T1/E1 Digital Voice Port Adapter Installation And Configuration - Cisco

Removing and Installing Port Adapters

This chapter describes how to remove the PA-VXA, PA-VXB, and PA-VXC port adapters from supported platforms and also how to install a new or replacement port adapter. This chapter contains the following sections:

Handling Port Adapters

Online Insertion and Removal

Warnings and Cautions

Port Adapter Removal and Installation

Connecting Interface Cables

Each port adapter circuit board is mounted to a metal carrier and is sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD) damage.

Note When a port adapter slot is not in use, a blank port adapter must fill the empty slot to allow the router or switch to conform to electromagnetic interference (EMI) emissions requirements and to allow proper airflow across the port adapters. If you plan to install a new port adapter in a slot that is not in use, you must first remove the blank port adapter.

Caution When powering off the router, wait a minimum of 30 seconds before powering it on again.

Handling Port Adapters

Caution Always handle the port adapter by the carrier edges and handle; never touch the port adapter components or connector pins. (See Figure 3-1.)

Figure 3-1 Handling a Port Adapter

Caution Always handle the VIP by the carrier edges and handle; never touch the VIP components or connector pins. (See Figure 3-2.)

Figure 3-2 Handling the VIP—Horizontal Orientation Shown

Online Insertion and Removal

Several platforms support online insertion and removal (OIR) of port adapters; therefore, you do not have to power down routers when removing and replacing a PA-VXA, PA-VXB, or PA-VXC port adapter in Cisco 7200 series routers, Cisco 7200 VXR routers, Cisco 7301 routers, and Cisco 7401ASR routers.

Note The Cisco 7301 router is currently supported by the PA-VXB-2TE1+(=) and the PA-VXC-2TE1(=) port adapters only.

Note The Cisco 7401ASR router is currently supported by the PA-VXB-2TE1+(=) and the PA-VXC-2TE1+(=) port adapters only.

Although the Cisco 7500 series routers support online insertion and removal of the VIP motherboard, individual port adapters cannot be inserted or removed from a VIP without first removing it from the chassis. To install a new port adapter in a Cisco 7500 series router, you must first install it on a VIP motherboard.

Caution To prevent system problems, do not remove the PA-VXA, PA-VXB, or PA-VXC from the VIP motherboard. To install or replace these port adapters, first remove the VIP from its interface processor slot.

It is wise to gracefully shut down the system before removing a port adapter that has active traffic moving through it. Removing a module while traffic is flowing through the ports can cause system disruption. Once the module is inserted, the ports can be brought back up.

Note As you disengage the module from the router or switch, online insertion and removal (OIR) administratively shuts down all active interfaces in the module.

OIR allows you to install and replace modules while the router is operating; you do not need to notify the software or shut down the system power, although you should not run traffic through the module you are removing while it is being removed. OIR is a method that is seamless to end users on the network, maintains all routing information, and preserves sessions.

The following is a functional description of OIR for background information only; for specific procedures for installing and replacing a module in a supported platform, refer to the "Port Adapter Removal and Installation" section.

Each module has a bus connector that connects it to the router. The connector has a set of tiered pins in three lengths that send specific signals to the system as they make contact with the module. The system assesses the signals it receives and the order in which it receives them to determine if a module is being removed from or introduced to the system. From these signals, the system determines whether to reinitialize a new interface or to shut down a disconnected interface.

Specifically, when you insert a module, the longest pins make contact with the module first, and the shortest pins make contact last. The system recognizes the signals and the sequence in which it receives them.

When you remove or insert a module, the pins send signals to notify the system of changes. The router then perfoms the following procedure:

1. Rapidly scans the system for configuration changes.

2. Initializes newly inserted port adapters or administratively shuts down any vacant interfaces.

3. Brings all previously configured interfaces on the module back to their previously installed state. Any newly inserted interface is put in the administratively shutdown state, as if it was present (but not configured) at boot time. If a similar module type is reinserted into a slot, its ports are configured and brought online up to the port count of the originally installed module of that type.

Note Before you begin installation, read Chapter 2, "Preparing for Installation," for a list of parts and tools required for installation.

Warnings and Cautions

Observe the following warnings and cautions when installing or removing port adapters.

Caution Do not slide a port adapter or VIP motherboard all the way into the slot until you have connected all required cables. Trying to do so disrupts normal operation of the router or switch.

Note If a port adapter lever or other retaining mechanism does not move to the locked position, the port adapter or VIP motherboard it is installed on is not completely seated in the midplane or backplane. Carefully pull the card halfway out of the slot, reinsert it, and move the port adapter lever or other mechanism to the locked position.

Chassis Warning—Disconnecting Telephone-Network Cables

Warning Before opening the chassis, disconnect the telephone-network cables to avoid contact with telephone-network voltages


Voordat u het frame opent, dient u de verbinding met het telefoonnetwerk te verbreken door de kabels te ontkoppelen om zo contact met telefoonnetwerk-spanningen te vermijden.


Vältä joutumista kosketuksiin puhelinverkostojännitteiden kanssa irrottamalla puhelinverkoston kaapelit ennen asennuspohjan aukaisemista.


Avant d'ouvrir le châssis, débrancher les câbles du réseau téléphonique afin d'éviter tout contact avec les tensions d'alimentation du réseau téléphonique.


Bevor Sie das Chassis öffnen, ziehen Sie die Telefonnetzkabel aus der Verbindung, um Kontakt mit Telefonnetzspannungen zu vermeiden.


Prima di aprire il telaio, scollegare i cavi della rete telefonica per evitare di entrare in contatto con la tensione di rete.


Før kabinettet åpnes, skal kablene for telenettet kobles fra for å unngå å komme i kontakt med spenningen i telenettet.


Antes de abrir o chassis, desligue os cabos da rede telefónica para evitar contacto com a tensão da respectiva rede.


Antes de abrir el chasis, desconectar el cableado dirigido a la red telefónica para evitar contacto con voltajes de la propia red.


Koppla loss ledningarna till telefonnätet innan du öppnar chassit så att kontakten med telefonnätsspänningen bryts.

Lightning Activity Warning

Warning Do not work on the system or connect or disconnect cables during periods of lightning activity.


Tijdens onweer dat gepaard gaat met bliksem, dient u niet aan het systeem te werken of kabels aan te sluiten of te ontkoppelen.


Älä työskentele järjestelmän parissa äläkä yhdistä tai irrota kaapeleita ukkosilmalla.


Ne pas travailler sur le système ni brancher ou débrancher les câbles pendant un orage.


Arbeiten Sie nicht am System und schließen Sie keine Kabel an bzw. trennen Sie keine ab, wenn es gewittert.


Non lavorare sul sistema o collegare oppure scollegare i cavi durante un temporale con fulmini.


Utfør aldri arbeid på systemet, eller koble kabler til eller fra systemet når det tordner eller lyner.


Não trabalhe no sistema ou ligue e desligue cabos durante períodos de mau tempo (trovoada).


No operar el sistema ni conectar o desconectar cables durante el transcurso de descargas eléctricas en la atmósfera.


Vid åska skall du aldrig utföra arbete på systemet eller ansluta eller koppla loss kablar.

Service Personnel Warning

Warning This equipment is to be installed and maintained by service personnel only as defined by AS/NZS 3260 Clause Service Personnel.


Deze apparatuur mag slechts geïnstalleerd en onderhouden worden door servicepersoneel conform de definitie van AS/NZS 3260 Clausule Service Personnel.


Tämän laitteen saa asentaa tai huoltaa ainoastaan Australiassa ja Uudessa Seelannissa sovellettavan AS/NZS 3260 -standardin kohdan Service Personnel määrittelemä huoltohenkilöstö.


Cet équipement ne doit être installé et entretenu que par du personnel d'entretien comme défini par la réglementation AS/NZS 3260 Clause Service Personnel.


Dieses Gerät darf nur von Wartungspersonal gemäß AS/NZS-Definition 3260, Paragraph, "Service Personnel", installiert und gewartet werden.


Questo apparecchio deve essere installato e mantenuto in efficienza esclusivamente da personale tecnico che soddisfi i requisiti specificati nella sezione sul `Service Personnel' contenuta nelle norme AS/NZS 3260.


Installasjon og vedlikehold av dette utstyret skal kun foretas av vedlikeholdspersonell som definert i AS/NZS 3260, klausul Service Personnel.


Este equipamento deverá ser instalado e reparado apenas por pessoal de manutenção qualificado, conforme estipulado em AS/NZS 3260 Cláusula Service Personnel.


Este equipo se debe instalar y mantener solamente por personal de servicio, según definido por AS/NZS 3260 Cláusula Service Personnel.


Installation och underhåll av denna utrustning får endast utföras av servicepersonal enligt definition i AS/NZS 3260 klausul Service Personnel.

No. 26 AWG Warning

Warning To reduce the risk of fire, use only No. 26 AWG or larger telecommunication line cord.


Om brandgevaar te reduceren, dient slechts telecommunicatielijnsnoer nr. 26 AWG of groter gebruikt te worden.


Tulipalovaaran vähentämiseksi käytä ainoastaan nro 26 AWG- tai paksumpaa tietoliikennejohdinta.


Pour réduire le risque d'incendie, n'utiliser que des cordons de lignes de télécommunications de type AWG nº 26 ou plus larges.


Zur Reduzierung der Feuergefahr eine Fernmeldeleitungsschnur der Größe 26 AWG oder größer verwenden.


Per ridurre il rischio di incendio, usare solo un cavo per linea di telecomunicazioni di sezione 0,12 mm2 (26 AWG) o maggiore.


Bruk kun AWG nr. 26 eller telekommunikasjonsledninger med større dimensjon for å redusere faren for brann.


Para reduzir o risco de incêndio, utilize apenas terminais de fio de telecomunicações Nº. 26 AWG ou superiores.


Para reducir el riesgo de incendios, usar sólo líneas de telecomunicaciones de calibre No. 26 AWG o más gruesas.


För att minska brandrisken skall endast Nr. 26 AWG eller större telekommunikationsledning användas.

Customer Equipment Warning

Warning The E1 interface card may only be installed in an ACA-permitted customer equipment or a Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) that is exempted from ACA's permit requirements. The customer equipment must only be housed in a cabinet that has screw-down lids to stop user access to overvoltages on the customer equipment. The customer equipment has circuitry that may have telecommunications network voltages on them.


De E1-interfacekaart mag slechts geïnstalleerd worden in door ACA toegestane apparatuur van de klant of in Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) die vrijgesteld is van de vergunningsvereisten van ACA. De apparatuur van de klant moet in een kastje geplaatst worden met sluitplaten die dichtgeschroefd kunnen worden om te voorkomen dat de gebruiker toegang verkrijgt tot overspanning op de apparatuur van de klant. De apparatuur van de klant heeft een schakelsysteem waarop telecommunicatienetwerkspanning kan staan.


E1-liitäntäkortin saa asentaa ainoastaan ACA:n hyväksymiin asiakaslaitteisiin tai Data Terminal Equipment -laitteisiin (DTE), jotka eivät kuulu ACA:n lupavaatimusten piiriin. Asiakaslaitteet on sijoitettava koteloon, jossa on kiinni ruuvattavat kannet, jotta käyttäjä ei altistu asiakaslaitteiden ylijännitteille. Asiakaslaitteissa on virtapiiri, jossa voi olla tietoliikenneverkkojännitteitä.


La carte d'interface E1 ne peut être installée que dans un équipement de l'utilisateur autorisé par ACA ou dans un DTE (Data Terminal Equipment) pour lequel l'autorisation de ACA n'est pas exigée. L'équipement de l'utilisateur ne doit être placé que dans une enceinte munie de couvercles à vis qui empêchent l'utilisateur d'accéder aux surtensions présentes. L'équipement de l'utilisateur est muni de circuits qui peuvent avoir des tensions de réseau de télécommunications.


Die E1-Schnittstellenkarte darf nur in einer von der Australian Communications Authority (ACA) zugelassenen Teilnehmereinrichtung oder einer von den ACA-Zulassungsanforderungen ausgenommenen Datenendeinrichtung (DEE) installiert werden. Die Teilnehmereinrichtung muß in einem Gehäuse untergebracht sein, das mit Aufschraubdeckeln versehen ist, um den Zugang der Benutzer zu Überspannungen an der Teilnehmereinrichtung zu verhindern. In der Teilnehmereinrichtung befinden sich Schaltkreise, an denen möglicherweise Fernmeldenetzspannungen anliegen.


La scheda d'interfaccia E1 può essere installata solo in un'apparecchiatura con autorizzazione ACA o in un `Data Terminal Equipment (DTE)' esente dai requisiti per l'autorizzazione ACA. La suddetta apparecchiatura deve essere contenuta in un armadio con coperchi bloccabili con viti, per impedire l'accesso alle sovratensioni in essa presenti; i suoi circuiti possono essere a tensioni di rete di telecomunicazioni.


Grensesnittkortet E1 kan kun installeres i kundeutstyr som er godkjent av ACA, eller i dataterminalutstyr (DTE) som er unndratt ACAs krav til tillatelse. Kundeutstyret må kun være plassert i et kabinett som har lokk som er skrudd fast, for å hindre brukertilgang til overspenning på kundeutstyret. Kundeutstyret inneholder kretser som kan ha nettverksspenning for telekommunikasjon.


O cartão de ligação E1 apenas poderá ser instalado em equipamento dos clientes que possuam autorização da ACA (Australian Communications Authority) ou num DTE (Data Terminal Equipment), que esteja isento dos requisitos de autorização da ACA. O equipamento dos clientes deverá ser somente colocado numa caixa com tampas de aparafusar, para impossibilitar o acesso do utilizador às altas tensões deste mesmo equipamento. O equipamento do cliente possui circuitos que poderão ter tensões de rede de telecomunicações.


La tarjeta de interfaz E1 sólo se puede instalar en un equipo de cliente permitido por ACA o en un equipo de terminal de datos (DTE) que no requiera el permiso de ACA. El equipo del cliente sólo debe estar instalado en un armario con cubiertas atornilladas, para evitar el acceso del usuario a los sobrevoltajes presentes en dicho equipo. El equipo del cliente tiene circuitos donde pueden estar presentes voltajes de la red de telecomunicaciones.


E1-gränssnittskortet får endast installeras i en av ACA tillåten kundutrustning eller en Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) som är undantagen ACA:s licenskrav. Kundutrustningen måste vara i ett skåp med igenskruvade lock som hindrar användaren från att komma åt överspänning på kundutrustningen. Det finns kretsar i kundutrustningen som kan ha nätverksspänning.

Warning When performing the following procedures, wear a grounding wrist strap to avoid ESD damage to the card. Some platforms have an ESD connector for attaching the wrist strap. Do not directly touch the midplane or backplane with your hand or any metal tool, or you could shock yourself.

Caution To prevent jamming the carrier between the upper and the lower edges of the port adapter or interface processor slot, and to ensure that the edge connector at the rear of the port adapter or VIP mates with the connection at the midplane or backplane, make certain that the carrier is positioned correctly, as shown in the cutaway in the following illustrations.

Port Adapter Removal and Installation

In this section, the illustrations that follow give step-by-step instructions on how to remove and install port adapters in the Cisco 7200 series routers, Cisco 7200 VXR routers, Cisco 7401ASR routers, and Cisco 7500 series routers. This section contains the following procedures:

Cisco 7200 Series—Removing and Installing a Port Adapter

Cisco 7301 Router—Removing and Installing a Port Adapter

Cisco 7401ASR Router—Removing and Installing a Port Adapter

Cisco 7500 Series—Removing and Installing an Interface Processor

VIP—Removing and Installing a Port Adapter

Cisco 7200 Series—Removing and Installing a Port Adapter

Cisco 7301 Router—Removing and Installing a Port Adapter

Cisco 7401ASR Router—Removing and Installing a Port Adapter

Cisco 7500 Series—Removing and Installing an Interface Processor

VIP—Removing and Installing a Port Adapter

Connecting Interface Cables

The PA-VXA, PA-VXB, and PA-VXC port adapters use shielded twisted-pair cables with RJ-45 connectors to connect to a PBX or to the PSTN.

Shielded cables (foil twisted-pair [FTP]) with 120-ohm impedance are required to comply with CE marking requirements. These shielded cables are not available from Cisco Systems; they are available from outside commercial cable vendors.

To connect shielded twisted-pair cables with RJ-45 connectors to the PA-VXA, PA-VXB, or PA-VXC port adapters, proceed as follows:

Step 1 Attach the cable directly to one of the RJ-45 ports on the PA-VXA, PA-VXB, or PA-VXC port adapter.

Step 2 Attach the network end of the cable to your external equipment.

Step 3 Repeat Step 1 and Step 2 for the other PA-VXB or PA-VXC port.

Figure 3-3 Connecting the PA-VXC Twisted-Pair Cable with RJ-45 Connector

Note Port adapters have a handle attached, but this handle is not shown in Figure 3-3 to allow a full view of the detail on each port adapter faceplate.

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