The IUPAC Name Of The Compound CH3 - CH (CH3) - CO - CH3 Is
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- The IUPAC name of the compound CH3 - CH (CH3) - CO - CH3 is
3 - methyl - 2 - butanone
53% B2 - methyl - 3 - butanone
13% Cisopropyl methyl ketone
20% D2 ethyl - 2 methyl pentane
(i) For the structure, Functional group is ketone, hence its secondary suffix is ‘one’. Now, the longest carbon chain containing the functional group has carbon atom. The word root is ‘but’. (ii) Further, since the longest chain is saturated, therefore its primary suffix is ‘ane’. (iii) Number the carbon atoms right to left, it given lowest vacant to functional group and vacant to substituent methyl group. The name is -methyl--butanone.
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