Neuralta B1 B6 B12 Tablets - Alta Care Laboratoires

QUANTITY 80 Tablets

EAN 8059307850285


Neuralta Tablets with Vitamin B1, B6 and B12 provide energy and support for the nervous system. An appropriate intake of Vitamin B1, B6 and B12 is crucial for a healthy nervous system and strong immune system. The neurotropic supplement Neuralta Tablets is highly recommended for patients who have recovered from rheumatic or mental conditions, who suffer from a weak nervous system, who need to strengthen the nerves which have deteriorated with age, patients who suffer from pain, both acute and chronic, which also causes nerves to weaken.


It has been demonstrated that Vitamin B1, B6 and B12 in high doses provide an analgesic action, therefore NEURALTA Tablets are especially indicated for all patients taking anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics and pain-killers since they act synergistically with these medications.

HIGH-DOSE VITAMIN B FORMULA   VITAMIN B1 (100mg) Enables the body to form red blood cells. It helps maintain healthy bones, blood vessels, nerves, and immune function. VITAMIN B6 (10mg) Helps form red blood cells and maintain brain function. VITAMIN B12 (1000mcg) Important for metabolism, helps form red blood cells and maintain the central nervous system.


  • Vitamin B1, B6 and B12 are especially important for a healthy nervous system
  • Neuralta Tablets help to maintain a healthy peripheral nervous system;
  • Support recovery during convalescence, after physical and mental stress.
  • Have a synergistic effect in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Made in France.



1-2 tablets a day, or as directed by your pharmacist or doctor. The dosage should be determined individually for each patient.


Neuralta Tablets are made in France. Manufactured by Alta Care Laboratoires.

Neuralta Tablets is an over-the-counter product that is sold in pharmacies without a prescription.


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