VietnamNorthern VietnamHanoiGia Lâm DistrictNinh HiệpNinh Hiệp is a village in Gia Lâm District, Hanoi. Ninh Hiệp is situated nearby to the village Thiên Đức, as well as near the quarter Tế Xuyên.
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Ninh Hiệp
Notable Places in the Area
Yên Viên station
Railway station Photo: Anh Đức HRT, CC BY-SA 4.0. Yen Vien station is a railway station in Vietnam. It serves the city of Hanoi. Yên Viên station is situated 3 km west of Ninh Hiệp.
Duong River Bridge
Bridge Photo: Phó Nháy, Public domain. Duong River Bridge is situated 4 km west of Ninh Hiệp.
Locales in the Area
Co Loa
Photo: ZiYouXunLu, CC BY-SA 3.0. Cổ Loa is a modern day town and ancient former capital of Northern Vietnam, slightly Northeast of the current capital of Hanoi.
Ninh Hiệp
Type: Village
Category: locality
Location: Gia Lâm District, Hanoi, Northern Vietnam, Vietnam, Southeast Asia, Asia
View on OpenStreetMap
Latitude21.08178° or 21° 4' 54" northLongitude105.945° or 105° 56' 42" eastOpen Location Code7PH73WJW+P2OpenStreetMap IDnode 6178501303OpenStreetMap Featureplace=village We welcome you to please improve upon our open data sources. Thank you for your contributions. This page is based on OpenStreetMap, Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons. Edit This Place
Phù NinhLocality in Hanoi, VietnamNinh HiệpSuburb in Vietnam
Locales in the Area
Thiên ĐứcVillage
Tế XuyênQuarter
Long VỹQuarter
Cao LâmQuarter
Trung QuanQuarter
Landmarks in the Area
Đình Ninh HiệpPlace of worship
Chùa NànhBuddhist temple
Chùa Khánh LinhBuddhist temple
Chợ NànhMarketplace
Chợ Vĩnh PhátShopping center
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