Nhe Meaning In English - No Meaning In Roman Dictionary

Definitions of No

adj. Not any; not one; none; ; -- often used as a quantifier.

adv. Nay; not; not at all; not in any respect or degree; -- a word expressing negation, denial, or refusal. Before or after another negative, no is emphatic.

n. A refusal by use of the word no; a denial.

n. A negative vote; one who votes in the negative

n. Number; -- the number designating place in an ordered sequence.

Form Adverb

How To Spell No [noh]

Origin of No Old English nō, nā (adverb), from ne ‘not’ + ō, ā ‘ever’. The determiner arose in Middle English (originally before words beginning with any consonant except h-), reduced from non, from Old English nān (see none).

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