Xiaomi Aqara Wired Wall Switch (QBKG11LM) Destroys The Network If ...

I have the same problem like #3944

I have performed a series of tests and am confident that the case is related to the Xiaomi QBKG11LM switches

My config:

  1. Latest zigbee2mqtt 1.14.4-dev
  2. сc2538 located on the USB extension cable
  3. channel 25 (wifi on 1 channel)


  • 8 switches Xiaomi QBKG11LM - they are routers,
  • more than 15 end devices,
  • 3 Xiaomi ZNCZ02LM power plug routers,
  • 3 Blitzwolf shp-13 power plug routers


Test 1. Initial work. Blitzwolf shp-13 was not available (not bought yet at that time)

From time to time, some Xiaomi QBKG11LM switches stopped responding to requests. Once a week or two, I re-paired them Through analysis, I found out that these were devices that are connected according to the following scheme: Coordinator сc2538 (or cc2531 on previous use) -> router switch Xiaomi QBKG11LM -> router power plug Xiaomi ZNCZ02LM -> end device (sensor / button) Key point: the route from power plug Xiaomi ZNCZ02LM goes through the Xiaomi switch QBKG11LM Conclusion: switch Xiaomi QBKG11LM breaks the signal from routers power plug Xiaomi ZNCZ02LM

Test 2. Removing power plug Xiaomi ZNCZ02LM I removed all power plug Xiaomi ZNCZ02LM from the network Scheme: Coordinator -> router switch Xiaomi QBKG11LM -> end device (sensor / button) Conclusion: The network worked steadily for more than a month and I continued the series of tests

Test 3. Now (09/17/2020). Adding a Blitzwolf shp-13 power plug router I restored the network as in test 1, replacing the Xiaomi power plugs with Blitzwolf power plugs Scheme: Coordinator -> router switch Xiaomi QBKG11LM -> router power plug Blitzwolf shp-13 -> end device (sensor / button) Now: everything returned as it was in test 1. The first signal from the end devices stopped reaching, the switches were no longer controlled (1 day after the start of the test)

What errors are in the log now:

  1. There are such errors (this is the error of the Xiaomi QBKG11LM switch, as in the Scheme above) error 2020-09-17 12:00:15: Failed to execute LQI for 'child_swtich_with_n'

  2. An error that occurs when the device does not work (does not accept the command). Those. I turn on / off Xiaomi QBKG11LM via zigbee2mqtt (via Home Assistant). Xiaomi QBKG11LM does not react to the command in any way.

error 2020-09-17 15:55:58: Publish 'set' 'state' to 'bedr_swtich_with_n' failed: 'Error: Command 0x00158d0002335e7d / 1 genOnOff.on ({}, {"timeout": 10000, "disableResponse": false, "disableDefaultResponse": false, "direction": 0, "srcEndpoint": null, "reservedBits": 0, "manufacturerCode": null, "transactionSequenceNumber": null}) failed (Timeout - 31502 - 1 - 225 - 6 - 11 after 10000ms) ' info 2020-09-17 15:55:58: MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt / bridge / log', payload '{"message": "Publish' set '' state 'to' bedr_swtich_with_n 'failed:' Error: Command 0x00158d0002335e7d / 1 genOnOff.on ({}, {\ "timeout \": 10000, \ "disableResponse \": false, \ "disableDefaultResponse \": false, \ "direction \": 0, \ "srcEndpoint \": null, \ "reservedBits \": 0, \ "manufacturerCode \": null, \ "transactionSequenceNumber \": null}) failed (Timeout - 31502 - 1 - 225 - 6 - 11 after 10000ms) '"," meta ": {" friendly_name ":" bedr_swtich_with_n "}," type ":" zigbee_publish_error "} '

Debug info

Zigbee2MQTT version: 1.14.4-dev Adapter hardware: CC2538 Adapter firmware version: 20200211

Từ khóa » Xiaomi Qbkg11lm