A Whole Range/series/variety Etc (of Something) - Longman Dictionary

English English English - Japanese English - Korean English - Spanish Japanese - English Spanish - English English English - Japanese English - Korean English - Spanish Japanese - English Spanish - English English 日本語 Español latino 한국어 a whole range/series/variety etc (of something) From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englisha whole range/series/variety etc (of something)a whole range/series/variety etc (of something)LOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNTused to emphasize that there are a lot of things of a similar type  There are a whole range of sizes to choose from. wholeExamples from the Corpusa whole range/series/variety etc (of something)A regular newsletter keeps people in touch and a whole series of social events are undertaken.Exercise, in addition to good nutrition, can guard against a whole range of serious ailments.I think it is going into your subconscious and picking up a whole series of signals.It is practical activity that is important; the handling of a whole range of materials.Knitters can choose from a whole range of techniques and their selection will be put on to a video, exclusive to them.Parks provide space for a whole range of events, from steam rallies to horse shows.Since then he had survived a whole series of setbacks. Quizzes Quizzes
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