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Irchel Campus UZH / Frank Brüderli
The credits (shown in brackets) for ETH courses with the ending -DRL are relevant for all ZGSM doctoral students.
The credits for ETH courses without -DRL ending are only for doctoral students of D-Math doing their doctorate on base of the new ordinance on the doctorate. Doctoral students of I-Math or of D-Math on base of the old ordinance have to book these courses via the foundation modules (with -DRL ending).
FS 19Title (Credits) | Time & Place | Instructor |
Algebraic Topology II (3) | We, 10.15-12.00ETH ML F 36Fr, 13.15-15.00ETH HG G 3 | Biran |
Algebraische Geometrie II (2) | Mo, 10.15-12.00Y27H28Tu, 10.15-12.00Y27H28 | Ayoub |
Calculus of Variations (3) | Mo, 10.15-12.00ETH HG G 43We, 10.15-12.00ETH HG G 43 | Struwe |
Causality (2) | We, 10.15-12.00ETH HG E 3 | |
Codierungstheorie (9) | Mo, 10.15-12.00Y27H12Mo, 13.00-14.45Y27H28Th, 10.15-12.00Y27H12Th, 13.00-14.45Y23G04 | Rosenthal |
Combinatorial Optimization (2) | Th, 16.15-18.00ETH HG D 1.2Th, 16.15-18.00ETH HG G 19.1 | Zenklusen |
Combinatorial Optimization (U) () | Mo, 14.15-15.00ETH HG E 1.2 | Zenklusen |
Computational Methods for Quantitative Finance: PDE Methods (3) | We, 13.15-15.00ETH HG D 1.2Fr, 13.15-14.00ETH HG D 1.2 | Herrmann |
Computational Methods for Quantitative Finance: PDE Methods (U) () | Fr, 14.15-15.00ETH HG D 1.2Fr, 14.15-15.00ETH HG G 5 | Herrmann |
Conformal Field Theory (2) | We, 08.15-10.00ETH HG G 26.5 | Felder |
Data Analytics for Non-Life Insurance Pricing (2) | Tu, 16.15-18.00ETH HG F 5 | Wüthrich |
Differential Geometry II (3) | Mo, 13.15-15.00ETH HG E 1.1Th, 10.15-12.00ETH HG D 1.1 | Merry |
Differential Geometry II (U) () | Fr, 08.15-09.00ETH HG E 1.1Fr, 09.15-10.00ETH HG E 1.1Fr, 10.15-11.00ETH HG E 1.1 | Merry |
Economic Theory of Financial Markets (2) | Mo, 16.15-18.00ETH HG D 7.2 | Wüthrich |
Empirical Process Theory with Applications in Statistics and Machine Learning (2) | Th, 08.15-10.00ETH HG E 5 | Van de Geer |
Entropy in Dynamics () | We, 10.15-12.00Th, 15.15-16.00 | Einsiedler |
Functional Analysis II (3) | Mo, 10.15-12.00ETH HG G 5Th, 13.15-15.00ETH HG G 5 | Einsiedler |
Functional Analysis II (U) () | Mo, 09.15-10.00ETH HG G 26.3Mo, 09.15-10.00ETH HG E 33.3Mo, 09.15-10.00ETH HG F 26.5 | Einsiedler |
Geometric Integer Programming (2) | Th, 13.15-15.00ETH HG G 26.3 | Weismantel |
Geometric Integer Programming (U) () | We, 12.15-13.00ETH HG F 26.3 | Weismantel |
Global aspects of the theory of one-frequency Schrodinger operators (2) | Tu, 15.00-17.00Y27H12 | Avila |
Harmonic Analysis (2) | Mo, 18.00-19.30Y27H25Tu, 08.15-10.00Y27H46We, 13.00-14.45Y27H46 | Gorodnik |
High dimensionality and h principle in fluid dynamics (1) | Mo&Tue, 10-12h, Wed, 9-13h, room Y27-H-46 | De Lellis |
Introduction to Knot Theory (2) | Tu, 15.00-17.00Y27H28We, 14.00-14.45Y27H28 | Putyra |
Introduction to p-adic numbers () | We, 15.00-17.00Y27H12 | David |
Introduction to the Geometry of Surfaces () | We, 10.15-12.00Y27H25Fr, 13.00-14.45Y27H25Fr, 15.00-17.00Y27H25 | Ulcigrai |
Mathematical Methods in Data Science (2) | We, 10.15-12.00Y27H12 | Genovese |
Mathematics of (Super-Resolution) Biomedical Imaging (3) | Mo, 09.15-11.00ETH HG E 22Th, 13.15-15.00ETH HG E 22 | Ammari |
Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic PDEs (3) | Mo, 13.15-15.00ETH HG F 26.5Tu, 15.15-17.00ETH HG E 5 | Mishra |
Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic PDEs (U) () | Mo, 15.15-18.00ETH HG F 26.5 | Mishra |
Plane algebraic curves (3) | Mo, 15.00-17.00Y27H25We, 08.00-09.45Y27H25We, 17.15-19.00Y27H35/36 | Park |
Quantitative Risk Management (2) | Th, 10.15-12.00 | Cheridito |
Quantitative Risk Management (U) () | Th, 12.15-13.00 | Cheridito |
Random combinatorial structures (2) | Mo, 08.00-09.45Y27H25Fr, 10.15-12.00Y27H25 | Féray |
Representation Theory of Lie Groups (3) | Tu, 10.15-12.00ETH HG E 33.1Th, 08.15-10.00ETH HG G 5 | Nelson |
Seminar: Introduction to p-adic numbers () | We, 15.00-17.00Y27H46 | David |
Spectral and Dynamical Aspects of the Theory of Quasi-Periodic Schrödinger Operators (2) | Tu, 10.15-12.00ETH HG G 43 | |
Spin Geometry (3) | We, 15.00-18.00Y27H46 | Wernli |
Stochastic Loss Reserving Methods (2) | We, 16.15-18.00ETH HG D 3.2 | Dahms |
Survival Analysis () | Hothorn | |
Survival Analysis (1) | Di 9-11, erste Semesterhälfte, Raum: Y23-G-04Do 11-12, erste Semesterhälfte, Raum: Y23-G-04 | Hothorn |
The Euler equations as a differential inclusion (1) | Mo-Fr, 10-12h, room Y27-H-46 | De Lellis |
Topics in Partial Differential Equations (2) | Fr, 10.15-12.00ETH HG E 1.2 | Figalli |
Additional Courses: see semester program of ETH and UZH
© 2024 ZGSMJun 10, 2024 Contact: info@zgsm.ch
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