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slide môn lý thuyết dịch THE PROCESS OF TRANSLATION

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Unit 2: THE PROCESS OFTRANSLATIONCore readingsBell, T. R. (1984). Translation andTranslating: Theory and Practice. Londonand New York: Longman. (pp. 12-21)Larson, M.L. (1998). Meaning-basedTranslation: A Guide to Cross-LanguageEquivalence. University Press of America.(pp. 3-12)Newmark, P. (1988). A Textbook ofTranslation. Prentice Hall. (pp. 11-30)2Contents Larson’s Bell’smodel (1984)model (1991) Newmark’smodel (1995)3Larson’s model (p.4 )Bell’s model (p.21)Newmark’s translationprocess Textanalysis (beforetranslating) The process of translatingI. Text analysis4 main steps: Read the ST to understand its contentand the author’s point of view=> General and close reading Determine the ST’s intention Choose an appropriate translationmethod Identify possible/ potential problemsI. Text analysisContributing factors:1. Text intention2. Text types3. Readership4. Stylistic scales5. Setting of the text6. Quality of the ST7. Cultural aspects1. Text intentionIntention of the text : the author’sattitude to the subject matterIntention of the translator◦ In general: identical with that of the author◦ Exception: shortening and/ or over-translationfor particular target readership2. Text types◦ Narrative◦ Description◦ Discussion◦ Dialogue3. Readership3 types:◦ Expert◦ Educated layman◦ The uninformed=> Distinctive in terms of level ofeducation, social class, age andgender4. Stylistic scales◦ Formality◦ Generality and difficulty◦ Emotional tone4. Stylistic scalesFormality◦◦◦◦◦◦◦◦OfficialeseOfficialFormalNeutralInformalColloquialSlangTaboo4. Stylistic scalesGenerality or difficulty◦◦◦◦◦◦SimplePopularNeutralEducatedTechnicalOpaquely technical4. Stylistic scalesEmotional tone◦◦◦◦Intense (hot)WarmFactual (cool)Understatement (cold)=> Attitude of the author◦ Negative◦ Neutral◦ Positive5. Setting of the text◦ Where would the target text bepublished?◦ Addition/ omission of titles/ subtitles/subheadings, etc.?◦ Is the TL readership identical withthe SL readership?6. Quality of the ST◦ Well or poorly written?◦ What modification is needed?7. Quality of the ST◦ Neologisms◦ Metaphors◦ Cultural words◦ Proper names◦ Technical terms◦ “Untranslatable words”II. Translating process4 levels “more or less consciously in mind” (p.22-30)◦ Textual level: literal translation◦ Referential level: visualize the text◦ Cohesive level: structure, smooth and emotionaltone of the text◦ Natural level: the translation makes sense and itreads naturallyKeep in parallel the 4 levelsDiscussionWhich approach do you prefer when youtranslate? Approach 1:◦ Read through the ST◦ Quickly produce the draft translation◦ Spend much time revising the draft translationto have the final versionDiscussion (cont.)Approach 2:◦ Carefully read the ST◦ Produce the draft translation, make referenceif necessary◦ Revise the draft translation until you aresatisfied with itWhich approach do you actually follow?(a) Students are arranged by classnumber and do not move fromclassroom to classroom between classes.They also stay together as a smallgroup for their entire elementary,junior-high, or high-school levels in onelocation.“do not” = ‘không thể’ OR ‘không phải’The draft proposal suggests that Vietnam would beable to build a university that is internationallycompetitive within 10 years. This is exactly the sortof over-optimistic and unachievable time target thatwas announced when the National Universities inHa Noi and Ho Chi Minh City were first set up bymerging various local universities. This historicallesson must be learnt and what is important now isto articulate a time frame that is consistent withthe fact that no Vietnamese university is seriouslyranked within ASEAN, let alone East Asia.Satisfying the local demand for electricity fromwind is not the end of the story. Cheapelectricity produced from wind can be used toelectrolyse water, producing hydrogen, nowwidely viewed as the fuel of the future. Withautomobiles powered by fuel cell engines ex­pected on the market within a few years andwith hydrogen as the fuel of choice for thesenew engines, a huge new market is opening up. The cause of autism hasalso been a matter ofdispute. Though Aspergerregarded it as a biologicaldefect of affective contact—innate,inborn,analogous to a physical orintellectualdefect—Kanner tended to view itas a psychogenic disorder,areflectionofbadparenting,andmostespecially of a chillinglyremote,oftenprofessional, "refrigeratormother."Researchers have had ahard time agreeing on thecauses of autism. On theone hand, Asperger sawtheconditionasrepresentingaconstitutional defect inthe child's ability to makemeaningfulemotionalcontact with the externalworld. On the other hand,Kanner regarded autism asa consequence of harmfulchildrearing practices. Formanyyearsconfusionabout this condition reigned.

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