The Starting Point For Learning TypeScript
Có thể bạn quan tâm
Get Started
Quick introductions based on your background or preference.
- TS for the New Programmer
- TypeScript for JS Programmers
- TS for Java/C# Programmers
- TS for Functional Programmers
- TypeScript Tooling in 5 minutes
A great first read for your daily TS work.
- The TypeScript Handbook
- The Basics
- Everyday Types
- Narrowing
- More on Functions
- Object Types
- Type Manipulation
- Creating Types from Types
- Generics
- Keyof Type Operator
- Typeof Type Operator
- Indexed Access Types
- Conditional Types
- Mapped Types
- Template Literal Types
- Classes
- Modules
Deep dive reference materials.
- Utility Types
- Cheat Sheets
- Decorators
- Declaration Merging
- Enums
- Iterators and Generators
- Mixins
- Namespaces
- Namespaces and Modules
- Symbols
- Triple-Slash Directives
- Type Compatibility
- Type Inference
- Variable Declaration
Modules Reference
How TypeScript models JavaScript modules.
- Introduction
- Theory
- Guides
- Choosing Compiler Options
- Reference
- Appendices
- ESM/CJS Interoperability
Using TypeScript in several environments.
- ASP.NET Core
- Gulp
- DOM Manipulation
- Migrating from JavaScript
- Using Babel with TypeScript
Declaration Files
Learn how to write declaration files to describe existing JavaScript. Important for DefinitelyTyped contributions.
- Introduction
- Declaration Reference
- Library Structures
- .d.ts Templates
- Modules .d.ts
- Module: Plugin
- Module: Class
- Module: Function
- Global .d.ts
- Global: Modifying Module
- Do's and Don'ts
- Deep Dive
- Publishing
- Consumption
How to use TypeScript-powered JavaScript tooling.
- JS Projects Utilizing TypeScript
- Type Checking JavaScript Files
- JSDoc Reference
- Creating .d.ts Files from .js files
Project Configuration
Compiler configuration reference.
- What is a tsconfig.json
- Compiler Options in MSBuild
- TSConfig Reference
- tsc CLI Options
- Project References
- Integrating with Build Tools
- Configuring Watch
- Nightly Builds
Cheat Sheets
Downloadable syntax reference pages for different parts of everyday TypeScript code.
- Control Flow Analysis
- Classes
- Interfaces
- Types
- Download PDFs and PNGs
Learning Resources
Get Started
- JS to TS
- New to Programming
- OOP to JS
- Functional to JS
- Installation
- Everyday Types
- Creating Types from Types
- Object Types
- Variable Declarations
- More on Functions
- Playground
- TSConfig Reference
Release Notes
- What's new in 5.7
- Migrating from JS
- Working with the DOM
- React & Webpack
Từ khóa » Html Original Documentation
HTML: HyperText Markup Language - DevDocs
HTML: HyperText Markup Language - MDN Web Docs
Living Standard - HTML
HTML Document Structure Before And After HTML5 – Here's What ...
HTML - Wikipedia
The Global Structure Of An HTML Document - W3C
HTML 3.2 Reference Specification - W3C
RFC 1866 - Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0 - IETF Tools
.html() | JQuery API Documentation
Markdown Syntax Documentation - Daring Fireball
3.10.6 Documentation
How To View The Source Code Of An HTML Document | DigitalOcean
Basic Syntax - Markdown Guide