Make A Color Scheme Based On Light Gray(#C9C9C9) - Colorate
HEX | #C9C9C9 |
NAME | - |
TONE | light gray |
RGB | 201 201 201 |
HSV | 0° 0% 78% |
CMYK | 0% 0% 0% 21% |
Modest and mature color scheme
Modest and mature color scheme#C9C9C9 | colorate
It is a color scheme composed of the same hue color. This color scheme gives a modest and impression quietly.
base | base#898989 | RGB 137 137 137 | #898989 |
main | main#C9C9C9 | RGB 201 201 201 | #C9C9C9 |
accent | accent#494949 | RGB 73 73 73 | #494949 |
Mild and soft color scheme
Mild and soft color scheme#C9C9C9 | colorate
It is a color scheme composed of near hue color. This color scheme gives a soft, organically natural impression.
base | base#EBEBEB | RGB 235 235 235 | #EBEBEB |
main | main#C9C9C9 | RGB 201 201 201 | #C9C9C9 |
accent | accent#A6A19F | RGB 166 161 159 | #A6A19F |
Powerful and flashy color scheme
Powerful and flashy color scheme#C9C9C9 | colorate
It is a color scheme using complementary colors for accent. This color scheme gives a powerful, behavioral and flashy impression.
base | base#353535 | RGB 53 53 53 | #353535 |
main | main#C9C9C9 | RGB 201 201 201 | #C9C9C9 |
accent | accent#FFB2B2 | RGB 255 178 178 | #FFB2B2 |
Colorful and harmonious color scheme
Colorful and harmonious color scheme#C9C9C9 | colorate
It is a color scheme composed of complementary colors and adjacent colors. There is movement, giving a colorful and fun impression.
base | base#353535 | RGB 53 53 53 | #353535 |
main | main#C9C9C9 | RGB 201 201 201 | #C9C9C9 |
accent | accent#A5FFC9 | RGB 165 255 201 | #A5FFC9 |
accent | accent#A5C9FF | RGB 165 201 255 | #A5C9FF |
Tint(add white)
#C9C9C9 #D0D0D0 #D8D8D8 #E0E0E0 #E7E7E7 #EFEFEF #F7F7F7Shade(add black)
#C9C9C9 #ACACAC #8F8F8F #727272 #565656 #393939 #1C1C1CHue
#C9C9C9 #C9C9C9 #C9C9C9 #C9C9C9 #C9C9C9 #C9C9C9 #C9C9C9Saturation
#C9C9C9 #C9B8B8 #C9A8A8 #C99898 #C98888 #C97878 #C96868Value(Lightness)
#8B8B8B #A0A0A0 #B4B4B4 #C9C9C9 #DDDDDD #F1F1F1 #FFFFFFRelated HTML Color
Silver#C0C0C0 LightGray#D3D3D3 Thistle#D8BFD8 Gainsboro#DCDCDC LightSteelBlue#B0C4DEComplementary
#C9C9C9 #C9C9C9 #C9C9C9Related PANTONE
PANTONE 420 C#C9C8C7 PANTONE Cool Gray 3 C#C9C8C7 PANTONE Cool Gray 2 U#CAC9C8 PANTONE 2330 U#CFCCC8CSS codes
<style type="text/css"> div { color : #C9C9C9; background-color : #C9C9C9; } </style>Gradient of gloss and shade
#C9C9C9 - #EFEFEF #C9C9C9 - #393939More natural expression (sky and drinks)
#C9C9C9 - #FFF2E0 #C9C9C9 - #B18079Check the contrast ratio when using white or black for text and background. Evaluation criteria by WCAG 2.0 (A=fail, AA=smallest acceptable, AAA=highest compliance)
White and #C9C9C9 (1.66 : 1)
14ptA 18ptA 14ptA 18ptABlack and #C9C9C9 (12.68 : 1)
14ptAAA 18ptAAA 14ptAAA 18ptAAABarcode
You can create barcodes online. The created barcode can be downloaded as PNG or EPS.
Make barcode
colorate is a color scheme tool for designers and developers. This will help you draw inspiration and serve as a resource for your color work.
Make color scheme
Make text to image. It is useful when you want to send text on SNS.
Make text to image
Từ khóa » C9c9c9
#c9c9c9 Hex Color
#c9c9c9 Color Hex Gray79
#c9c9c9 Hex Color Code, RGB And Paints - Encycolorpedia
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Hex - C9C9C9 - Converting Colors
#C9C9C9 Hex Color | RGB: 201, 201, 201 | GRAY, GREY, SILVER
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Silverback ( Similar ) Color | C9c9c9 - Hexcolorpedia
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Silverback ( Similar ) Color | C9c9c9 Information | Hsl | Rgb | Pantone
#C9C9C9 HEX Color Code Information »
#c9c9c9 Hex Color - ColortoHex