Nghĩa Của Từ PMC - Từ điển Viết Tắt - Tra Từ

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  • Đăng ký
    1. Programmable machine controller
    2. Permanently Manned Capability
    3. Payload Monitoring and Control
    4. Procurement Method Code
    5. Pseudo-Machine Code
    6. Polymer Matrix Composite
    7. Program Management Council
    9. Pressure-Modulator Cell
    10. Project Management Committee
    11. Planning Ministers Council
    12. Polyimide Matrix Composites
    13. Polymer Matrix Composites
    14. Private Medical Communication
    15. Program Management Control
    16. Project Management Corporation
    17. IATA code for El Tepual Airport, Puerto Montt, Chile
    18. Pacific Microelectronics Centre
    19. Packet Mode Channel
    20. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells - also PBMC, PBMCs, PBM, PBMNC, PBMNCs, PBMs, PBL, PBMN, PMBC, PMNC, PB-MNC, PMCs, PBC, PBMNs, PB-MNCs, PBLs, PB-MCs and p-PBMC
    21. Program Management and Control - also PM&C
    22. Partial Mission Capable - also PMCM
    23. Peripheral mononuclear cells - also PMNC, PMN, PMNCs and PMCs
    24. Peritoneal mast cells - also PMCs
    25. Peritoneal mesothelial cells - also PMCs
    26. Pleural mesothelial cells - also PMCs
    27. Patient Management Categories - also PMCs
    28. Pollen mother cells - also PMCs
    29. Primary mesenchyme cells - also PMCs
    30. Planning and Management Committee - also P&MC
    31. Post Ministerial Conference
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