Units Conversion Calculator (provisional)
Units conversion calculator (provisional)
mm (millimeters) | x 0.03937 == 25.4 x | in. (inches) | length |
m (meters) | x 39.37 == 0.0254 x | in. (inches) | length |
m (meters) | x 3.281 == 0.3048 x | ft (feet) | length |
m2 (square meters) | x 10.76391 == 0.09290304 x | ft2 (square feet) | area |
kg (kilograms) | x 2.2046 == 0.45359 x | lbs (pounds avdp) | mass |
t (metric tonnes) | x 1,000 == 0.001 x | kg (kilograms) | mass |
t (metric tonnes) | x 1.1 == 0.9091 x | short tons | mass |
short tons | x 2,000 == 0.0005 x | lbs (pounds avdp) | mass |
kg m-2 | x 10 == 0.1 x | t ha-1 (tonnes per hectare) | mass per area(pressure) |
kg m-2 | x 4.45 == 0.22472 x | short tons per acre | mass per area(pressure) |
t ha-1 | x 0.445 == 2.2472 x | short tons per acre | mass per area(pressure) |
ha | x 2.471054 == 0.40468564224 x | acres | area |
gm (gram) | x 0.002205 == 453.59 x | lb (pound avdp) | mass |
l (liter) | x 0.2641794 == 3.785306 x | gal (U.S. liquid gallon) | volume |
kg ha-1 | x 0.893 == 1.1198 x | lb ac-1 | mass per area(pressure) |
kg ha-1 | x 0.0004461 == 2241.7 x | t ac-1 | mass per area(pressure) |
kg m-2 | x 0.20482 == 4.8824 x | lb ft-2 (psf) | mass per area(pressure) |
g cm-3 | x 62.428 == 0.01602 x | lb ft-3 (pcf) | mass per volume |
kg ha-1 mm-1 | x 0.01133 == 88.256 x | t ac-1 in-1 | mass per volume |
mm hr-1 | x 0.03937 == 25.4 x | in hr-1 | length per time |
Red color indicates exact conversion rate. USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Moscow, ID 83843 July 22, 2004
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