VNC: A Faster Alternative To X11 - HECC Knowledge Base
Virtual Network Computing (VNC) software provides a way to reduce X11 overhead on high-latency networks such as the Internet. In practical terms, once a VNC session is underway, latencies are on the order of seconds rather than minutes. VNC can make remote X11 applications useful instead of being tedious and non-productive.
The principle of operation involves a host server process (for example, Xvnc) that communicates with X11 applications running on Pleiades or a NAS workstation. The host server process transmits images and image updates using a low-overhead protocol to the remote system's viewer client.
Security and Firewalls
In the NAS environment VNC traffic is carried by an SSH and/or VPN tunnel, similar to the way SSH is used to tunnel X11 traffic. Using these tunnels provides security because SSH and VPN encrypt tunnel traffic in both directions. If you are already using SSH or VPN, then VNC traffic will travel to/from NAS systems over current connections and through current firewalls. There is no need for any additional communication updates or authorizations.
Generally, your network traffic to the VNC server, whether it is a Pleiades front end (PFE) or a NAS workstation (for example, "linuxNNN"), will follow a path like this:
Where is the VNC Software?
For the Pleiades system and NAS workstations that run on Linux, all of the necessary VNC software files are installed in /usr/bin.
You do not need to run an X11 server on your local system because in the VNC environment, all of the X11 work is done on the PFEs (pfe[20-27]) or NAS workstation. However, you do need a VNC client viewer on your local system. The client might already be installed in many Linux distributions and on recent versions of MacOS; if it is not installed on your system, you will need to download the client.
If you have a NAS-supported system, please note that:
- For NAS-supported Linux workstations, you can find the VNC client viewer (RealVNC version 4.1.2) installed in /usr/bin/vncviewer.
- For NAS-supported Mac workstations, you can download a VNC client called TurboVNC Viewer from the miscellaneous category in the Self Service app. Self Service can be found through Spotlight (the magnifying glass in your system's top navigation bar) or under the Applications folder.
If you have a Windows desktop system, you can download free VNC clients from the following websites:
- Real VNC
- Tight VNC
- TigerVNC
Ask your local system administrator for help to install the VNC client software.
Steps to Establish a VNC Session
In the following steps, pfe24 is used as an example; you can substitute another PFE or NAS workstation.
Note: Although there are other ways to establish a VNC session, this method is convenient as it does not require you to manually find an available display number to use.
Before You Begin
VNC is much easier to use if you set up SSH Passthrough on your local system. If you are accessing a PFE, you should consider setting up the One Step Connection Using Public Key and Passthrough method. You do not need to enable SSH X11 forwarding, but you will need to have set up the ability to connect via SSH from the secure front ends (SFEs) to internal NAS systems using SSH keypairs.
Known Issue: Make sure you do not have a MATLAB, Tecplot, or FieldView module or a Conda environment loaded when you invoke vncserver. Once the VNC session is established, you can load the module.
Step 1: Connect to the PFE
Once SSH Passthrough is set up properly, you can establish a SSH connection from your local system to pfe24:
your_local_system% ssh pfe24 pfe24%If you are attempting to access a NAS workstation from a NAS-supported laptop, then the system will already be reachable from your VPN connection:
your_local_system% ssh linux123%If you are attempting to access a NAS workstation from any other (non-NAS) computer, you will need to utilize the Two-Step Connection using Public Key and SecurID Password method. This will entail setting up the "outer" and "inner" SSH tunnels yourself. If you would like help with this step, please contact NAS User Services for support.
Step 2: Run the vncserver Command on pfe24
vncserver is a script that starts/stops/kills the actual VNC server, Xvnc.
The first time you invoke vncserver on a server, you will be prompted to create a password for VNC that is up to 8 characters in length. (If you create a longer password, it will be truncated to 8 characters.) This password is encrypted and saved in the $HOME/.vnc/passwd file on the server. Once this is done, you will not be prompted for a password on the server when you invoke vncserver for subsequent VNC connections.
Run vncserver as follows:
pfe24% vncserver -localhost You will require a password to access your desktops. Password: <--- type in a password of your choice Warning: password truncated to the length of 8. Verify: <-- retype your password New 'X' desktop is pfe24:25 Creating default startup script /u/username/.vnc/xstartup Starting applications specified in /u/username/.vnc/xstartup Log file is /u/username/.vnc/pfe24:25.logThere are a few options to the vncserver command, such as :display (for setting the display number), -geometry (for setting the desktop width and height in pixel), etc. The -localhost option shown in the above example is a local security option that you should use all the time. It must appear as the last option or it won't get processed.
Similar to an X11 session, a VNC session uses a display number. If not supplied, the vncserver searches over the valid range from 0 to 99 and assigns the next free display number for your session. In the above example, a display number of 25 is assigned.
Step 3: Create a SSH Tunnel from Your Local System to the Server
The next step is to create a SSH tunnel from your local system to the server. This is done by first escaping into an SSH sub-shell and specifying a local client's port number and a server's port number to use. The default SSH escape characters are ~C ('tilde' character, then upper case 'C'). If you do not get the SSH prompt, repeat the ~C.
Note: The ~C characters should not appear on your terminal.
pfe24% ~C ssh> -L 59xx:localhost:59xx Forwarding port.At the SSH prompt, provide a local client port and a remote server port. VNC by default uses TCP port 5900+xx. Thus, it is common to provide the value 59xx for both the local client port (the number before localhost) and server port (the number after localhost). The value for xx is obtained from the final output from the vncserver startup command. In the example shown in Step 2, a vncserver was started on pfe24:25, so in this scenario xx would have a value of 25. The port number would therefore be 5925.
Note that the client port number and the server port number do not need to be the same. Some may suggest using a very high client port number such as 22222 or 33333 since high port numbers are less likely to be reserved for other purposes. For example:
pfe24% ~C ssh> -L 22222:localhost:5925 Forwarding port.The maximum number allowed for the client port is 65535. Avoid using the local port numbers 0-1024 (root privilege required), 5900 (for Mac systems, reserved for some Apple remote desktop products), and 6000-6063 (reserved for local X window server). Use the netstat -an command to check what local port numbers have been used:
your_local_system% netstat -an | less tcp46 0 0 *.5900 *.* LISTEN tcp4 0 0 *.22 *.* LISTENThe above example shows local ports 5900 and 22 are in use and should be avoided.
Step 4: Start the VNC Viewer Application on Your Local System
- If your local system is a Mac and you have downloaded TurboVNC Viewer, launch it. For the VNC server, enter localhost:display number and click Connect.
In the popup window, enter your VNC password in the Password field.
- If your local system is a Linux system, run: your_local_system% vncviewer localhost:localportnumber
You should get a password prompt. Enter your VNC password that you created on the server.
The localportnumber is the one you use in step 3. For example, if you choose 22222 as your local port, run:
your_local_system% vncviewer localhost:22222
If everything goes well, the Xvnc server will send a X11 window manager display to your local system that will appear as an xterm in the viewer's window.
The default window manager is GNOME, and there are a couple other window managers to choose from in the /usr/bin directory, including FVWM, MWM, and IceWM. The GNOME window manager provides a GUI view of a user's files and includes a few useful tools.
To use a non-default manager, modify your $HOME/.vnc/xstartup file on the host where your start vncserver. For example:
#/usr/bin/gnome-session /usr/bin/icewmYou can also change the size and position of the xterm in your viewer's desktop by changing the values in the following line of the $HOME/.vnc/xstartup file on the host where you start vncserver. For example:
xterm -geometry 80x24+10+10 -ls -title "$VNCDESKTOP Desktop" &This specifies an xterm that is 80 characters wide, 24 characters high, at a position (10 pixels, 10 pixels) from the upper left corner of the VNC viewer's desktop.
TIP: The modifications to the xstartup file only take effect for a new VNC connection. You will need to stop the existing VNC server and start a new one.The window manager's xterm is running on pfe24 itself. From this xterm, you can do tasks that you normally do on pfe24—for example, start an X application or ssh to other NAS systems. PBS jobs can also connect to a VNC session. Specifically, in the xterm in the viewer's window, submit an interactive PBS job with the -X option (upper case 'X') and do not reset the DISPLAY variable before starting an X application:
pfe24% qsub -X -I -lselect=1:ncpus=28:model=bro,walltime=1:00:00 qsub: job ready PBS> xclock TIP: Your VNC session and the interactive PBS job will continue to be active even if you disconnect from the Pleiades front end where you started vncserver. Assuming the PFE where you started vncserver is not down, you can reconnect to the same VNC session: simply ssh into the PFE (pfe24 in this example) and repeat steps 3 and 4 with the same port number that you used before (5925 in this example). If the interactive PBS session has not reached its wall time limit, the PBS job will be there waiting.Step 5: Shut Down the Server When You are Done with the VNC Session
On each VNC server, there are a limited number of VNC sockets available. At the end of a session, be sure to exit the VNC application on your local system so that others can use the sockets. In the terminal window where you started up VNC, use the following command to clean up a few temporary socket files vncserver had created.
pfe24% vncserver -kill :xx (supply the original display number)For example:
pfe24% vncserver -kill :25 Killing Xvnc process ID 3435054 WARNING: Don't manually kill vncserver. Doing so will leave lock and socket files (for example, /tmp/.X11-unix/X25, $HOME/.vnc/, etc.) on the server.Troubleshooting
Black Screen
If you get a black screen on your VNC viewer, try the following methods to resolve the issue:
- Check /tmp/.X11-unix for any existing VNC sessions, and clean them up by using the vncserver -kill :xx command, as described in Step 5 above.
- If you normally load MATLAB, Tecplot, or other GUI application modules, unload them before you start vncserver. The LIBGL_ALWAYS_INDIRECT=y setting in these modules is known to cause the black screen.
- If unloading the MATLAB and Tecplot modules does not solve the problem, use the icewm window manager instead of gnome-session in your .vnc/xstartup file.
- Check to see if you currently have a Python or (Ana)conda environment activated. This can cause issues when loading graphical libraries and desktop environments. The telltale sign is usually a customized prompt (see the parenthesized prefix): (maestro38) linuxNNN%
Or, there may be unusual elements in your path (tcsh) or PATH (bash/ksh/zsh) variable, like the /u/wk location below:
(maestro38) linuxNNN% echo $path /u/wk/lwust/.local/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/binIn these cases, check any shell initialization files (such as ~/.bashrc, ~/.profile,~/.csh.login, etc.) for lines like conda activate, setenv path, source /path/to/virtual-env/bin/activate, etc. You might want to remove these — perhaps you can turn it into an alias, instead of sourcing it every time.
Locked GNOME Session
On NAS Linux workstations, if you stop using GNOME for some time over VNC and are required to enter a PIV Smartcard and PIN (which is not possible remotely), try using the following script in order to unlock that session:
#!/bin/bash tmpfile=$(mktemp) pgrep -u $USER -f /usr/bin/gnome-shell > $tmpfile if [ $(wc -l $tmpfile | cut -f1 -d' ') -eq 1 ]; then # GNOME appears to be running gnomepid=$(cat $tmpfile) # displayline=$(cat /proc/$gnomepid/environ | tr '\0' '\n' | grep '^DISPLAY') display=$(echo "$displayline" | sed -r 's/^([^=]+)=(.*)$/\2/') # DISPLAY=$display dbus-send --session \ --dest=org.gnome.ScreenSaver \ --type=method_call \ --print-reply \ --reply-timeout=20000 \ /org/gnome/ScreenSaver \ org.gnome.ScreenSaver.SetActive \ boolean:false elif [ $(wc -l $tmpfile | cut -f1 -d' ') -eq 0 ]; then echo "No gnome-shell processes are running" >/dev/stderr else echo "Multiple gnome-shell processes are running" >/dev/stderr fiTừ khóa » Xorg Vs Vnc
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