ZyXEL Routers - Login IPs And Default Usernames & Passwords

Which ZyXEL model do you have?

echo 'Select your device'; PK5001Z (CenturyLink) 641 ADSL642R660660H-61660R-61C 401373AC240ADSL ROUTERSAG-120AG-220AG-320AMG-1312-T10DAMG1202AMG1202-T10AAMG1202-T10AAMG1202-T10BAMG1202-T10BAMG1302-T10AAMG1302-T10AAMG1302-T10BAMG1302-T10DAMG1302-T11CAMG1312-T10BAMG1312-T10BArmor X1 (WAP6806)Armor X1 (WAP6806)ARMOR Z2B-4000B-620BRG-35503C1000C1000ZC1000ZC1100ZCable modemsCDA30360D1000 eircomDEL1201-T10AEMG2926 VideotronEMG2926-Q10AEMG2926-Q10AEMG3415-B10AEMG3415-B10AEMG3425-Q10AEMG3425-Q10AEMG6765-Q10AEMG6765-Q10AEQ-660RF1000G-1000G-102G-162G-2000 PlusG-210HG-260G-3000HG-3000HG-470G-560G-560G-570SG-570S v1G-570S v1G-570S v2G-570S v2G-570UG-570UG-600G-620HG-663Generic RoutersHomeSafe 100W (HS-100W)HomeSafe 100W (HS-100W)HS-100WIAD-P2602IPC-2605NISDN Router Prestige 100IHISDN-Router Prestige 1000Keenetic 4Gkeenetic 4g 4G rev BKeenetic 4G rev BKeenetic GigaKeenetic GigaKeenetic Giga IIKeenetic Giga IIKeenetic Giga IIIKeenetic Giga IIIKeenetic Lite IIKeenetic Lite IIKeenetic UltraKeenetic UltraKeenetic Ultra IIKeenetic Ultra IILTE3301LTE3311LTE6100M-102MAX206M2MAX208MMAX208M2WMAX218M2WMWR102MWR102MWR211MWR222MWR222N-611N4100N4100NAS326NBG-318SNBG-318SNBG-334SHNBG-334SHNBG-334WNBG-415NNBG-415NNBG-416NNBG-416NNBG-417NNBG-417NNBG-418NNBG-418N v1NBG-418N v1NBG-418N v2NBG-418N v2NBG-419NNBG-419N v1NBG-419N v1NBG-419N v2NBG-419N v2NBG-420NNBG-4604NBG-460NNBG-510SNBG2105NBG2105NBG318S v2NBG334WNBG334WNBG4104NBG4104NBG4114NBG4115NBG420NNBG420NNBG4604NBG4604NBG460NNBG460NNBG4615NBG4615 v1NBG4615 v1NBG4615 v2NBG4615 v2NBG5615NBG5615NBG5715NBG5715NBG6503NBG6503NBG6515NBG6515NBG6604NBG6604NBG6615NBG6615NBG6616NBG6616NBG6617NBG6617NBG6716NBG6716NBG6815NBG6815NBG6816NBG6816NBG6816 (Armor Z1)NBG6816 (Armor Z1)NBG6817NBG6817NBG6817 (Armor Z2)NBG6817 (Armor Z2)NSA310NSA310SNSA320NSA325NSA325 v2NWA-3160NWA-3160NWA-3163NWA-3166NWA-3550NWA1100NWA1100NWA1100-NNWA1100-NNWA1121-NINWA1123-ACNWA1123-ACNWA1123-AC PRONWA1123-AC SHDNWA1123-NINWA1123-NI v1NWA1123-NI v1NWA1123-NI v2NWA1123-NI v2NWA1300-NJNWA3560-NNWA3560-NNWA5123-ACHDNWA570NNWD-170NNWD-211ANNWD-270NNWD-271NNWD-370NNWD-670SNWD-670SUNWD2105NWD210NNWD2205NWD3105NWD310NNWD6505NWD670NWD670SHNWD672NUP 2601HNP 2602HP 2602HWP 2602HWTP 2602RP 2812HNUP 320WP 324P 330wP 330W EEP 334WTP 335WTP 336MP 660 D1 RoHSP 660 RT 1 v3sP 660H T1P 660H T3P 660HN F1ZP 660HN T1AP 660HW D1P 660HW T1P 660HW T3P 660R D1P 660R ELNKP 660R F1P 660R T1P 660RT2P 660RU T1P 661H D1P 661HNU F1P 661HW D1P 662H D1P 870HN 51bP-1302-T10BP-1302-T10BP-2302RP-2302RLP-2601HN-F1P-2601HN-F1P-2601HN-F3P-2601HN-F3P-2602HP-2602H-D1AP-2602HWP-2602HW-D1AP-2602HWLP-2602HWL-D1AP-2602HWN-D7AP-2602HWN-D7AP-2602HWT-F1P-2602HWT-F3P-2602R-D1AP-2602RL-DP-2608HWLP-2612HNUP-2612HNU-F1F PLDTP-2701RLP-2702RP-2812HNUP-2812HNU-51cP-2812HNU-F1P-2812HNU-F1P-2812HNU-F1 vTP-2812HNU-F3P-2812HNU-F3P-320WP-320WP-320W v3P-320W v3P-330 W EE 4312P-330WP-330W v1P-330W v1P-330W v2P-330W-EEP-334WHP-334WTP-335 PlusP-335UP-6101CP-623P-630-CP-645P-650P-660HP-660H T1v3sP-660H-D1P-660H-D1P-660H-T1P-660H-T1 v2 V3.40P-660h-t1 v2P-660HNP-660HN-51P-660HN-F1AP-660HN-F1ZP-660HN-T1AP-660HN-T1AP-660HN-T1A v2P-660HN-T1A v2P-660HN-T1HP-660HN-T1HP-660HN-T3AP-660HN-T3AP-660HNU-F1P-660HWP-660HW t1P-660HW-61P-660HW-D1P-660HW-D1P-660HW-D1 v2P-660HW-D1 v2P-660HW-D1-v2P-660HW-T1P-660HW-T1 v1P-660HW-T1 v1P-660HW-T1 v2P-660HW-T1 v2P-660HW-T1-v3 eircomP-660HW-T1v3P-660N-T1AP-660RP-660R-61CP-660R-61CP-660R-D1P-660R-F1P-660R-T1P-660R-T1v2P-660RUP-660RU-T1P-660WP-660W-T1 v2P-661HP-661HNU-F1P-661HNU-F3P-661HNU-F3P-661HWP-662HW-D1P-663H-51P-663HN-51P-663HN-51P-663HN-51 FrontierP-791RP-794MP-861HP-870HN-51bP-870HN-51bP-870HN-53bP-870HN-53bP-870HNU-51cP-870HNU-51cP-871P-873HNUP-51BP-873HNUP-51BP-964APRP-964CMP-964CRP-971MP-974P324P660-D1-RoHSP660-RT-1-v3sP660H-T3P660HN-51P660HW-T3P660RT2P8701TP8702Nv2P8802TP8802T2RPK5000ZPK5000Z (Qwest)PK5000Z (Qwest)PK5001Z (CenturyLink)PK5001Z CenturyLinkPLA4201PLA4201 v2PLA4205PLA4215PLA4231PLA4231PLA450PLA5236PLA5236PLA5405PrestigePrestige 660R-61CPrestige 100IHPrestige 128 modem-routerPrestige 2302RPrestige 2602H 61Prestige 2602H 61CPrestige 2602HW 61Prestige 2602HWL 61Prestige 300 seriesPrestige 310Prestige 334Prestige 334WPrestige 334W (P-334W)Prestige 334W (P-334W)Prestige 600Prestige 600HW T1Prestige 623Prestige 623 41Prestige 623MEPrestige 623R A1Prestige 623R T1Prestige 642RPrestige 642RPrestige 643PRESTIGE 645Prestige 645R A1Prestige 645R A2PRESTIGE 650Prestige 650HPrestige 650RPrestige 650R 31Prestige 650R 33Prestige 650R E1Prestige 652Prestige 652H 33PRESTIGE 652HW-31 ADSL ROUTERPrestige 653HWIPrestige 660HPRESTIGE 660HWPrestige 660HW 61Prestige 660HW T1Prestige 660HW T3Prestige 660HW61Prestige 660HW67Prestige 660ME61Prestige 660R 61Prestige 660R 61CPrestige 660R 63 67CPrestige 660R T1PRESTIGE 660R-61CPrestige 660RU T1Prestige 660RU T3Prestige 792HPRESTIGE 900Prestige 960Prestige 964Prestige 964PRESTIGE P660HWPrestige-960RP314SBT-2112TSBT-2112TSHG222SP 660Switch ES-2108-Gtm6941gVFG6005VFG6005VFG6005NVFG6005NVMG1312VMG1312-B10AVMG1312-B10AVMG1312-B10BVMG1312-B10DVMG1312-B30AVMG3312-B10BVMG3312-B10BVMG3326-D20AVMG3625-T20AVMG3925VMG3925-B10BVMG3925-B10BVMG3926 B10AVMG3926-B10AVMG4325-B10AVMG4380-B10AVMG4380-B10AVMG4381VMG4381-B10AVMG4825VMG8324 B10AVMG8324-B10AVMG8924 B10AVMG8924-B10AVMG8924-B30AVMG8924-B30DVSG1432 GenericVSG1432 Telus ADSLVSG1432-B101VSG1432-TelusVSG1435WAC6303D-SWAC6502WAC6502D-SWAC6502D-SWAH7003WAH7130WAH7706WAP3205WAP3205WAP3205 1.2.WAP3205 v2WAP5605WAP5605WAP5805WAP5805WAP6804WAP6806WAP6806 (Armor X1)WAP6806 (Armor X1)WAP6906WAP6906WM5204ZWRE2205WRE2205WRE2206WRE6505WRE6606WRE6606WSQ50X 550X-550X-550X-550NX-550NHX150NX150NX550NX650X650XtremeMIMO M-202ZYAIR 4000ZyAIR AG-225HZyAIR AG-620ZyAIR B 2000ZyAIR B-120ZyAIR B-122ZyAIR B-220ZyAIR B-320ZyAIR B-4000ZyAIR B-4000ZyAIR B-420ZyAIR B-420ZyAIR B-500ZyAIR B-500ZyAIR G 2000ZyAIR G 2000 PlusZyAIR G-1000ZyAIR G-1000ZyAIR G-110ZyAIR G-120ZyAIR G-200v2ZyAIR G-202ZyAIR G-220ZyAIR G-220FZyAIR G-270SZyAIR G-405ZyAIR G-405ZyAIR G-620ZyAIR-G-2000-Plus-v2ZywallZyWall 1ZyWall 10ZyWall 100ZyWALL 110ZyWall 2ZyWall 2WEZyWALL 2WGZyWALL 2WGZyWALL 35ZyWall 5 UTMZywall 70ZyWALL Series Prestige 660R-61CZyWALL Z 70 UTMZyWALL-2ZyWALL-USG50ZyWALL-Z-70-UTMZyxel AMG-1312-T10D

To get access to every router of ZyXEL (e.g. NBG-318S ,P-660H-D1 or Keenetic Giga II ), you need the IP of your router, the username and router password. You can find these information in ZyXEL router manuals. But if you do not have the manual for your router or you do not want to read the whole manual to find the default login information then you can use the quick guide below.

ZyXEL Router Login Guide

  • Open your internet browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Opera or Internet Explorer)
  • Type (the most common IP for ZyXEL routers) in the address bar of your web browser to access the router's web-based user interface. Alternatively you can type the following URL in the address bar: http://myrouter
  • You should see 2 text fields where you can enter a username and a password.
  • The default username for your ZyXEL router is admin.The default password is 1234.
  • Enter the username & password, hit "Enter" and now you should see the control panel of your router.

If above login credentials doesn't work then try this method

If these steps doesn't work for you and you still can't login to your router then there's another method. You know the model name/ID of your ZyXEL router? Great! Just select your device from the box below and you will be redirected to our guide especially for your device that includes a user manual.

Which model do you have?

echo 'Select your device'; PK5001Z (CenturyLink) 641 ADSL642R660660H-61660R-61C 401373AC240ADSL ROUTERSAG-120AG-220AG-320AMG-1312-T10DAMG1202AMG1202-T10AAMG1202-T10AAMG1202-T10BAMG1202-T10BAMG1302-T10AAMG1302-T10AAMG1302-T10BAMG1302-T10DAMG1302-T11CAMG1312-T10BAMG1312-T10BArmor X1 (WAP6806)Armor X1 (WAP6806)ARMOR Z2B-4000B-620BRG-35503C1000C1000ZC1000ZC1100ZCable modemsCDA30360D1000 eircomDEL1201-T10AEMG2926 VideotronEMG2926-Q10AEMG2926-Q10AEMG3415-B10AEMG3415-B10AEMG3425-Q10AEMG3425-Q10AEMG6765-Q10AEMG6765-Q10AEQ-660RF1000G-1000G-102G-162G-2000 PlusG-210HG-260G-3000HG-3000HG-470G-560G-560G-570SG-570S v1G-570S v1G-570S v2G-570S v2G-570UG-570UG-600G-620HG-663Generic RoutersHomeSafe 100W (HS-100W)HomeSafe 100W (HS-100W)HS-100WIAD-P2602IPC-2605NISDN Router Prestige 100IHISDN-Router Prestige 1000Keenetic 4Gkeenetic 4g 4G rev BKeenetic 4G rev BKeenetic GigaKeenetic GigaKeenetic Giga IIKeenetic Giga IIKeenetic Giga IIIKeenetic Giga IIIKeenetic Lite IIKeenetic Lite IIKeenetic UltraKeenetic UltraKeenetic Ultra IIKeenetic Ultra IILTE3301LTE3311LTE6100M-102MAX206M2MAX208MMAX208M2WMAX218M2WMWR102MWR102MWR211MWR222MWR222N-611N4100N4100NAS326NBG-318SNBG-318SNBG-334SHNBG-334SHNBG-334WNBG-415NNBG-415NNBG-416NNBG-416NNBG-417NNBG-417NNBG-418NNBG-418N v1NBG-418N v1NBG-418N v2NBG-418N v2NBG-419NNBG-419N v1NBG-419N v1NBG-419N v2NBG-419N v2NBG-420NNBG-4604NBG-460NNBG-510SNBG2105NBG2105NBG318S v2NBG334WNBG334WNBG4104NBG4104NBG4114NBG4115NBG420NNBG420NNBG4604NBG4604NBG460NNBG460NNBG4615NBG4615 v1NBG4615 v1NBG4615 v2NBG4615 v2NBG5615NBG5615NBG5715NBG5715NBG6503NBG6503NBG6515NBG6515NBG6604NBG6604NBG6615NBG6615NBG6616NBG6616NBG6617NBG6617NBG6716NBG6716NBG6815NBG6815NBG6816NBG6816NBG6816 (Armor Z1)NBG6816 (Armor Z1)NBG6817NBG6817NBG6817 (Armor Z2)NBG6817 (Armor Z2)NSA310NSA310SNSA320NSA325NSA325 v2NWA-3160NWA-3160NWA-3163NWA-3166NWA-3550NWA1100NWA1100NWA1100-NNWA1100-NNWA1121-NINWA1123-ACNWA1123-ACNWA1123-AC PRONWA1123-AC SHDNWA1123-NINWA1123-NI v1NWA1123-NI v1NWA1123-NI v2NWA1123-NI v2NWA1300-NJNWA3560-NNWA3560-NNWA5123-ACHDNWA570NNWD-170NNWD-211ANNWD-270NNWD-271NNWD-370NNWD-670SNWD-670SUNWD2105NWD210NNWD2205NWD3105NWD310NNWD6505NWD670NWD670SHNWD672NUP 2601HNP 2602HP 2602HWP 2602HWTP 2602RP 2812HNUP 320WP 324P 330wP 330W EEP 334WTP 335WTP 336MP 660 D1 RoHSP 660 RT 1 v3sP 660H T1P 660H T3P 660HN F1ZP 660HN T1AP 660HW D1P 660HW T1P 660HW T3P 660R D1P 660R ELNKP 660R F1P 660R T1P 660RT2P 660RU T1P 661H D1P 661HNU F1P 661HW D1P 662H D1P 870HN 51bP-1302-T10BP-1302-T10BP-2302RP-2302RLP-2601HN-F1P-2601HN-F1P-2601HN-F3P-2601HN-F3P-2602HP-2602H-D1AP-2602HWP-2602HW-D1AP-2602HWLP-2602HWL-D1AP-2602HWN-D7AP-2602HWN-D7AP-2602HWT-F1P-2602HWT-F3P-2602R-D1AP-2602RL-DP-2608HWLP-2612HNUP-2612HNU-F1F PLDTP-2701RLP-2702RP-2812HNUP-2812HNU-51cP-2812HNU-F1P-2812HNU-F1P-2812HNU-F1 vTP-2812HNU-F3P-2812HNU-F3P-320WP-320WP-320W v3P-320W v3P-330 W EE 4312P-330WP-330W v1P-330W v1P-330W v2P-330W-EEP-334WHP-334WTP-335 PlusP-335UP-6101CP-623P-630-CP-645P-650P-660HP-660H T1v3sP-660H-D1P-660H-D1P-660H-T1P-660H-T1 v2 V3.40P-660h-t1 v2P-660HNP-660HN-51P-660HN-F1AP-660HN-F1ZP-660HN-T1AP-660HN-T1AP-660HN-T1A v2P-660HN-T1A v2P-660HN-T1HP-660HN-T1HP-660HN-T3AP-660HN-T3AP-660HNU-F1P-660HWP-660HW t1P-660HW-61P-660HW-D1P-660HW-D1P-660HW-D1 v2P-660HW-D1 v2P-660HW-D1-v2P-660HW-T1P-660HW-T1 v1P-660HW-T1 v1P-660HW-T1 v2P-660HW-T1 v2P-660HW-T1-v3 eircomP-660HW-T1v3P-660N-T1AP-660RP-660R-61CP-660R-61CP-660R-D1P-660R-F1P-660R-T1P-660R-T1v2P-660RUP-660RU-T1P-660WP-660W-T1 v2P-661HP-661HNU-F1P-661HNU-F3P-661HNU-F3P-661HWP-662HW-D1P-663H-51P-663HN-51P-663HN-51P-663HN-51 FrontierP-791RP-794MP-861HP-870HN-51bP-870HN-51bP-870HN-53bP-870HN-53bP-870HNU-51cP-870HNU-51cP-871P-873HNUP-51BP-873HNUP-51BP-964APRP-964CMP-964CRP-971MP-974P324P660-D1-RoHSP660-RT-1-v3sP660H-T3P660HN-51P660HW-T3P660RT2P8701TP8702Nv2P8802TP8802T2RPK5000ZPK5000Z (Qwest)PK5000Z (Qwest)PK5001Z (CenturyLink)PK5001Z CenturyLinkPLA4201PLA4201 v2PLA4205PLA4215PLA4231PLA4231PLA450PLA5236PLA5236PLA5405PrestigePrestige 660R-61CPrestige 100IHPrestige 128 modem-routerPrestige 2302RPrestige 2602H 61Prestige 2602H 61CPrestige 2602HW 61Prestige 2602HWL 61Prestige 300 seriesPrestige 310Prestige 334Prestige 334WPrestige 334W (P-334W)Prestige 334W (P-334W)Prestige 600Prestige 600HW T1Prestige 623Prestige 623 41Prestige 623MEPrestige 623R A1Prestige 623R T1Prestige 642RPrestige 642RPrestige 643PRESTIGE 645Prestige 645R A1Prestige 645R A2PRESTIGE 650Prestige 650HPrestige 650RPrestige 650R 31Prestige 650R 33Prestige 650R E1Prestige 652Prestige 652H 33PRESTIGE 652HW-31 ADSL ROUTERPrestige 653HWIPrestige 660HPRESTIGE 660HWPrestige 660HW 61Prestige 660HW T1Prestige 660HW T3Prestige 660HW61Prestige 660HW67Prestige 660ME61Prestige 660R 61Prestige 660R 61CPrestige 660R 63 67CPrestige 660R T1PRESTIGE 660R-61CPrestige 660RU T1Prestige 660RU T3Prestige 792HPRESTIGE 900Prestige 960Prestige 964Prestige 964PRESTIGE P660HWPrestige-960RP314SBT-2112TSBT-2112TSHG222SP 660Switch ES-2108-Gtm6941gVFG6005VFG6005VFG6005NVFG6005NVMG1312VMG1312-B10AVMG1312-B10AVMG1312-B10BVMG1312-B10DVMG1312-B30AVMG3312-B10BVMG3312-B10BVMG3326-D20AVMG3625-T20AVMG3925VMG3925-B10BVMG3925-B10BVMG3926 B10AVMG3926-B10AVMG4325-B10AVMG4380-B10AVMG4380-B10AVMG4381VMG4381-B10AVMG4825VMG8324 B10AVMG8324-B10AVMG8924 B10AVMG8924-B10AVMG8924-B30AVMG8924-B30DVSG1432 GenericVSG1432 Telus ADSLVSG1432-B101VSG1432-TelusVSG1435WAC6303D-SWAC6502WAC6502D-SWAC6502D-SWAH7003WAH7130WAH7706WAP3205WAP3205WAP3205 1.2.WAP3205 v2WAP5605WAP5605WAP5805WAP5805WAP6804WAP6806WAP6806 (Armor X1)WAP6806 (Armor X1)WAP6906WAP6906WM5204ZWRE2205WRE2205WRE2206WRE6505WRE6606WRE6606WSQ50X 550X-550X-550X-550NX-550NHX150NX150NX550NX650X650XtremeMIMO M-202ZYAIR 4000ZyAIR AG-225HZyAIR AG-620ZyAIR B 2000ZyAIR B-120ZyAIR B-122ZyAIR B-220ZyAIR B-320ZyAIR B-4000ZyAIR B-4000ZyAIR B-420ZyAIR B-420ZyAIR B-500ZyAIR B-500ZyAIR G 2000ZyAIR G 2000 PlusZyAIR G-1000ZyAIR G-1000ZyAIR G-110ZyAIR G-120ZyAIR G-200v2ZyAIR G-202ZyAIR G-220ZyAIR G-220FZyAIR G-270SZyAIR G-405ZyAIR G-405ZyAIR G-620ZyAIR-G-2000-Plus-v2ZywallZyWall 1ZyWall 10ZyWall 100ZyWALL 110ZyWall 2ZyWall 2WEZyWALL 2WGZyWALL 2WGZyWALL 35ZyWall 5 UTMZywall 70ZyWALL Series Prestige 660R-61CZyWALL Z 70 UTMZyWALL-2ZyWALL-USG50ZyWALL-Z-70-UTMZyxel AMG-1312-T10D

Try different ID/password combinations that are widely used by ZyXEL that you'll find below.

Default username & password combinations for ZyXEL routers

In the list below you will see the most popular default username and password combinations used by ZyXEL. Sometimes the username and password doesn't work that we mentioned in the top of this guide. Then you can try these username/password combinations below to get access to your wireless router.

# Username Password
15on sticker under the routeron sticker under the router
19on bottom of routeron bottom of router
21adminPrinted on Router Label
22adminlast 4 of routers mac address
24Printed on Routers LabelPrinted on Routers Label
25admin 'randomly generated'
28adminrandomly generated

Default login IPs for my ZyXEL router

Sometimes you need your router web interface IP address to change security settings. Most people don't know their router IP address. Most times you'll find this IP on the bottom or back of your router device. But if you are not able to find this IP on your router or in the user manual then you can try some methods to get the router I. In the list below we listed all known router IPs for the manufacturer ZyXEL.

# Default Router IP
6acquired via DHCP

Alternative Login URLs for my ZyXEL router

Most routers are accessible only by their default IP. But some are available by an default URL as well. This is very useful if you don't know your default router gateway.

# Alternative Router URL Gateway

List of ZyXEL Router Manuals

PK5001Z (CenturyLink) - Manual AG-220 - Manual AG-320 - Manual AMG-1312-T10D - Manual AMG1202-T10A - Manual AMG1202-T10A - Manual AMG1202-T10B - Manual AMG1202-T10B - Manual - Datasheet AMG1302-T10A - Manual AMG1302-T10A - Manual AMG1302-T10B - Manual - Datasheet AMG1302-T10D - Manual AMG1302-T11C - Manual - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet AMG1312-T10B - Manual - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet AMG1312-T10B - Manual Armor X1 (WAP6806) - Manual Armor X1 (WAP6806) - Manual ARMOR Z2 - Manual - Quick Install Guide B-620 - Manual C1000 - Manual C1000Z - Manual C1000Z - Manual EMG2926-Q10A - Manual EMG2926-Q10A - Manual EMG3425-Q10A - Manual EMG3425-Q10A - Manual EMG6765-Q10A - Manual F1000 - Manual G-102 - Manual G-2000 Plus - Quick Install Guide G-260 - Manual G-3000H - Manual G-3000H - Manual G-470 - Manual G-570S - Manual G-570S v1 - Manual G-570S v1 - Manual G-570S v2 - Manual G-570S v2 - Manual G-570U - Manual G-570U - Manual G-600 - Manual G-620H - Manual HomeSafe 100W (HS-100W) - Manual HomeSafe 100W (HS-100W) - Manual IPC-2605N - Manual Keenetic Lite II - Manual LTE3301 - Manual - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet LTE3311 - Manual - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet M-102 - Manual MAX208M - Manual - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet MAX208M2W - Manual - Quick Install Guide MAX218M2W - Manual - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet MWR102 - Manual - Datasheet MWR102 - Manual MWR222 - Manual MWR222 - Manual - Datasheet N-611 - Manual N4100 - Manual N4100 - Manual - Datasheet NBG-318S - Manual NBG-318S - Manual NBG-334SH - Manual NBG-334SH - Manual NBG-415N - Manual NBG-416N - Manual NBG-416N - Manual - Datasheet NBG-417N - Manual NBG-417N - Manual - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet NBG-418N - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet NBG-418N v1 - Manual NBG-418N v1 - Manual NBG-418N v2 - Manual NBG-418N v2 - Manual NBG-419N v1 - Manual NBG-419N v1 - Manual NBG-419N v2 - Manual NBG-419N v2 - Manual NBG-420N - Quick Install Guide NBG-460N - Manual - Datasheet NBG2105 - Manual - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet NBG2105 - Manual NBG318S v2 - Manual NBG334W - Manual NBG334W - Manual - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet NBG4104 - Manual NBG4104 - Manual NBG4114 - Manual NBG4115 - Datasheet NBG420N - Manual NBG420N - Manual NBG4604 - Manual - Quick Install Guide NBG4604 - Manual NBG460N - Manual NBG460N - Manual NBG4615 - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet NBG4615 v1 - Manual NBG4615 v1 - Manual NBG4615 v2 - Manual - Quick Install Guide NBG4615 v2 - Manual NBG5615 - Manual NBG5615 - Manual - Datasheet NBG5715 - Manual NBG5715 - Manual - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet NBG6503 - Manual NBG6503 - Manual - Datasheet NBG6515 - Manual NBG6515 - Manual - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet NBG6604 - Manual - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet NBG6604 - Manual NBG6616 - Manual - Datasheet NBG6616 - Manual NBG6617 - Manual NBG6617 - Manual - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet NBG6716 - Manual NBG6716 - Manual - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet NBG6815 - Manual NBG6815 - Manual NBG6816 - Manual - Quick Install Guide NBG6816 - Manual NBG6816 (Armor Z1) - Manual NBG6816 (Armor Z1) - Manual NBG6817 - Manual NBG6817 - Manual NBG6817 (Armor Z2) - Manual NBG6817 (Armor Z2) - Manual NWA-3160 - Manual NWA-3160 - Manual NWA-3550 - Manual NWA1100 - Manual NWA1100 - Manual - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet NWA1100-N - Manual NWA1100-N - Manual NWA1121-NI - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet NWA1123-AC - Manual NWA1123-AC - Manual NWA1123-AC PRO - Manual NWA1123-AC SHD - Manual NWA1123-NI - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet NWA1123-NI v1 - Manual NWA1123-NI v1 - Manual NWA1123-NI v2 - Manual NWA1123-NI v2 - Manual NWA1300-NJ - Datasheet NWA3560-N - Manual NWA5123-ACHD - Manual NWD-170N - Manual NWD-211AN - Manual NWD-270N - Manual NWD-370N - Manual NWD-670S - Manual NWD-670SU - Manual NWD2105 - Manual NWD210N - Manual NWD2205 - Manual NWD310N - Manual NWD670 - Manual NWD672NU - Manual P-1302-T10B - Manual P-1302-T10B - Manual P-2601HN-F1 - Manual - Datasheet P-2602H-D1A - Manual P-2602HWT-F1 - Manual P-2602HWT-F3 - Manual P-2602RL-D - Quick Install Guide P-2612HNU - Datasheet P-2612HNU-F1F PLDT - Manual P-2701RL - Manual - Datasheet P-2702R - Manual - Datasheet P-2812HNU-51c - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet P-2812HNU-F1 - Manual P-2812HNU-F3 - Manual P-320W - Manual P-320W - Manual P-320W v3 - Manual P-330W - Manual P-330W v1 - Manual P-330W v1 - Manual P-330W v2 - Manual P-334WH - Manual P-334WT - Manual P-335 Plus - Quick Install Guide P-335U - Manual - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet P-6101C - Manual P-623 - Quick Install Guide P-660HN - Manual P-660HN-F1A - Manual - Datasheet P-660HN-T1A - Manual P-660HN-T1A - Manual P-660HN-T1A v2 - Manual P-660HN-T1H - Manual P-660HN-T1H - Manual - Datasheet P-660HN-T3A - Manual P-660HN-T3A - Manual - Datasheet P-660HNU-F1 - Datasheet P-660HW - Datasheet P-660HW-D1 - Manual P-660HW-D1 - Manual P-660HW-D1 v2 - Manual P-660HW-D1 v2 - Manual P-660HW-D1-v2 - Manual P-660HW-T1 - Manual P-660HW-T1 v1 - Manual P-660HW-T1 v1 - Manual P-660HW-T1 v2 - Manual P-660HW-T1 v2 - Manual P-660HW-T1-v3 eircom - Manual P-660HW-T1v3 - Manual P-660N-T1A - Manual - Datasheet P-660R-D1 - Manual P-660R-T1 - Manual P-660R-T1v2 - Manual P-660RU - Manual - Quick Install Guide P-660W-T1 v2 - Manual P-661H - Manual - Datasheet P-661HNU-F1 - Manual P-661HW - Quick Install Guide P-662HW-D1 - Quick Install Guide P-663H-51 - Datasheet P-663HN-51 - Manual P-663HN-51 - Manual - Quick Install Guide P-663HN-51 Frontier - Manual P-791R - Manual P-870HN-51b - Manual P-870HN-51b - Manual - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet P-870HN-53b - Manual P-870HNU-51c - Manual P-873HNUP-51B - Manual P-873HNUP-51B - Manual P324 - Manual P660-RT-1-v3s - Manual P660H-T3 - Manual P660HN-51 - Manual - Datasheet P660HW-T3 - Manual P8701T - Manual PK5000Z (Qwest) - Manual PK5000Z (Qwest) - Manual PK5001Z (CenturyLink) - Manual PLA4231 - Manual PLA4231 - Manual PLA450 - Manual - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet PLA5236 - Manual PLA5236 - Manual Prestige 310 - Manual Prestige 334W (P-334W) - Manual Prestige 334W (P-334W) - Manual Prestige 964 - Manual Prestige 964 - Manual Prestige-960 - Manual VFG6005N - Manual VFG6005N - Manual VMG1312 - Manual VMG1312-B10A - Manual VMG1312-B10A - Manual VMG1312-B10D - Manual VMG1312-B30A - Manual VMG3625-T20A - Manual - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet VMG3925 - Manual - Datasheet VMG3925-B10B - Manual VMG3926-B10A - Manual VMG4325-B10A - Manual VMG4380-B10A - Manual VMG4380-B10A - Manual VMG4381 - Datasheet VMG4381-B10A - Manual VMG4825 - Datasheet VMG8324-B10A - Manual VMG8924-B10A - Manual VMG8924-B30D - Manual VSG1432-B101 - Manual - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet WAC6502 - Manual WAC6502D-S - Manual WAC6502D-S - Manual WAH7003 - Manual - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet WAH7706 - Manual - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet WAP3205 - Manual - Quick Install Guide WAP3205 - Manual WAP3205 v2 - Quick Install Guide WAP5605 - Manual - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet WAP5605 - Manual WAP5805 - Manual WAP5805 - Manual - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet WAP6806 - Manual - Quick Install Guide WAP6806 (Armor X1) - Manual WAP6806 (Armor X1) - Manual WM5204Z - Manual WRE2205 - Manual WRE2205 - Manual - Datasheet WRE2206 - Manual - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet WRE6505 - Manual - Datasheet WRE6606 - Manual - Quick Install Guide - Datasheet WRE6606 - Manual WSQ50 - Manual X-550 - Manual X150N - Manual X150N - Manual X650 - Manual X650 - Manual XtremeMIMO M-202 - Manual ZyAIR AG-225H - Manual ZyAIR AG-620 - Manual ZyAIR B-120 - Manual ZyAIR B-320 - Manual ZyAIR B-4000 - Manual ZyAIR B-4000 - Manual ZyAIR B-500 - Manual ZyAIR B-500 - Manual ZyAIR G-1000 - Manual ZyAIR G-1000 - Manual ZyAIR G-220 - Manual ZyAIR G-270S - Manual ZyAIR G-405 - Manual ZyAIR G-405 - Manual ZyAIR G-620 - Manual ZyAIR-G-2000-Plus-v2 - Manual ZyWALL 110 - Manual ZyWALL 2WG - Manual ZyWALL 2WG - Manual ZyWALL-2 - Manual ZyWALL-USG50 - Manual ZyWALL-Z-70-UTM - Manual

Nothing of the methods above worked for me!

All you need to do is to reset your modem. This can be done easily by clicking on the reset button at the back or at the bottom of your router. If you hold down this small button for approximately 20 seconds, (you may have to use a toothpick), then your modem will get restored to the factory settings. What you need to keep in mind is that when you reset your modem, you will lose your connection online. It is therefore better to take an expert's assistance in this regard. Note: If you have not enough information, it is obviously recommended that you should get help from a person who has all the knowledge about this topic.

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