Sturmbart's Atlas Of Azeroth - The Complete Map Of Azeroth

Comment by piraka810

on 2020-07-24T12:30:49-05:00

Where did he get the distance of Azeroth in Kilometers? I thought there wasn't a canon size in regular units.

Comment by Iceman3317

on 2020-07-24T12:44:41-05:00

This looks amazing. I tried to do something similar and added the Island Expo Islands to the Chronicle map and they match about where I put them as well, so glad I am not the only one who thought of the locations.

Comment by Iceman3317

on 2020-07-24T12:46:21-05:00

Where did he get the distance of Azeroth in Kilometers? I thought there wasn't a canon size in regular units.Probably just a guess. But there has been canon info about the size of the Barrens which he probably used a reference. I think in the Jaina book, they said you could make it from Mulgore to Dustwallow in about 3 days.

Comment by Sturmbart

on 2020-07-24T12:52:51-05:00

Where did he get the distance of Azeroth in Kilometers? I thought there wasn't a canon size in regular units.Probably just a guess. But there has been canon info about the size of the Barrens which he probably used a reference. I think in the Jaina book, they said you could make it from Mulgore to Dustwallow in about 3 days.You're right. It was a combination of information from various lore sources like the books, and the relations to the real world, and a little bit guessing, making it "feel good".

Comment by Illanyss

on 2020-07-24T13:09:29-05:00

So who are the "up to 1 million" inhabitants of Gilneas? The Forsaken?

Comment by Sturmbart

on 2020-07-24T13:16:32-05:00

So who are the "up to 1 million" inhabitants of Gilneas? The Forsaken?Yeah, I corrected that on the new world map (by not adding a city marker) and will edit the Eastern Kingdoms map. Putting a "ruins" icon there makes more sense I guess, although it's sad.

Comment by Lakaiya

on 2020-07-24T13:36:24-05:00

Where is Pandaria's Isle of Giants?

Comment by khazax

on 2020-07-24T13:49:39-05:00

According to wowwiki Stormwind population is 250k, not 1 mil. Others cities have way lower population too.

Comment by Dezender

on 2020-07-24T13:53:04-05:00

Sad it's all correct until blizzard adds more lands to map, make it even more mess and uglier...

Comment by Dcsensai

on 2020-07-24T15:00:14-05:00

so how many expansions will it take before that map is rendered obsolete.

Comment by UDtheAesir

on 2020-07-24T20:00:14-05:00


Comment by Cyberium

on 2020-07-25T03:02:22-05:00

so how many expansions will it take before that map is rendered obsolete.Blizz can always go to the "back side" of Azeroth for more continents.

Comment by b6i6o6

on 2020-07-25T03:17:02-05:00

Why is Kezan and The Lost Isles in a different location than on the Chronicles maps?

Comment by Keydjes

on 2020-07-25T04:56:44-05:00

So... okay... complete they say …. Am I blind ?... where is Outland…. ?

Comment by brennanbrewer

on 2020-07-25T06:43:34-05:00

So... okay... complete they say …. Am I blind ?... where is Outland…. ?Read the title. It says complete map of AZEROTH.

Comment by Tegal

on 2020-07-25T08:35:12-05:00

Forgot GM Island. :)

Comment by Trollyroller

on 2020-07-25T09:29:46-05:00

was hoping to be able to zoom and see roads, cities, etc. Nope

Comment by poisonlee

on 2020-07-25T11:16:35-05:00

pretty boring map

Comment by lokiloup

on 2020-07-25T11:48:11-05:00

was hoping to be able to zoom and see roads, cities, etc. NopeIn the upper left-hand corner, there is a drop-down that allows you to pick the continent/island - so if you click on eastern kingdoms, you will see the detail. Check out a screenshot here.

Comment by mageranger13

on 2020-07-25T14:55:55-05:00

I am still with Red Shirt Guy, the various zone climates on the southern tips of the EK and Kalimdor as well as Kezan being there about indicates a tropical equatorial region of Azeorth and there is an entire southern hemisphere waiting to be explored. The orbital view from the Vindicaar is wrong

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