1. So sánh bằng:

S + V + as + {adj/ adv} + as + {noun/ pronoun/ clause)

My book is as interesting as yours.

His car runs as fast as a race car.

John sings as well as his sister.

Their house is as big as that one.

They are as lucky as we (are).

Với câu phủ định, có thể dùng: so + adj/adv + as.

He is not as tall as his father. = He is not so tall as his father.

As nên được theo sau bởi đại từ nhân xưng làm chủ ngữ. 

Peter is as tall as I. (RIGHT)

Peter is as tall as me. (WRONG)

So sánh bằng trong cấu trúc có danh từ:

S + V + the same + (noun) + as + {noun/ pronoun}

My house is as high as his = My house is the same height as his.

These trees are the same as those.

He speaks the same language as she.

Her address is the same as Rita’s.

2. So sánh hơn:

a. Công thức:

  • So sánh diễn tả sự trội hơn

Short adj/adv + ER  + than

More + long adj/adv + than

  • So sánh diễn tả sự kém hơn: 1 công thức chung cho cả tính/trạng từ ngắn + dài

Less adj/adv + than


John’s grades are higher than his sister’s.

Today is hotter than yesterday.

Yesterday was less hot than today.

This chair is more comfortable than the other.

This chair is less comfortable than the other.

He speaks Spanish more fluently than me

b. Modification of comparatives:

Much /A lot/  Far  

Many >

A little                                           

A few                                +  comparatives    

A bit



A watermelon is much/far/ a lot sweeter than a pomegranate.

His car is a little/ a bit/ much/ far/ a lot/ still / even better than yours.

c. Tính từ/trạng từ so sánh hơn bất quy tắc:

Adj/ Adv



Good/ well


The best

Bad/ badly


The worst



The farthest/ the furthest



The least



The most

Chú ý:

Sau “as” và “than” có thể lược bỏ chủ ngữ nếu chúng giống chủ ngữ của mệnh đề đứng trước.

        Their marriage was as stormy as (it) had been expected.

        He worries more than (what) was good for him.

d. Cấu trúc song song trong so sánh hơn:

  • Dùng với mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, its, Tom’s…

Sai: His drawings are as perfect as his instructor.  (các bức tranh = người chỉ dẫn)

Đúng: His drawings are as perfect as his instructor’s. (instructor’s = instructor’s drawings)

  • Dùng ” that of” với danh từ số ít, “those of” cho danh từ số nhiều:

Sai: The salary of a professor is as high as than a secretary. (salary = secretary)

Đúng: The salary of a professor is as high as that of a secretary. (that of = the salary of)

Sai: The duties of a policeman are more dangerous than a teacher . (duties = teacher)

Đúng: The duties of a policeman are more dangerous than those of a teacher.

(those of = the duties of)

*** Chú ý 1: “farther” được dùng cho khoảng cách thôi, còn “further” được dùng rộng hơn.

Your way home is farther than that of mine.

If you want further information, please call the agent.

Next year he will come to the U.S for his further education.

*** Chú ý 2:

  • Các tính từ với 2 âm tiết kết thúc bằng y, ow, le, et, er được xem là tính từ ngắn trong so sánh hơn và so sánh nhất. Một vài ví dụ: happier, narrower, simpler, quieter, and cleverer.
  • Những tính từ với 2 âm tiết nhưng trọng âm rơi và âm đầu thì được xem dài hay ngắn đều được. Vài ví dụ cho trường hợp này là profound (uyên thâm), sublime (hùng vĩ), and severe (nghiêm trọng) à profounder, sublimer, severer hoặc more profound, more sublime, and more severe

3. So sánh nhất: (dùng so 3 người/vật trở lên)

a. Công thức:

The + short adj/adv + EST

The most + long adj/adv

Use preposition “in” with uncountable nouns/ collective nouns.         (trong)

Use preposition “of” with plural countable nouns.                  (trong số)

 E.g.  John is the tallest boy in the family.

Deana is the shortest of the three sisters.

These shoes are the least expensive of all.

Of the three shirts, this one is the prettiest.

b. Các trường hợp đòi hỏi dùng so sánh nhất:

  • Sau One of the +…+ N (plural).

One of the (great) __________ tennis players in the world is Johnson.

Kuwait is one of the (big) ___________ oil producers in the world.

  • Together with phrases like in the world, on earth, in the city, ever.

Landmark 81 is (high) _______________ building in Ho Chi Minh city.

That was (good)__________________ movie I have ever seen.

*** Chú ý: một số từ mang nghĩa cực đỉnh và không phù hợp để dùng so sánh hơn hoặc so sánh nhất như các từ: unique/ extreme/ perfect/ supreme (tối cao) / top/ absolute (hoàn toàn)/prime (chính)/ primary (chính), tức là đã độc nhất vô nhị rồi thì không có cái thứ 2 để mà so, đã chính rồi thì không có chuyện chính hơn/ chính nhất, đã hoàn hảo rồi thì không có chuyện hoàn hảo hơn/nhất.

4. So sánh gấp nhiều lần:

Số lần + as  adj/adv  as

This encyclopedia costs twice as much as the other one.

Jerome has half as many records now as I had last year.

At the clambake last week, Fred ate three times as many oysters as Bob.

5. So sánh kép:

  • Càng ngày càng:

It is getting hotter and hotter.

The exercises turn to be more and more difficult as we go further.

  • Càng … càng:

Dùng 3 cấu trúc sau đây kết hợp với nhau:

The + short adj/adv + er

The + more + long adj/adv

The + less + adj/adv

The hotter it is, the more miserable I feel.

The sooner you take your medicine, the better you will feel.

The bigger they are, the more easily they fall.

The more you study, the smarter you will become.

The less money you spend on education, the more risks of becoming incompetent you may have.

Dịch các câu sau sang tiếng Anh

6. Lược bỏ “it + be” và to be khi chúng xuất hiện trong 2 mệnh đề trong câu so sánh

The shorter (it is), the better (it is).

The closer to the Earth’s pole (is), the greater the gravitational force (is).


1.Rewrite the following sentences using the words given:

2. Translate these sentences into English:

Từ khóa » Khi Nào Dùng Tính Từ Khi Nào Dùng Trạng Từ Trong Câu So Sánh