Tiếng Anh 9 Tập 2 - Unit 12 MY FUTURE CAREER - SKILLS 2


3 Listen again and decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).


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3. Have Ss work individually to underline the key words in the statements and predict the answers. Write their answers on the board without confirming the correct answers. Play the recording again for Ss to check. T may pause at the sentences that include the information Ss need for their answers. Confirm the correct answers.

Key: 1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T

Audio script:

Phong: We had a good discussion yesterday about our future careers.

Mrs. Warner: Did you? With Nick?

Phong: Yes... and also with Trang.

Mrs. Warner: Good. Nick said that you want to become a teacher.

Phong: I’ve changed my mind! My mum is a teacher. She has mountains of work to do behind the scenes - preparing lessons, marking, giving feedback. She always has to work overtime without extra pay. I’d choose a nine-to-five job.

Mrs. Warner: I know!

Phong: Then there’s the unpleasant task of dealing with lazy or naughty students. I’m not that patient!

Mrs. Warner: But it’s rewarding when your students are successful and they appreciate your efforts. What about Trang?

Phong: She said she’s interested in travelling, and she’s a sociable girl. She wants to become a tour guide.

Mrs. Warner: That sounds good. What about Nick?

Phong: Nick doesn’t want to spend so much time on academic subjects. He’d prefer to acquire some applied skills and get a job right after school.

Mrs. Warner: Did he tell you which job?

Phong: He mentioned becoming a mechanic. He’s fascinated by cars, and he’s good with his hands.

Mrs. Warner: I know, but it won’t be easy. He’ll need to learn lots of skills to do it ...





Lessons Competences Sentence Patterns Sentences
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