The Khe Sanh Peace Garden - GI Film Festival

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0 CART $0.00 watch trailer The Khe Sanh Peace Garden Directed by Tinh Mahoney
  • Healing, International, Vietnam War
  • Viet Nam
  • Documentary
  • English
  • 2020
  • 26 mins
  • San Diego premiere
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This touching and hopeful film is about a medevac helicopter pilot who found peace within himself and with his mortal enemies when he tries to build a peace garden at the Khe Sanh Combat Base where he was stationed during the Viet Nam War.

About the Filmmaker

Director and producer Tinh Mahoney is a filmmaker/musician/storyteller and a teacher. His films and music had been featured on OPB and other PBS affiliated stations. He was invited to the White House by George and Laura Bush and performed at Washington D.C. Capitol Mall.

Plays in

Shorts Block | Stories of Healing & Resilience

Shorts Block | Stories of Healing & Resilience

This collection of documentary shorts highlight stories of healing, resiliency, and renewed purpose.

Dates & Times


GIFFSD Website

Thu, May 20 5:00 pm

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