13 thg 8, 2006 · I have both. The DC-2 sounds sounds smoother, but the DC-3 has a sharpness that cuts a little better when playing with a band. Dimension Chorus Options: DC-2, DC-3, or L6? - Harmony Central Talk to me about the Boss DC-3 Digital Space-D ... - Harmony Central boss digital dimension ???? - Effects and Processors Boss CH1 the best low cost chorus? - Harmony Central Các kết quả khác từ www.harmonycentral.com
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4 thg 7, 2006 · It's no contest, get the DC-2, the DC-3 is digital and nowhere as warm sounding as the DC-2. I have both and the DC-2 is never to far away. Boss DC-3 What is it, really? - The Gear Page Which chorus - Boss CE-2(W) or Boss DC-2(W)? - The Gear Page Boss DC-3 vs CE-5 | The Gear Page Chorus Effect On Those 90's Country Recordings | Page 2 Các kết quả khác từ www.thegearpage.net
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Thời lượng: 8:41 Đã đăng: 29 thg 4, 2018 VIDEO
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22 thg 12, 2004 · I prefer the DC-2, which I recently found out is an analog pedal. The DC-3 can get some cool sounds, but the simplicity and tone of the 2 are ...
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29 thg 12, 2011 · The DC3 (I've had 2 of these) although offers more flexibility, I found it better on other instruments rather than bass as it widens the stereo ...
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16 thg 4, 2017 · As for the DC-2 > DC-3 status wise topic: I can totally relate to the simplicity of the DC-2. ... How does this sound compared to the DC-2? [NPD] Boss DC-2, HM-2, DD-3, CH-1 : r/guitarpedals - Reddit I found this cool/weird old chorus at the guitar shop so I had to buy it NPD DC-3 and Chorus Thoughts : r/guitarpedals - Reddit What's the verdict been so far on the Boss DC2w? : r/guitarpedals Các kết quả khác từ www.reddit.com
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The DC-3 is the successor of the Dimension C (DC-2) pedal but it's still quite different. The DC-3 is a digital device while the DC-2 was an analog pedal.
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Boss DC-2 vs. DC-3 - Effects and Processors - Harmony Central; What is the difference between Category DC-1 & Category DC-3? Douglas DC-2 - DC-3 Dakota ...
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The Boss DC-3 is not an analog pedal. Which the Boss Dc-2 was all analog. This is a digital platform and the tone is much different. The tone of this one is ...
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The DC-3 doesn't have the presets of the DC-2 but instead you can adjust the sound with the controls common to the other Boss chorus pedals.
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28 thg 3, 2005 · Has anyone played one of these or drawn a schem? I'm curious if it's really digital, or just a DC-2 with knobs.
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17 thg 7, 2020 · This pedal was the Boss DC-2, otherwise known as the Dimension C, still one of my favorite pedals ever. 44 years ago in 1976 (yep), ... Bị thiếu: dc3 | Phải bao gồm: dc3
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Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Boss Digital Dimension DC-3 chorus at the best online prices at eBay!
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1 thg 1, 2021 · Now for the DC-3, the younger sibling to the very famous DC-2 Dimension C. Both are in the realm of chorus pedals, but the DC-3 is a digital ...
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Bạn đang xem: Top 14+ Boss Dc2 Vs Dc3
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