Sunrise Sunset | Tuzla

Position of the sun in the sky on January 4, 2025 at 9:55 AM :
Position Night
Azimuth North=0°, East=90°, South=180°, West=270° 77° / Northeast
Elevation Horizon=0°, Zenith=90° -46°
Latitude 44° 30'
Longitude 18° 42'

What time is it dark today?

On 4 January the sun rises at 07:21 and sets at 16:18. The sun is 8 h 57 min. above the horizon, the daylight. The morning astronomical twilling starts at 05:36, the evening astronomical twilling ends at 18:03, the sky is complettely dark.

Từ khóa » Hr Meteo Tuzla