Should The Alt Attribute Show Up When Hovering On The Image? Trang chủ » Html Image Alt Text Hover » Should The Alt Attribute Show Up When Hovering On The Image? Có thể bạn quan tâm Html Image Editor Html Image Editor Online Html Image Fill Page Html Image Original Width Html Image Percentage Of Original Size Should the alt attribute show up when hovering on the image? Frequently Asked Questions HTML FAQ jane.o September 27, 2019, 10:43pm 1 I also had that problem - I added the alt attribute but I can’t see any text when I hover over the image. FAQ: Learn HTML - Intro to HTML - Image Alts FAQ: Learn HTML - Intro to HTML - Image Alts zainabr1 September 27, 2019, 11:13pm 2 The alt attribute is not meant to be visible unless there’s an issue loading the image. The alt attribute also serves the following purposes: (click here) If an image fails to load on a web page, a user can mouse over the area originally intended for the image and read a brief description of the image. This is made possible by the description you provide in the alt attribute. Visually impaired users often browse the web with the aid of screen reading software. When you include the alt attribute, the screen reading software can read the image’s description out loud to the visually impaired user. The alt attribute also plays a role in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), because search engines cannot “see” the images on websites as they crawl the internet. Having descriptive alt attributes can improve the ranking of your site. Learn more: : The Image Embed element The HTML img element embeds an image into the document. 19 Likes mtf September 27, 2019, 11:33pm 3 The only browser to show the tooltip (for alt) when hovering was IE. Whether EDGE does, or not one cannot say. If you want a tooltip on hover, then include a title attribute. alt and title are not the same thing, and not interchangeable. Search engines and screen readers can see both. ALT is intended to be brief and concise, and should never be used for SEO purposes. They are a requirement under accessibility guidelines. TITLE can be more descriptive, give more detail and be less brief. It can be leveraged for SEO. We can style tooltips with CSS by using an attribute selector, afaik. 65 Likes jane.o September 28, 2019, 12:13am 4 Oh, thanks. that makes more sense. 1 Like maryqueen7421 March 18, 2020, 4:05pm 5 Thanks a lot! I have been worrying about this for minuter! 1 Like portal267 May 3, 2020, 5:29am 6 Well explained. Thanks 1 Like method9996800044 May 12, 2020, 9:42am 7 You said that “ALT is intended to be brief and concise, and should never be used for SEO purposes.” , but in the introduction this site says:" The alt attribute also plays a role in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), because search engines cannot “see” the images on websites as they crawl the internet. Having descriptive alt attributes can improve the ranking of your site."< So i don’t really understand this point 8 Likes mtf May 12, 2020, 5:23pm 8 method9996800044: Having descriptive alt attributes can improve the ranking of your site. Well that may be, when used in a natural way. Many would be SEOers have leveraged alternate text in any number of ways to curry favor in the keyword competition, rather than letting it serve its principal purpose…assistive technology. 7 Likes swiftcoder1 May 18, 2020, 10:11pm 9 Wouldn’t that contradict what the course is saying below? The alt attribute also plays a role in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), because search engines cannot “see” the images on websites as they crawl the internet. Having descriptive alt attributes can improve the ranking of your site. 3 Likes mtf May 18, 2020, 11:06pm 10 swiftcoder1: Having descriptive alt attributes can improve the ranking of your site. That is a blanket generalization. Can affect the ranking, not improve it. There are hundreds of factors. This is one very small concern. It’s primary purpose is assistive technology users, not search engines. It’s the belief in that statement that had SEOers gaming the system years ago until search engines devalued any boost to rankings ALT may have previously offered. 8 Likes pa_u_los May 30, 2020, 8:16pm 11 Conclusion? The course is a little bit outdated and the alt is used for blind people rather than for improving SEO. It makes sense as this ranking strategy may vary over time and browsers may change too in order to stop practices that boost certain webpages. 4 Likes e85loial August 21, 2020, 5:41am 12 If you right click the image and inspect it, you’ll see your description written in the code. This is my first day on code academy or any real code learning so sorry if this reply is a bit noobish 3 Likes e85loial August 21, 2020, 5:45am 13 If you right click and inspect the image, you’ll find your description written in the code. First day learning so sorry if this is noobish lol but I was curious and inspected other web pages and we get to see how they coded it right there! Pretty awesome to get insight on how advanced coding can get without having to pay to see how it was coded 1 Like steveinaustin September 13, 2020, 9:03pm 14 In reading your response, it seems to contradict something that is stated in the lesson. " The alt attribute also plays a role in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), because search engines cannot “see” the images on websites as they crawl the internet. Having descriptive alt attributes can improve the ranking of your site." The statement above seems to imply that the alt attribute CAN be used for SEO, but you say that it should never be used for that purpose. Can you please explain? Thanks! mtf September 13, 2020, 9:25pm 15 There are hundreds of factors, alt text being just one small consideration. In a perfect world it could have some SEO value but years of gaming the system by less than knowledgeable SEOers has diminished its importance by a great degree. Sure it may help robots determine the connection of the picture to the page topic but it is unreliable. The picture can be of a pink giraffe with alt text that says something completely different, just so the writer can pack in some more keywords. For your own sake, and the sake of your or your client’s site, don’t put too much stock in alternate text, and definitely don’t game it. SEs have humans who examine pages, too, not just robots. The real purpose of alternate text is assistive technologies first, and SEs a distant second. 12 Likes steveinaustin September 15, 2020, 2:41am 16 Thank you for the very clear and thought out response. I realized after posting that several others had asked a similar question. If I understand your responses correctly then alt is only one of many many factors that affect search engine optimization, but its impact is very small now due to the fact that it was being abused and newer algorithms account for that fact. Good programming practices suggest that we use the alt attribute for its intended purpose which is to enable accessibility programs and/or deal with broken links/links that do not load. Is this correct? Thank you again! 3 Likes mtf September 15, 2020, 2:44am 17 steveinaustin: and/or deal with broken links/links that do not load. Is this correct? In as much, yes. Not broken links, though. Images that do not load. If the width and height are specified either as attributes or as CSS properties, the placeholder of the image will display the alternate text. If not specified, the alt text should still appear, though it may break the layout. Brief, concise and true, that is what makes the perfect alternate text. 4 Likes mtf September 15, 2020, 2:50am 18 "what a beautiful flower!" => subjective "prickly rose blossom" => objective The latter is always preferred in alternate text. Use the title attribute to convey subjectivity. We would never use alternative text on window dressing. <img src="left_border_image.png" alt=""> Mind, in this day and age everything is CSS backgrounds. That is from the day when tables were used for layout, and CSS was just coming over the horizon. Note that the empty value of the attribute tells the user agent, “Nothing to see here.” 5 Likes jsn9876052835 January 11, 2021, 11:34pm 20 I also thought a popup would display the <alt> text. What I did was change the URL of the image by one character to put it in “error”. Rerun the code. Then I could see the link broken icon along with my <alt> text. Fix the URL “error”, rerun code and image is back. 1 Like mtf January 12, 2021, 3:33pm 21 Only Internet Explorer revealed a tooltip for ALT, all other vendors’ browsers (W3C compliant) revealed the TITLE attribute. When the link is broken, the image placeholder is there, along with the alternate text, as intended. 1 Like next page → Related topics Topic Replies Views Activity FAQ: Learn HTML - Intro to HTML - Image Alts HTML FAQ 29 5119 March 16, 2024 FAQ: Accessibility - Alt Attribute HTML FAQ 15 1150 December 21, 2022 What is good alt text to use? HTML FAQ 54 75983 July 16, 2023 Figcaption vs alt Front-End html-css 1 283 January 2, 2024 Can we use an alt attribute with the video tag? 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