NodeMCU V2 & V3 (LoLin) Library For Altium - GitHub

NodeMCU Library for Altium

NodeMCU V2 & V3 (LoLin) Library for Altium

  • NodeMCU V2 footprint based on PcbDoc from nodemcu GitHub
  • LoLin (NodeMCU V3) footprint based on NodeMCU V2 with some adjusment (+100 mil in left and right)
  • Plus NodeMCU V2 + V3 footprint so you can change V2 and V3 in one footprint (The size adjusted but route the net by yourself) (RSV pin in V2 and GND/VUSB pin in V3 not connected)

NodeMCU v2


NodeMCU V2 image

Pin layout

NodeMCU V2 pin layout

LoLin NodeMCU V3

Pin layout

NodeMCU V3 pin layout


NodeMCU V2 vs V3 (front)

NodeMCU V2 vs V3 (back)

Image source :



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