Tiếng Anh 9 Tập 2 - A CLOSER LOOK 2 - Articles: Other Uses

Unit 8 TOURISM A CLOSER LOOK 2 Page: 22 Grammar

Articles: other uses


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Articles: other uses

Ss have already learnt some uses of the articles a, an, and the in Tieng Anh 8. Help Ss recall these and have them give some examples. Their sentences should be related to the topic of travelling and tourism. In this unit some more uses of a, an, and the are introduced. In addition, the uses of zero article are added and studied.

Explain carefully the uses of a, an, the, and zero article in the REMEMBER! box. Give more examples if need be.

Introduce the special use of the in the Look out! box. Refer back to the conversation in GETTING STARTED and ask Ss to find the special use of the. (i.e. the Alps).





Lessons Competences Sentence Patterns Sentences
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Từ khóa » Tiếng Anh Lớp 9 Tập 2 Unit 8