Ng, Sim-kheng(黃森琼) - CUHK Business School
Có thể bạn quan tâm
BSc Hons, PhD (University of Melbourne); FIAA; FSA; FASHK; FASM; CPA Australia
Adjunct Professor
ContactDepartment of Finance
Room 1201, 12/F Cheng Yu Tung Building 12 Chak Cheung Street Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong+852 3943 7805
Dr. Ng Sim-kheng is currently an Adjunct Professor with the Department of Finance. She is also currently the Chief Financial Officer for Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad, having joined Prudential in Hong Kong in 2010.
She has almost 30 years of commercial experience in Australia and Asia, of which over 15 years have been at senior management and strategic levels in the financial services and insurance industry across Hong Kong, China and ASEAN markets, both from the role of a regional head-office as well as managing the operating businesses. Her experience has included roles such as Chief Financial Officer, Appointed Actuary, Board Supervisor and Board Director.
In addition, Sim has a broad spectrum of experience, including demutualisation and listing, M&A, finance and business transformation, implementation of new financial reporting standards, shareholder investment portfolio management, distribution remuneration and performance framework, joint venture negotiations and setup, and development of new business initiatives, new products and new distribution channels.
- Academic/Professional Services
- President, Actuarial Society of Hong Kong, 2007
- Chairman, Advisory Committee for the BBA Programme in Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis, Department of Finance, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012-2018
- Member, Advisory Committee for the BBA Programme in Insurance, Financial and Actuarial Analysis, Department of Finance, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007-2012 and 2018 – Present
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Từ khóa » Ng Sim Kheng
Sim Ng - Prudential Assurance Malaysia Berhad - LinkedIn
Biography Of Sim Kheng Ng - The Official Board
Prudential Malaysia - Ng Sim Kheng, Chief Financial ... - Facebook
The #1 Secret To Success (It's Not Hard To Do!) - Graduan
Mẹo Hay Khắc Phục Lỗi điện Thoại Không Nhận Sim - Viettel Store
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Hướng Dẫn Cách Khắc Phục điện Thoại Không Nhận Thẻ SIM Hiệu Quả
Sim Không Chính Chủ - Hệ Lụy Chính Chủ Chịu | Báo Dân Trí
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