"Born That Way" Nghĩa Là Gì? - Journey In Life

"Born that way" nghĩa là gì? - Theo dõi journeyinlife.net trên Bạn là chính bạn và hãy tự tin vì điều đó. Photo by ALLAN FRANCA CARMO from Pexels "Be born this/that way" hoặc "be made this/that way" nghĩa là vốn dĩ sinh ra đã như vậy, trời sinh ra vậy. Ví dụ She wasn't born that way, she was definitely made. She is exactly like our father. If you are ugIy you are ugly bc you were born that way, not bc of your race, it’s just your face! You can't be become gay if you were not born that way, it's not a choice it's like the colour of your skin you don't have any say in it. Some ppl turn sad awfully young. No special reason, it seems, but they seem almost to b born that way. They hurt easier, tire faster, cry quicker, remember longer & as I say, get sadder younger than anyone else in the world. I'm one of them. Bài trước: "In all my born days" nghĩa là gì? Tags: phraseVũ Thu Phương Bài viết liên quan


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