Tháp Eiffel - Hành Trình Trở Thành Biểu Tượng Nước Pháp
Có thể bạn quan tâm
Application frames (2) All frames (39) 38 ReflectionException …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php851 37 ParseError …/app/Services/PostService.php43 36 Composer\Autoload\includeFile …/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php322 35 Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader loadClass [internal]0 34 spl_autoload_call [internal]0 33 ReflectionParameter getClass …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php851 32 Illuminate\Container\Container resolveDependencies …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php818 31 Illuminate\Container\Container build …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php667 30 Illuminate\Container\Container resolve …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Container/Container.php615 29 Illuminate\Container\Container make …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Application.php757 28 Illuminate\Foundation\Application make …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php233 27 Illuminate\Routing\Route getController …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php833 26 Illuminate\Routing\Route controllerMiddleware …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Route.php794 25 Illuminate\Routing\Route gatherMiddleware …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php693 24 Illuminate\Routing\Router gatherRouteMiddleware …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php673 23 Illuminate\Routing\Router runRouteWithinStack …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php657 22 Illuminate\Routing\Router runRoute …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php623 21 Illuminate\Routing\Router dispatchToRoute …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php612 20 Illuminate\Routing\Router dispatch …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Kernel.php176 19 Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel Illuminate\Foundation\Http\{closure} …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php30 18 Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline Illuminate\Routing\{closure} …/vendor/fideloper/proxy/src/TrustProxies.php57 17 Fideloper\Proxy\TrustProxies handle …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php163 16 Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure} …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php53 15 Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline Illuminate\Routing\{closure} …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Middleware/TransformsRequest.php21 14 Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest handle …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php163 13 Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure} …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php53 12 Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline Illuminate\Routing\{closure} …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Middleware/TransformsRequest.php21 11 Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\TransformsRequest handle …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php163 10 Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure} …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php53 9 Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline Illuminate\Routing\{closure} …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Middleware/ValidatePostSize.php27 8 Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\ValidatePostSize handle …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php163 7 Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure} …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php53 6 Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline Illuminate\Routing\{closure} …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Middleware/CheckForMaintenanceMode.php62 5 Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Middleware\CheckForMaintenanceMode handle …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php163 4 Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline Illuminate\Pipeline\{closure} …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Pipeline.php53 3 Illuminate\Routing\Pipeline Illuminate\Routing\{closure} …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pipeline/Pipeline.php104 2 Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline then …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Kernel.php151 1 Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel sendRequestThroughRouter …/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Http/Kernel.php116 0 Illuminate\Foundation\Http\Kernel handle …/public/index.php54 /home/ * @throws \Illuminate\Contracts\Container\BindingResolutionException */ protected function resolveDependencies(array $dependencies) { $results = []; foreach ($dependencies as $dependency) { // If this dependency has a override for this particular build we will use // that instead as the value. Otherwise, we will continue with this run // of resolutions and let reflection attempt to determine the result. if ($this->hasParameterOverride($dependency)) { $results[] = $this->getParameterOverride($dependency); continue; } // If the class is null, it means the dependency is a string or some other // primitive type which we can not resolve since it is not a class and // we will just bomb out with an error since we have no-where to go. $results[] = is_null($dependency->getClass()) ? $this->resolvePrimitive($dependency) : $this->resolveClass($dependency); } return $results; } /** * Determine if the given dependency has a parameter override. * * @param \ReflectionParameter $dependency * @return bool */ protected function hasParameterOverride($dependency) { return array_key_exists( $dependency->name, $this->getLastParameterOverride() ); } Arguments
Environment Variables
Registered Handlers 0. Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler
- "Class App\Services\PostService does not exist"
- "syntax error, unexpected '{'"
- "/home/"
- "App\Services\PostService"
- "App\Services\PostService"
- array:1 [ 0 => ReflectionParameter {#360 +name: "postService" : 0 : "App\Services\PostService" } ]
- "App\Http\Controllers\FrontEnd\PostController"
- "App\Http\Controllers\FrontEnd\PostController"
- []
- "App\Http\Controllers\FrontEnd\PostController"
- []
- "App\Http\Controllers\FrontEnd\PostController"
- Route {#254}
- Route {#254}
- Request {#43 #json: null #convertedFiles: null #userResolver: Closure($guard = null) {#351 …6} #routeResolver: Closure() {#353 …5} +attributes: ParameterBag {#45} +request: ParameterBag {#51} +query: ParameterBag {#51} +server: ServerBag {#47} +files: FileBag {#48} +cookies: ParameterBag {#46} +headers: HeaderBag {#49} #content: null #languages: null #charsets: null #encodings: null #acceptableContentTypes: array:1 [ 0 => "*/*" ] #pathInfo: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #requestUri: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #baseUrl: "" #basePath: null #method: "GET" #format: null #session: null #locale: null #defaultLocale: "en" -isHostValid: true -isForwardedValid: true : "" : "html" }
- Request {#43 #json: null #convertedFiles: null #userResolver: Closure($guard = null) {#351 …6} #routeResolver: Closure() {#353 …5} +attributes: ParameterBag {#45} +request: ParameterBag {#51} +query: ParameterBag {#51} +server: ServerBag {#47} +files: FileBag {#48} +cookies: ParameterBag {#46} +headers: HeaderBag {#49} #content: null #languages: null #charsets: null #encodings: null #acceptableContentTypes: array:1 [ 0 => "*/*" ] #pathInfo: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #requestUri: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #baseUrl: "" #basePath: null #method: "GET" #format: null #session: null #locale: null #defaultLocale: "en" -isHostValid: true -isForwardedValid: true : "" : "html" }
- Route {#254}
- Request {#43 #json: null #convertedFiles: null #userResolver: Closure($guard = null) {#351 …6} #routeResolver: Closure() {#353 …5} +attributes: ParameterBag {#45} +request: ParameterBag {#51} +query: ParameterBag {#51} +server: ServerBag {#47} +files: FileBag {#48} +cookies: ParameterBag {#46} +headers: HeaderBag {#49} #content: null #languages: null #charsets: null #encodings: null #acceptableContentTypes: array:1 [ 0 => "*/*" ] #pathInfo: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #requestUri: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #baseUrl: "" #basePath: null #method: "GET" #format: null #session: null #locale: null #defaultLocale: "en" -isHostValid: true -isForwardedValid: true : "" : "html" }
- Request {#43 #json: null #convertedFiles: null #userResolver: Closure($guard = null) {#351 …6} #routeResolver: Closure() {#353 …5} +attributes: ParameterBag {#45} +request: ParameterBag {#51} +query: ParameterBag {#51} +server: ServerBag {#47} +files: FileBag {#48} +cookies: ParameterBag {#46} +headers: HeaderBag {#49} #content: null #languages: null #charsets: null #encodings: null #acceptableContentTypes: array:1 [ 0 => "*/*" ] #pathInfo: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #requestUri: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #baseUrl: "" #basePath: null #method: "GET" #format: null #session: null #locale: null #defaultLocale: "en" -isHostValid: true -isForwardedValid: true : "" : "html" }
- Request {#43 #json: null #convertedFiles: null #userResolver: Closure($guard = null) {#351 …6} #routeResolver: Closure() {#353 …5} +attributes: ParameterBag {#45} +request: ParameterBag {#51} +query: ParameterBag {#51} +server: ServerBag {#47} +files: FileBag {#48} +cookies: ParameterBag {#46} +headers: HeaderBag {#49} #content: null #languages: null #charsets: null #encodings: null #acceptableContentTypes: array:1 [ 0 => "*/*" ] #pathInfo: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #requestUri: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #baseUrl: "" #basePath: null #method: "GET" #format: null #session: null #locale: null #defaultLocale: "en" -isHostValid: true -isForwardedValid: true : "" : "html" }
- Request {#43 #json: null #convertedFiles: null #userResolver: Closure($guard = null) {#351 …6} #routeResolver: Closure() {#353 …5} +attributes: ParameterBag {#45} +request: ParameterBag {#51} +query: ParameterBag {#51} +server: ServerBag {#47} +files: FileBag {#48} +cookies: ParameterBag {#46} +headers: HeaderBag {#49} #content: null #languages: null #charsets: null #encodings: null #acceptableContentTypes: array:1 [ 0 => "*/*" ] #pathInfo: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #requestUri: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #baseUrl: "" #basePath: null #method: "GET" #format: null #session: null #locale: null #defaultLocale: "en" -isHostValid: true -isForwardedValid: true : "" : "html" }
- Request {#43 #json: null #convertedFiles: null #userResolver: Closure($guard = null) {#351 …6} #routeResolver: Closure() {#353 …5} +attributes: ParameterBag {#45} +request: ParameterBag {#51} +query: ParameterBag {#51} +server: ServerBag {#47} +files: FileBag {#48} +cookies: ParameterBag {#46} +headers: HeaderBag {#49} #content: null #languages: null #charsets: null #encodings: null #acceptableContentTypes: array:1 [ 0 => "*/*" ] #pathInfo: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #requestUri: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #baseUrl: "" #basePath: null #method: "GET" #format: null #session: null #locale: null #defaultLocale: "en" -isHostValid: true -isForwardedValid: true : "" : "html" }
- Closure($passable) {#141 …6}
- Request {#43 #json: null #convertedFiles: null #userResolver: Closure($guard = null) {#351 …6} #routeResolver: Closure() {#353 …5} +attributes: ParameterBag {#45} +request: ParameterBag {#51} +query: ParameterBag {#51} +server: ServerBag {#47} +files: FileBag {#48} +cookies: ParameterBag {#46} +headers: HeaderBag {#49} #content: null #languages: null #charsets: null #encodings: null #acceptableContentTypes: array:1 [ 0 => "*/*" ] #pathInfo: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #requestUri: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #baseUrl: "" #basePath: null #method: "GET" #format: null #session: null #locale: null #defaultLocale: "en" -isHostValid: true -isForwardedValid: true : "" : "html" }
- Request {#43 #json: null #convertedFiles: null #userResolver: Closure($guard = null) {#351 …6} #routeResolver: Closure() {#353 …5} +attributes: ParameterBag {#45} +request: ParameterBag {#51} +query: ParameterBag {#51} +server: ServerBag {#47} +files: FileBag {#48} +cookies: ParameterBag {#46} +headers: HeaderBag {#49} #content: null #languages: null #charsets: null #encodings: null #acceptableContentTypes: array:1 [ 0 => "*/*" ] #pathInfo: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #requestUri: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #baseUrl: "" #basePath: null #method: "GET" #format: null #session: null #locale: null #defaultLocale: "en" -isHostValid: true -isForwardedValid: true : "" : "html" }
- Request {#43 #json: null #convertedFiles: null #userResolver: Closure($guard = null) {#351 …6} #routeResolver: Closure() {#353 …5} +attributes: ParameterBag {#45} +request: ParameterBag {#51} +query: ParameterBag {#51} +server: ServerBag {#47} +files: FileBag {#48} +cookies: ParameterBag {#46} +headers: HeaderBag {#49} #content: null #languages: null #charsets: null #encodings: null #acceptableContentTypes: array:1 [ 0 => "*/*" ] #pathInfo: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #requestUri: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #baseUrl: "" #basePath: null #method: "GET" #format: null #session: null #locale: null #defaultLocale: "en" -isHostValid: true -isForwardedValid: true : "" : "html" }
- Closure($passable) {#279 …6}
- Request {#43 #json: null #convertedFiles: null #userResolver: Closure($guard = null) {#351 …6} #routeResolver: Closure() {#353 …5} +attributes: ParameterBag {#45} +request: ParameterBag {#51} +query: ParameterBag {#51} +server: ServerBag {#47} +files: FileBag {#48} +cookies: ParameterBag {#46} +headers: HeaderBag {#49} #content: null #languages: null #charsets: null #encodings: null #acceptableContentTypes: array:1 [ 0 => "*/*" ] #pathInfo: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #requestUri: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #baseUrl: "" #basePath: null #method: "GET" #format: null #session: null #locale: null #defaultLocale: "en" -isHostValid: true -isForwardedValid: true : "" : "html" }
- Request {#43 #json: null #convertedFiles: null #userResolver: Closure($guard = null) {#351 …6} #routeResolver: Closure() {#353 …5} +attributes: ParameterBag {#45} +request: ParameterBag {#51} +query: ParameterBag {#51} +server: ServerBag {#47} +files: FileBag {#48} +cookies: ParameterBag {#46} +headers: HeaderBag {#49} #content: null #languages: null #charsets: null #encodings: null #acceptableContentTypes: array:1 [ 0 => "*/*" ] #pathInfo: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #requestUri: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #baseUrl: "" #basePath: null #method: "GET" #format: null #session: null #locale: null #defaultLocale: "en" -isHostValid: true -isForwardedValid: true : "" : "html" }
- Request {#43 #json: null #convertedFiles: null #userResolver: Closure($guard = null) {#351 …6} #routeResolver: Closure() {#353 …5} +attributes: ParameterBag {#45} +request: ParameterBag {#51} +query: ParameterBag {#51} +server: ServerBag {#47} +files: FileBag {#48} +cookies: ParameterBag {#46} +headers: HeaderBag {#49} #content: null #languages: null #charsets: null #encodings: null #acceptableContentTypes: array:1 [ 0 => "*/*" ] #pathInfo: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #requestUri: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #baseUrl: "" #basePath: null #method: "GET" #format: null #session: null #locale: null #defaultLocale: "en" -isHostValid: true -isForwardedValid: true : "" : "html" }
- Closure($passable) {#283 …6}
- Request {#43 #json: null #convertedFiles: null #userResolver: Closure($guard = null) {#351 …6} #routeResolver: Closure() {#353 …5} +attributes: ParameterBag {#45} +request: ParameterBag {#51} +query: ParameterBag {#51} +server: ServerBag {#47} +files: FileBag {#48} +cookies: ParameterBag {#46} +headers: HeaderBag {#49} #content: null #languages: null #charsets: null #encodings: null #acceptableContentTypes: array:1 [ 0 => "*/*" ] #pathInfo: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #requestUri: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #baseUrl: "" #basePath: null #method: "GET" #format: null #session: null #locale: null #defaultLocale: "en" -isHostValid: true -isForwardedValid: true : "" : "html" }
- Request {#43 #json: null #convertedFiles: null #userResolver: Closure($guard = null) {#351 …6} #routeResolver: Closure() {#353 …5} +attributes: ParameterBag {#45} +request: ParameterBag {#51} +query: ParameterBag {#51} +server: ServerBag {#47} +files: FileBag {#48} +cookies: ParameterBag {#46} +headers: HeaderBag {#49} #content: null #languages: null #charsets: null #encodings: null #acceptableContentTypes: array:1 [ 0 => "*/*" ] #pathInfo: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #requestUri: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #baseUrl: "" #basePath: null #method: "GET" #format: null #session: null #locale: null #defaultLocale: "en" -isHostValid: true -isForwardedValid: true : "" : "html" }
- Request {#43 #json: null #convertedFiles: null #userResolver: Closure($guard = null) {#351 …6} #routeResolver: Closure() {#353 …5} +attributes: ParameterBag {#45} +request: ParameterBag {#51} +query: ParameterBag {#51} +server: ServerBag {#47} +files: FileBag {#48} +cookies: ParameterBag {#46} +headers: HeaderBag {#49} #content: null #languages: null #charsets: null #encodings: null #acceptableContentTypes: array:1 [ 0 => "*/*" ] #pathInfo: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #requestUri: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #baseUrl: "" #basePath: null #method: "GET" #format: null #session: null #locale: null #defaultLocale: "en" -isHostValid: true -isForwardedValid: true : "" : "html" }
- Closure($passable) {#333 …6}
- Request {#43 #json: null #convertedFiles: null #userResolver: Closure($guard = null) {#351 …6} #routeResolver: Closure() {#353 …5} +attributes: ParameterBag {#45} +request: ParameterBag {#51} +query: ParameterBag {#51} +server: ServerBag {#47} +files: FileBag {#48} +cookies: ParameterBag {#46} +headers: HeaderBag {#49} #content: null #languages: null #charsets: null #encodings: null #acceptableContentTypes: array:1 [ 0 => "*/*" ] #pathInfo: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #requestUri: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #baseUrl: "" #basePath: null #method: "GET" #format: null #session: null #locale: null #defaultLocale: "en" -isHostValid: true -isForwardedValid: true : "" : "html" }
- Request {#43 #json: null #convertedFiles: null #userResolver: Closure($guard = null) {#351 …6} #routeResolver: Closure() {#353 …5} +attributes: ParameterBag {#45} +request: ParameterBag {#51} +query: ParameterBag {#51} +server: ServerBag {#47} +files: FileBag {#48} +cookies: ParameterBag {#46} +headers: HeaderBag {#49} #content: null #languages: null #charsets: null #encodings: null #acceptableContentTypes: array:1 [ 0 => "*/*" ] #pathInfo: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #requestUri: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #baseUrl: "" #basePath: null #method: "GET" #format: null #session: null #locale: null #defaultLocale: "en" -isHostValid: true -isForwardedValid: true : "" : "html" }
- Request {#43 #json: null #convertedFiles: null #userResolver: Closure($guard = null) {#351 …6} #routeResolver: Closure() {#353 …5} +attributes: ParameterBag {#45} +request: ParameterBag {#51} +query: ParameterBag {#51} +server: ServerBag {#47} +files: FileBag {#48} +cookies: ParameterBag {#46} +headers: HeaderBag {#49} #content: null #languages: null #charsets: null #encodings: null #acceptableContentTypes: array:1 [ 0 => "*/*" ] #pathInfo: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #requestUri: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #baseUrl: "" #basePath: null #method: "GET" #format: null #session: null #locale: null #defaultLocale: "en" -isHostValid: true -isForwardedValid: true : "" : "html" }
- Closure($passable) {#334 …6}
- Request {#43 #json: null #convertedFiles: null #userResolver: Closure($guard = null) {#351 …6} #routeResolver: Closure() {#353 …5} +attributes: ParameterBag {#45} +request: ParameterBag {#51} +query: ParameterBag {#51} +server: ServerBag {#47} +files: FileBag {#48} +cookies: ParameterBag {#46} +headers: HeaderBag {#49} #content: null #languages: null #charsets: null #encodings: null #acceptableContentTypes: array:1 [ 0 => "*/*" ] #pathInfo: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #requestUri: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #baseUrl: "" #basePath: null #method: "GET" #format: null #session: null #locale: null #defaultLocale: "en" -isHostValid: true -isForwardedValid: true : "" : "html" }
- Request {#43 #json: null #convertedFiles: null #userResolver: Closure($guard = null) {#351 …6} #routeResolver: Closure() {#353 …5} +attributes: ParameterBag {#45} +request: ParameterBag {#51} +query: ParameterBag {#51} +server: ServerBag {#47} +files: FileBag {#48} +cookies: ParameterBag {#46} +headers: HeaderBag {#49} #content: null #languages: null #charsets: null #encodings: null #acceptableContentTypes: array:1 [ 0 => "*/*" ] #pathInfo: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #requestUri: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #baseUrl: "" #basePath: null #method: "GET" #format: null #session: null #locale: null #defaultLocale: "en" -isHostValid: true -isForwardedValid: true : "" : "html" }
- Closure($request) {#41 …5}
- Request {#43 #json: null #convertedFiles: null #userResolver: Closure($guard = null) {#351 …6} #routeResolver: Closure() {#353 …5} +attributes: ParameterBag {#45} +request: ParameterBag {#51} +query: ParameterBag {#51} +server: ServerBag {#47} +files: FileBag {#48} +cookies: ParameterBag {#46} +headers: HeaderBag {#49} #content: null #languages: null #charsets: null #encodings: null #acceptableContentTypes: array:1 [ 0 => "*/*" ] #pathInfo: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #requestUri: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #baseUrl: "" #basePath: null #method: "GET" #format: null #session: null #locale: null #defaultLocale: "en" -isHostValid: true -isForwardedValid: true : "" : "html" }
- Request {#43 #json: null #convertedFiles: null #userResolver: Closure($guard = null) {#351 …6} #routeResolver: Closure() {#353 …5} +attributes: ParameterBag {#45} +request: ParameterBag {#51} +query: ParameterBag {#51} +server: ServerBag {#47} +files: FileBag {#48} +cookies: ParameterBag {#46} +headers: HeaderBag {#49} #content: null #languages: null #charsets: null #encodings: null #acceptableContentTypes: array:1 [ 0 => "*/*" ] #pathInfo: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #requestUri: "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" #baseUrl: "" #basePath: null #method: "GET" #format: null #session: null #locale: null #defaultLocale: "en" -isHostValid: true -isForwardedValid: true : "" : "html" }
Environment & details:
GET Data empty POST Data empty Files empty Cookies empty Session empty Server/Request DataKey | Value |
PATH | "/bin:/usr/bin" |
HTTP_ACCEPT | "*/*" |
HTTP_CONNECTION | "Keep-Alive" |
HTTP_HOST | "" |
HTTP_USER_AGENT | "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:58.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/58.0" |
HTTP_CF_RAY | "8f2f8fa26a3dcdfa-SIN" |
HTTP_CF_VISITOR | "{"scheme":"https"}" |
HTTP_CDN_LOOP | "cloudflare; loops=1" |
DOCUMENT_ROOT | "/home/" |
REMOTE_PORT | "36074" |
SERVER_ADMIN | "[email protected]" |
SERVER_PORT | "80" |
REQUEST_URI | "/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" |
REDIRECT_URL | "/public/tin-tuc/thap-eiffel-hanh-trinh-tro-thanh-bieu-tuong-nuoc-phap.html" |
HTTPS | "on" |
LSWS_EDITION | "Openlitespeed 1.4.46" |
X-LSCACHE | "on,crawler" |
SCRIPT_FILENAME | "/home/" |
SCRIPT_NAME | "/public/index.php" |
PHP_SELF | "/public/index.php" |
REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT | 1734362746.2762 |
REQUEST_TIME | 1734362746 |
APP_NAME | "Laravel" |
APP_ENV | "local" |
APP_KEY | "base64:mz+aV4QIhcdDvlOASOa1rlH5LXjmkPP60iiI8DxWxsk=" |
APP_DEBUG | "true" |
APP_URL | "http://localhost" |
LOG_CHANNEL | "stack" |
DB_CONNECTION | "mysql" |
DB_HOST | "localhost" |
DB_PORT | "3306" |
DB_DATABASE | "baba_db" |
DB_USERNAME | "root" |
CACHE_DRIVER | "file" |
REDIS_PORT | "6379" |
MAIL_DRIVER | "smtp" |
MAIL_HOST | "" |
MAIL_PORT | "587" |
MAIL_USERNAME | "[email protected]" |
MAIL_PASSWORD | "AsiaTravel@2019" |
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION | "us-east-1" |
Key | Value |
APP_NAME | "Laravel" |
APP_ENV | "local" |
APP_KEY | "base64:mz+aV4QIhcdDvlOASOa1rlH5LXjmkPP60iiI8DxWxsk=" |
APP_DEBUG | "true" |
APP_URL | "http://localhost" |
LOG_CHANNEL | "stack" |
DB_CONNECTION | "mysql" |
DB_HOST | "localhost" |
DB_PORT | "3306" |
DB_DATABASE | "baba_db" |
DB_USERNAME | "root" |
CACHE_DRIVER | "file" |
REDIS_PORT | "6379" |
MAIL_DRIVER | "smtp" |
MAIL_HOST | "" |
MAIL_PORT | "587" |
MAIL_USERNAME | "[email protected]" |
MAIL_PASSWORD | "AsiaTravel@2019" |
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION | "us-east-1" |
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