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    Thông dụng

    Mạo từ

    Cái, con, người...
    the house cái nhà the cat con mèo
    Ấy, này (người, cái, con...)
    I dislike the man tôi không thích người này
    Duy nhất (người, vật...)
    he is the shoemaker here ông ta là người thợ giày duy nhất ở đây

    Phó từ

    (trước một từ so sánh) càng
    the sooner you start the sooner you will get there ra đi càng sơm, anh càng đến đấy sớm so much the better càng tốt the sooner the better càng sớm càng tốt

    Chuyên ngành


    Before a vowel adj. & adv.
    Adj. (called the definite article)1 denoting one or more persons or things already mentioned,under discussion, implied, or familiar (gave the man a wave;shall let the matter drop; hurt myself in the arm; went to thetheatre).
    Serving to describe as unique (the Queen; theThames).
    A (foll. by defining adj.) which is, who are, etc.(ignored the embarrassed Mr Smith; Edward the Seventh). b(foll. by adj. used absol.) denoting a class described (from thesublime to the ridiculous).
    Best known or best entitled tothe name (with the stressed: no relation to the Kipling; this isthe book on this subject).
    Used to indicate a followingdefining clause or phrase (the book that you borrowed; the bestI can do for you; the bottom of a well).
    A used to indicatethat a singular noun represents a species, class, etc. (the catloves comfort; has the novel a future?; plays the harp well). bused with a noun which figuratively represents an occupation,pursuit, etc. (went on the stage; too fond of the bottle). c(foll. by the name of a unit) a, per (5p in the pound; œ5 thesquare metre; allow 8 minutes to the mile). d colloq. orarchaic designating a disease, affliction, etc. (the measles;the toothache; the blues).
    (foll. by a unit of time) thepresent, the current (man of the moment; questions of the day;book of the month).
    Brit. colloq. my, our (the dog; thefridge).
    Used before the surname of the chief of a Scottishor Irish clan (the Macnab).
    Dial. (esp. in Wales) used witha noun characterizing the occupation of the person whose nameprecedes (Jones the Bread).
    Adv. (preceding comparatives inexpressions of proportional variation) in or by that (or such a)degree; on that account (the more the merrier; the more he getsthe more he wants).
    All the in the full degree to be expected(that makes it all the worse). so much the (tautologically) somuch, in that degree (so much the worse for him). [(adj.) OE,replacing se, seo, th‘t (= THAT), f. Gmc: (adv.) f. OE thy, the,instrumental case]

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    Admin, Onthionline, Tonja Coane, Nguyen Tuan Huy, vit coi, Thuha2406, Khách Tìm thêm với : NHÀ TÀI TRỢ
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