Romania Maps & Facts - World Atlas

Physical Map of Romania showing relief, international boundaries, major rivers, mountain ranges, extreme points, important cities, etc.
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Romania is a European nation occupying an area of 238,397 sq. km. As can be observed on the physical map of Romania, the country's landscape is almost evenly divided among mountains, hills, and plains.

As for mountains, the medium-sized Carpathians extend through the center of the country in a wide arc, and they are the source of several rivers. Also visible on the map above is the Transylvanian Alps, a range of the Carpathians that divide central and southern Romania. The country's highest point, Mt. Moldoveanu, is located there. It stands at 2,544 m (8,346 ft). A yellow upright triangle marks its position on the map.

Beyond the Carpathian foothills, the land slopes down into rolling hills and plains. The low-lying Romanian Plain, to the south of Craiova, extends east to the Black Sea.The country's lowest land is found along the Danube Delta, an area of marshes, floating reed islands, and sandbanks.

The Danube River travels some 1,075 km through or along Romanian territory, forming much of the southern borders with Serbia and Bulgaria.

The Danube itself is Europe's second-longest river after the Volga. It rises in the Black Forest in Germany, then flows southeastward for a distance of some 2850 km (1771 miles).

Other rivers of note include the Arges, Dambovita, Ialomita, Jiu, Mures, Olt, Prut, Siret and Somes.

Numerous small lakes occur throughout the country. There are also a dozen, or so, reservoirs of size.The Prut River forms its eastern border with Moldova, and the Danube River forms its southern border with Bulgaria, then flowing north and east into the Black Sea.

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