VQ-BZC - Boeing 777-31H(ER), Azur Air
{{userInfo.name}} Logged In mdi-home-variant-outline Home mdi-image-multiple New Photographs mdi-map-search-outline Locations mdi-earth Air Shows & Events mdi-account-group-outline Scoreboard mdi-cart-outline Store mdi-account-circle-outline My Account mdi-calendar-star Spotting Events mdi-chart-bar Statistics mdi-forum Messages mdi-airplane-takeoff Flights mdi-account-edit Edit Profile mdi-logout-variant Logout mdi-login-variant Login mdi-account-check Register User Pic Registration Type MSN Built in Airline Delivered Status {{aircraft.manufacturer}} {{aircraft.type}} {{aircraft.msn}} {{aircraft.built}} {{aircraft.airline}} {{aircraft.delivered}} {{aircraft.status}} # # User Photos Photos Aircraft Aircraft New Aircraft New Aircraft Airports Visited Airports Visited Total Views Total Views {{item.rank}} mdi-home {{item.images | formatNumber}} {{item.regs | formatNumber}} / {{item.regsPercentage}}% {{item.newRegs | formatNumber}} / {{item.newRegsPercentage}}% {{item.airports | formatNumber}} {{item.views | formatNumber}} mdi-chevron-right-box mdi-chevron-left-box {{facet.title}}: {{item.name}} {{item.count | formatNumber}} Show more... Show less {{field.title}} {{field.title}} {{aircraft.manufacturer}} {{aircraft.type}} {{aircraft.msn}} {{aircraft.built}} {{aircraft.airline}} {{aircraft.delivered}} {{aircraft.status}} Aircraft Form New Airline / Owner Information * indicates required field Cancel mdi-content-save Save Changes {{info.airframe.aircrafts[0].airline}} mdi-square-edit-outline Edit Registration Name Airline Owner / Operator ICAO24 Delivered Last Seen Status {{aircraft.name}} {{aircraft.airline}} {{aircraft.owner.text}} {{aircraft.icao24}} {{aircraft.delivered}} {{aircraft.lastSeen}} {{aircraft.status}} ({{aircraft.retired}}) {{aircraft.images}} {{aircraft.remarks}} Photographs {{block.title}} {{block.subtitle}} Edit Aircraft Do you want to edit the current aircraft or add information about a new owner / airline? Edit Current Add Owner Info Deleting Aircraft {{view.deleteAircraft.reg}} Are you sure you want to delete {{view.deleteAircraft.reg}} {{view.deleteAircraft.airline}}? No Yes {{model.eventDate}} Airline Name Photographs {{airline.name}} {{airline.regs}} / {{airline.totalActive}} {{airport.name}} {{info.name}} Total Built: {{info.uniqueAircrafts | formatNumber}} ({{info.activeCount | formatNumber}} active) Production Years: {{info.builtFrom}} - {{info.builtTo}} Max Built in: {{info.yearMaxBuilt}} ({{info.yearMaxBuiltCount}}) Main Type: {{info.flagshipModel.name}} ({{info.flagshipModelCount | formatNumber}} active) Production Statistic (based on our database records) Active Types Countries Aircraft Statuses * Information updated by on {{info.lastUpdate}}. Statistics are calculated automatically based on our database records and can be different from the actual values. mdi-format-list-bulleted Show production list {{info.manufacturerName}} {{info.name}} Manufacturer: {{info.manufacturerName}} Total Built: {{info.uniqueAircrafts | formatNumber}} ({{info.activeCount | formatNumber}} active) Production Years: {{info.builtFrom}} - {{info.builtTo}} Max Built in: {{info.yearMaxBuilt}} ({{info.yearMaxBuiltCount}}) Main Operator: {{info.mostUsingAirline.name}} ({{info.mostUsingAirlineCount | formatNumber}} active) Production Statistic (based on our database records) * Information updated by on {{info.lastUpdate}}. Statistics are calculated automatically based on our database records and can be different from the actual values. mdi-format-list-bulleted Show production list {{info.airline.name}} mdi-pause-circle Cease # Airline Active Aircraft Average Fleet Age {{index + 1}} {{airline.name}} {{airline.activeAircrafts}} {{airline.midAge}} years Most Popular Airports # Airport Spotters Aircraft Spotted Photographs Taken {{index + 1}} {{airport.name}} {{airport.city}} {{airport.spotters}} {{airport.crafts | formatNumber}} {{airport.photos | formatNumber}} Random Photographs List of Missing Photographs On Sep 1, 2019 OneSpotter.com suffered a major hardware failure which resulted in partial data loss on our storage server. The database and the application itself weren’t affected and it only concerns uploaded photographs. After almost a month of tedious data recovery process it was possible to restore 90% of all of the uploaded photos. To be clear, this was an issue with a RAID controller failure and not the result of any security breach. Along the way we’ve upgraded all the hardware and spun up two additional servers that will hold complete replicas of all the data to make sure this does not happen again in the future. The bad news is that 10% of files were lost and if you see this message it means you were affected by this. All these files will remain hidden unless you decide to re-upload them which we would very much appreciate. To make this easier we have created a list of photographs that were not recovered. We are truly sorry for the inconvenience this loss has caused. Items will disappear from this list as you upload the photographs. The list updates every 30 minutes Registration Details Taken At Taken On {{offline.aircraftReg}} {{offline.title}} {{offline.airport.name}} {{offline.takenOn}} Delete Photo Airports Airport Spotters Aircraft Spotted Photographs Taken {{airport.name}} {{airport.city}} {{airport.spotters}} {{airport.crafts | formatNumber}} {{airport.photos | formatNumber}} {{data.airport.name}} {{data.airport.iata}} / {{data.airport.icao}} {{data.airport.country.name}} Statistics Spotters: {{data.airport.spotters | formatNumber}} Photographs Taken: {{data.airport.photos | formatNumber}} Aircraft Spotted: {{data.airport.crafts | formatNumber}} Airport Leader: Last Visitor: Most Recent Photo: {{data.lastVisitDate}}
- {{validationError}}
- {{craft.reg}}
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Images from the same spotter taken on the same day: Images taken on the same day: Other images of this aircraft(s): Comments {{upload.imageName}} {{upload.queueMessage}} mdi-trash-can-outline Delete This Image Error uploading file: {{upload.error}} (code {{upload.errorCode}}) Click here to view original image Please ensure that your file is not larger than our limit and is not corrupted. (code {{upload.errorCode}}) Next Photograph Close Please select the date when this photograph was taken Please specify the airport or location where this photograph was taken at mdi-content-save Save Location Undisclosed Google Maps OneSpotter.com Home New Photographs Locations Air Shows & Events Scoreboard Store Screener Admin Moderator Editor Register Login My Account Publication Terms Feedback Membership Sponsors Apps © 2012-{{ new Date().getFullYear() }} OneSpotter.comFeatured Photograph
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{{model.aircraftOfTheDay.reg}}. Photo by on {{model.photoOfTheDay.takenOn}} at {{model.photoOfTheDay.airport.name}} See more new photographsMy Subscriptions
Organize your personal collection of aviation photographs
Are you a plane spotter? Have you ever thought about organizing your photo collection so that you could easily find a particular picture any time you need it? Organize your best pictures¹ by uploading them to our database! All you need to do is complete a free registration process and you are ready to go. Your images will be grouped by date in separate events and linked to corresponding aircraft from our database. You will get all the information on the aircraft you have spotted, plus an easy navigation over already uploaded photographs. So why wait? Fill out the registration form and start uploading your aviation photographs today!Share your photographs with friends and community
If you like to share your aviation photographs with a community we will help you do this quickly. Right after you upload the pictures and link them to an aircraft we provide you with links and HTML / BB codes for each uploaded image which you can post to a forum, social network or just to share with a friend. All your images will be stamped with a copyright sign and aircraft information automatically so you don't need any software to do this manually.Learn more about the history of an airplane or an airline
Our database has information on 500,000 airframes and more than 850,000 registrations which you can search, filter and group as you need. At the moment we support filtering by aircraft manufacturer, type, build year, status and airline. Just try searching A380! Within just one search you will get a complete list of all Airbus A380 airplanes ever built plus a list of all airlines using it. Also with this search we'll provide some useful statistics on how many ordered A380 out there and how many planes were built each year. ¹ All uploaded photos are subject to moderation and only accepted ones become publicly available. Rejected photos might be deleted from the database.Update Feed
{{group.date}} {{update.user.name}} updated {{update.aircraft.reg}} {{update.aircraft.manufacturer}} {{update.aircraft.type}} uploaded a photo of {{update.aircraft.reg}}Most Popular Today
{{stat.views | formatNumber}} views uploaded a new photo taken at {{event.file.airport.name}}{{event.date}}
{{event.aircraft.reg}} / {{event.aircraft.nameReg}} {{event.aircraft.manufacturer}} {{event.aircraft.type}} {{event.aircraft.airline}} Load More Latest Uploads Load More Locations Photographs At This Location Statistics on Uploaded Photographs Countries Airports Manufacturers AirlinesNo photographs yet...
Open in a separate window Photographs At This Location Load More Air Shows and Events Load More{{event.name}}
{{event.dateFromFormatted}} ‐ {{event.dateToFormatted}} {{event.dateFromFormatted}} @ {{event.airport.name}} Photos: {{event.photos}}, Participants: {{event.spottersNumber}} {{event.name}} {{event.airport.name}}, {{event.dateFromFormatted}} ‐ {{event.dateToFormatted}} Participants: Spotters Scoreboard Last 30 Days All Time By Country {{group.name}} - {{group.photos | formatNumber}} * Scoreboards update every 30 minutesSearching: {{search.results.heading}}
Found {{search.results.total | formatNumber}} result(s) mdi-view-comfy mdi-table-of-contents Spotters: {{user.name}} Airports: {{airport.name}} World Events: {{worldEvent.name}} Sort by field: {{field.title}} {{field.title}}{{info.airframe.aircrafts[0].manufacturer}} {{info.airframe.aircrafts[0].type}}, MSN {{info.airframe.aircrafts[0].msn}} / {{info.airframe.line}}
mdi-information-outline {{info.userFlight.text}} mdi-wrench Built in: {{info.airframe.built}} mdi-timer-sand Age: {{info.airframe.age}} mdi-engine Engine Model: {{info.airframe.engines.text}} mdi-airplane Airline: {{info.airframe.aircrafts[0].airline}} mdi-account-cash Owner / Operator: {{info.airframe.aircrafts[0].owner.text}} mdi-truck-delivery Delivered: {{info.airframe.aircrafts[0].delivered}} mdi-card-account-details-star Name: {{info.airframe.aircrafts[0].name}} mdi-hexadecimal ICAO24: {{info.airframe.aircrafts[0].icao24}} mdi-camera Last Seen: {{info.airframe.aircrafts[0].lastSeen}} mdi-airplane-takeoff Status: {{info.airframe.aircrafts[0].status}} ({{info.airframe.aircrafts[0].retired}}) Remarks: {{info.airframe.aircrafts[0].remarks}} * Information updated by on {{info.lastUpdate}} Aircraft History{{model.user.name}}, {{location.name}} {{model.photos}} photos
Spotting Events No events yet. Please upload more photographs{{group.header}} {{group.events.length}} events, {{group.photos}} images total, {{group.aircrafts}} aircraft
{{event.eventDate}} {{airport.shortName}} {{event.photos}} images total {{event.aircrafts}} aircraft {{event.newCrafts}} ({{event.newCraftPercent}}%) new aircraft {{event.newCraftsGlobal}} ({{event.newCraftsGlobalPercent}}%) first time uploaded * Event is a group of 5 or more pictures taken within one day {{stats.name}} Member since {{stats.memberSince}} Editor Rank: {{stats.title}} {{stats.country}} Home Airport: {{stats.homeAirport.name}} Photos: {{stats.images | formatNumber}} view map Aircraft Registrations: {{stats.regs | formatNumber}} / {{stats.regsPercentage}}% of all photographs / - Views: {{stats.views | formatNumber}} Likes: {{stats.likes | formatNumber}} Subscribers: {{stats.subscribers | formatNumber}} Screened Photos: {{stats.screenedPhotos | formatNumber}} mdi-forum Message Please log in to send a message Stats Aircraft first photographs: {{stats.newRegs | formatNumber}} Airlines photographed: {{stats.airlines | formatNumber}} list top 10 Number of photo sessions: {{stats.events}} Countries visited: {{stats.countries}} Airports visited: {{stats.airports}} Aircraft created: {{stats.created | formatNumber}} Aircraft database corrections: {{stats.dbCorrections | formatNumber}} Global chart place: #{{stats.rank | formatNumber}} - Chart place in {{stats.country}}: #{{stats.countryRank | formatNumber}} Leader at the airports: {{stats.leaderAirports.length}} list Most photographs are taken at: {{stats.mostImagesAirport.name}} Most recent spotting: {{stats.recentSpotting.date}} at {{stats.recentSpotting.airport.name}} Countries Airports Manufacturers Airlines Recent Photographs Show All Photographs{{info.airline.countryName}}
mdi-code-tags IATA: {{info.airline.iata}} mdi-code-tags ICAO: {{info.airline.icao}} mdi-radio-tower Callsign: {{info.airline.callsign}} mdi-earth Country: {{info.airline.countryName}} mdi-airplane-takeoff Year Founded: {{info.airline.founded}} mdi-airplane-takeoff Started Operation: {{info.airline.yearFirstDeliver}} mdi-airplane-landing Ceased: {{info.airline.ceased}} mdi-airplane Fleet Size: {{info.airline.fleetSize}} ({{info.airline.activeAircrafts}} active) mdi-camera Photographs: {{info.airline.photos}} mdi-timer-sand Average Fleet Age: {{info.airline.midAge}} years mdi-star Main Type: {{info.airline.mostUsedModel.name}} ({{info.airline.mostUsedModelCount}} active) mdi-trophy # {{info.airline.largestChartPos}} World Largest Airline Related: {{airline.name}}, * Information updated by on {{info.lastUpdate}}. Statistics are calculated automatically based on our database records and can be different from the actual values. Airline Fleet (based on our database records) Manufacturers Types Age Status mdi-format-list-bulleted Show Fleet Show Historic Fleet Airline Photo Map Best Photographs Photographs At This Location Open in a separate windowNo photographs yet...
{{info.name}} Active Aircraft: {{info.activeCount | formatNumber}} Aircraft Total: {{info.uniqueAircrafts | formatNumber}} Aircraft with Photographs: {{info.activeWithPictures | formatNumber}}Active Aircraft
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* Statistics are calculated automatically based on our database records and can be different from the actual values. mdi-format-list-bulleted Show Fleet Top AirlinesMost Popular Airports
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{{event.dateFromFormatted}} {{event.name}} Top Spotters Checked in Here: Recent Photographs (show all) All Photographs From {{model.airport.name}} Load More 1. Terms and Conditions- 1.1. All images are the copyright of their respective owners. You may not use, copy, distribute any of the images published on OneSpotter.com for any purpose without prior permission of the copyright holder. You must own the copyright, or have permission from the copyright holder for all images you upload to our resource.
- 1.2. By uploading a photograph author grants OneSpotter.com the right to publish this photograph on OneSpotter.com and associated social media pages.
- 1.3. Our database is an open resource. All uploaded images will be indexed by search engines and will become publicly accessible as soon as you upload them.
- 1.4. OneSpotter.com is not intended for storing images not closely related to aviation matter. The main subject of all photographs must be an aircraft. All other pictures will be removed regardless of the membership status and the owner account might get blocked.
- 1.5. All images are subject to screening. If an image is rejected it will not appear on the web-site and might be removed from OneSpotter.com.
- 1.6. Any approved image could still be hidden from aircraft info page if there is another photograph made at the same location on the same day and/or there is an image of a better quality.
- 1.7. Screeners can change tail numbers specified during upload process in case they don't match with the depicted in the photograph aircraft.
- 1.8. Uploaded image must be a JPEG file with a minimum resolution of 1400 by 850 pixels. Maximum file size is limited to 25MB and the minimum is 100KB. All photographs must have landscape aspect ratio between 1.23 (16:13) and 2 (16:8).
- 1.9. Accepted photographs automatically appear on the pages of OneSpotter.com.
- 1.10. Any images found to breach these terms and conditions will be removed with no warning. Anyone who uploads an image that violates the terms may be banned from using this website with no prior notice. In the case of violation of the terms, we may share any information we hold on the user concerned with any interested third parties. If you believe one of our members breaches these terms and conditions please contact us so that we could take approriate actions.
- 1.11. The most common reasons for rejecting a photograph include but are not limited to:
- Underexposed/dark photograph
- Overexposed/too bright photograph
- Incorrect white balance
- Digital noise
- Horizon is not leveled
- Blurry lines
- Too many adjustments
- Aircraft is not the main subject, it's too far or off-center
- Poor quality overall
- People faces in the photograph
- Text applied to the photograph (dates, names, etc), except for personal copyright located in one of the lower corners
- Aircraft has no tail number
- Provided incorrect aircraft data or the key fields were not filled in (registration, manufacturer, type, MSN, airline)
- 1.12. Decision to reject a photograph is final and can't be appealed. Any questions or feedback related to a rejected photograph will be ignored.
- 1.12.1. A user account might get blocked for a certain time (or, in severe cases, forever) for re-uploading previously rejected photographs.
- 1.13. The number of photographs that can be submitted is limited by many factors such as user's rank, membership tier, average quality of uploaded photographs, etc. There are also daily limits for each member as well as limits on the number of photographs of the same aircraft taken on the same day.
- 1.14. Your photograps can be screened by other members of OneSpotter.com as soon as you upload them.
- 2.1. The information contained in OneSpotter.com is for general information purposes only. While we endeavour to keep the information up to date and correct, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the website or the information, products, services, or related graphics contained on the website for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk.
- 2.2. In no event will OneSpotter.com be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from loss of data or profits arising out of, or in connection with, the use of this website.
- 2.3. Through this website you are able to link to other websites which are not under the control of OneSpotter.com. We have no control over the nature, content and availability of those sites. The inclusion of any links does not necessarily imply a recommendation or endorse the views expressed within them.
- 2.4. Every effort is made to keep the website up and running smoothly. However, OneSpotter.com takes no responsibility for, and will not be liable for, the website being temporarily unavailable due to technical issues beyond our control.
- 3.1. OneSpotter.com uses cookies to store some information about its visitors including their credentials and language preferences. Cookies are small bits of information stored by your browser. You have full controll over them all the time and are free to block or delete them.
- 3.2. For security purposes we record IP addresses of all our users automatically.
- 3.3. It is required to provide an active email address to create an account which will be used as a username and for the communications between OneSpotter.com and the user.
- 3.4. Data from the "My Flights" section is only visible to the user and not other members. Each member can see their flights only.
- 3.5. None of the listed above will be ever published or disclosed with third parties. This information is to be used internally by OneSpotter.com only.
- 3.6. We allow third-party companies to serve ads and/or collect certain anonymous information when you visit our web-site or use their components such as maps and fonts. These companies may use non-personally identifiable information (e.g., click stream information, browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over) during your visits in order to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of greater interest to you. These companies typically use a cookie or third party web beacon to collect this information.
- 1.1. При публикации материала следует принимать в расчет авторское право. Пользователь должны быть автором всех загружаемых фотографий. При поступлении жалобы об авторском праве, все фото, без исключения, будут удалены, а аккаунт заблокирован.
- 1.2. Фотографии размещенные на OneSpotter.com не могут быть использованы, скопированы, растиражированы без согласия авторов фотографий.
- 1.3. Загружая фотографию автор передает OneSpotter.com право публиковать эту фотографию на страницах OneSpotter.com, а также на страницах OneSpotter.com в социальных сетях.
- 1.4. Сервис не предназначен для хранения изображений не связанных с авиационной тематикой. Основным объектом сьемки на фотографии должно быть воздушное судно. Все изображения не удовлетворяющие данному условию будут удалены вне зависимости от статуса пользователя. Также аккаунт данного пользователя может быть заблокирован.
- 1.5. Все изображения проходят предварительную модерацию. В случае если фото не проходит модерацию, оно не участвует в статистике и может быть удалено из сервиса.
- 1.6. Прошедшее модерацию изображение может быть скрыто со страницы с информацией о воздушном судне, если в базе уже существует похожий снимок, сделанный, примерно, в то же время, с того же ракурса, лучшего качества.
- 1.7. Администрация оставляет за собой право изменять указанные бортовые номера в случае их несоответствия.
- 1.8. Разрешение загружаемых изображений должно быть не менее 1400 на 850 пикселей, а размер файла не менее 100КБ и не более 25МБ. Допустимый формат - JPEG. Все фотографии должны иметь соотношение сторон от 1.23 (16:13) до 2 (16:8).
- 1.9. Большинство загружаемых фотографий прошедших модерацию автоматически попадают на страницу информации о воздушном судне. Ресурс является полностью открытым.
- 1.10. Администрация сервиса оставляет за собой право удалять либо скрывать загруженные изображения, без предварительного информирования владельца.
- 1.11. Администрация сервиса оставляет за собой право модерировать фотографии на свое усмотрение без объяснения правил и критериев отбора. Наиболее частые причины отказа в принятии фотографий являются:
- Недостаточная освещенность
- Засвеченность
- Нарушенный баланс белого
- Цифровой шум
- "Заваленный" горизонт
- Нечеткие контуры объекта съемки
- Излишнее кол-во примененных изменений ("фотошоп")
- Объект съемки располагается на втором плане, слишком далеко, или в углу кадра
- Низкое качество снимка
- Лица людей в кадре
- Нанесенный на фото текст (даты, имена, и т.п.), кроме собственного имени, расположенного в одном из углов
- Отсутствие бортового номера у воздушного судна
- Указаны некорректные данные ВС, либо не заполнены ключевые поля (номер, производитель, тип, серийный номер, авиакомпания)
- 1.12. Решение отклонить фотографию является окончательным и не может быть обжаловано. Любые письма или фидбеки, касающиеся отклоненных фотографий будут игнорироваться.
- 1.12.1. Аккаунт пользователя может быть заблокирован на определенное время (или насовсем, в случае неоднократных нарушений) за повторную загрузку ранее отклоненных фотографий.
- 1.13. Количество фотографий, которые участник может загрузить на сайт, ограничено. Ограничения зависят от многих факторов, среди которых: рейтинг пользователя, уровень членства, качество ранее загруженных фото и т.д. Также, установлен лимит на количество снимков одного и того же ВС, снятых в течение одного дня.
- 1.14. Ваши фотографии могут быть оценены другими участниками сайта OneSpotter.com сразу после того, как Вы загрузили их на сайт.
- 2.1. Вся информация на сайте OneSpotter.com предназначена только для личного пользования. Администрация делает все возможное, чтобы информация на этом сайте была как можно более полной и точной, но в то же время не исключает возможности возникновения или наличия ошибок.
- 2.2. OneSpotter.com не несет никакой ответственности за любой ущерб, который может быть причинен в любой форме за счет использования, неполноты или неправильности информации, размещенной на этом сайте.
- 2.3. Вся информация предоставляется в исходном виде, без гарантий полноты или своевременности, и без иных явно выраженных или подразумеваемых гарантий. Доступ к сайту, а также использование его содержимого осуществляются исключительно по вашему усмотрению и на ваш риск.
- 2.4. В соответствии с действующим законодательством, администрация отказывается от каких-либо заверений и гарантий, предоставление которых может иным образом подразумеваться, и отказывается от ответственности в отношении сайта, содержимого и их использования. Ни при каких обстоятельствах администрация сайта не будет нести ответственности ни перед какой стороной за какой-либо прямой, непрямой, особый или иной косвенный ущерб в результате любого использования информации на этом сайте или на любом другом сайте, на который имеется гиперссылка с нашего сайта.
- 2.5. Некоторые ссылки на этом сайте ведут к ресурсам, расположенным на сторонних сайтах. Данные ссылки размещены для удобства пользователей и не означают, что администрация одобряет содержание других сайтов.
- 3.1. OneSpotter.com uses cookies to store some information about its visitors including their credentials and language preferences. Cookies are small bits of information stored by your browser. You have full controll over them all the time and are free to block or delete them.
- 3.2. For security purposes we record IP addresses of all our users automatically.
- 3.3. It is required to provide an active email address to create an account which will be used as a username and for the communications between OneSpotter.com and the user.
- 3.4. Data from "My Flights" section is only visible to the user and not other members. Each member can see their flights only.
- 3.5. None of the listed above will be ever published or disclosed with third parties. This information is to be used internally by OneSpotter.com only.
- 3.6. We allow third-party companies to serve ads and/or collect certain anonymous information when you visit our web-site or use their components such as maps and fonts. These companies may use non-personally identifiable information (e.g., click stream information, browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over) during your visits in order to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of greater interest to you. These companies typically use a cookie or third party web beacon to collect this information.
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Từ khóa » Vq-bzc 777
VQ-BZC Azur Air Boeing 777-31HER
Azur Air VQ-BZC (Boeing 777 - MSN 32729) (Ex A6-EBX ) - Airfleets
VQ-BZC - Boeing 777-31H(ER) [32729] - Flightradar24
VQ-BZC | Boeing 777-31HER | Azur Air | Paul Denton | JetPhotos
VQ-BZC | Boeing 777-31HER | Azur Air | Quang Huy | JetPhotos
Boeing 777-300ER Azur Air VQ-BZC
Azurair Boeing 777-300ER VQ-BZC (1:400 Scale)
VQ-BZC Boeing 777 Azur Air - Flickr
Track Flight Boeing 777-31H(ER) (VQ-BZC) - Plane Finder
Phoenix Azur Air Boeing 777-300ER VQ-BZC 1/400 PH11549
Phoenix Azur Air For Boeing 777-300ER VQ-BZC 1 - EBay
AZUR AIR Boeing 777-300ER {VQ-BZC} Landing At London Heathrow
Azur Air Boeing 777-300ER VQ-BZC Phoenix 11549 Scale 1:400