Volume Flow Rate Formula

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Home > Formulas > Physics Formulas > Volume Flow Rate Formula Volume Flow Rate Formula Volume Flow Rate Formula

Is the volume of fluid which is transferred or passes per unit time, for example from one container to other.

It is represented by the symbol Q, with unit m3/s (cubic meters per second). The formula for volume flow rate is given:

Volume Flow Rate = (variation of volume) / (variation of time)

Q = ΔV/Δt

Where we have:

ΔV: Volume of the fluid that is variating

Δt: Variation of time

Volume flow rate Formula Questions:

1) A fluid is moving through a tube which has a transverse area of 0.3 m2. All the fluid in the tube of 30 cm flows to a container in 5 seconds. What is the volume flow through the tube?

Answer: The total volume of the fluid flowing is given by the formula, Q = Δv/Δt.

Q= 0.3 m2 * 0.3 m/ 5 s = 0.018 m3/s = 18 L/s

Q= 18 L/s

2) The volume flowing from a tube to a container is 5 L/s, and it has a density of 1.5 grams/m3. After 3 seconds, what is the mass of fluid in the container?

Answer: The total mass of the fluid flowing is given by the formula, m = density*Volume or m = ρ ΔV.

In this equation, we need to know the volume that has flown into the container. We use the volume flow rate formula Q = ΔV/Δt, from which we can obtain, ΔV = Q Δt. This is the volume that will be in the container after a time Δt.

Then, substituting in the mass formula, m = ρ ΔV we obtain,

m = ρ Q Δt

m = 1.5 grams/m3 * 5 L/s * 3 s = 1.5 grams/m3 * 0.005 m3/s * 3 s

m = 0.0225 grams

m = 3.9 m.

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Volume Flow Rate Formula

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