (W3C) |
#F9F6EE | Bone White |
#FAF5EF | Rice |
#FFFAF0 | FloralWhite (W3C) |
#FFFFF0 | Ivory (W3C) |
#FFFFF4 | White Gold |
#FFFFF7 | Light White |
#FBFBF9 | Cotton |
#FFFAFA | Snow (W3C) |
#FEFCFF | Milk White |
#FFFEFA | Half White |
#FFFFFF | White (W3C) |
Related information
- Top 100 HTML color codes.
- All color-related questions and answers.
- All color-related terms.
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